Huh? An update? Kinda? Sorta? ...Thing?

I think I'm trying to get back into writing. Truth be told, I barely read Hetalia fanfiction anymore. I do really love the Rochu fandom but I've been away for so long. XD

I'm sorry for any of those waiting on my unfinished stories. I have no intention of abandoning them, it's just taking me a lot longer than I expected to get something decent up on Microsoft. I keep getting distracted and this is something I did to try and get back into writing.

Disclaimer: I don't own Axis Powers Hetalia or the countries of Russia and China.

November Beach Affair

Yao allowed to sand to sink into his hair and clothes, knowing it was useless to fight against the small grains the moment he stepped foot in the sand. The waves tickled his bare feet, ebbing up and down his ankles.

It was late in the year to be making a trip to the beach. In many other places, it would be too cold to venture into the water, and frigid winds would require jackets to block them out. Alfred would be complaining that his northern states were freezing while Europe would be dealing with similar chilly weather. While it really depended where in China you were, Yao took November to enjoy the last waves of warmth to pass through his country.

Watching him was Ivan, paying close attention to the way Yao sunk his head into the sand and played with it between his fingers.

It was peaceful, a day with perfect weather and a full shining sun. Yao was struck by the thought of children running down the beach, their small feet smashing up a muddy mix of sandy water and leaving their footprints behind them.

How long had it been since he had done something silly like that?

Yao grabbed a fistful of sand and tilted his head to reach Ivan's eyes. Locking eye contact, he spoke.

"I could throw this sand at you at any moment."

Ivan quirked his head, the words that left Yao's mouth feeling foreign to his ears.

"But you wouldn't."

Ivan took a step towards Yao, staring at the shapes his unbound hair made with the sand.

"It wouldn't be like you."

Yao sighed, breaking eye contact and letting the sand slip through his fingers. It melted back into the ground, joining its brothers to create one large body. Letting his fingers draw patterns in the hills of sand, he watched as it split to make room for his fingers.

Rising, falling, always moving.

"We're like the sand."

"How so?"

"We're constantly changing."