Author's Note: Hey, everybody! I hope you're all having a fabulous week. *sniff* This is the final instalment for this story. It's been one hell of a ride and an amazing fic to write, even though it sort of wasn't my original concept. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter, cheers!

Disclaimer: For the last time, I do not own iCarly in any capacity (but if I did, it would air more regularly on stupid Nick) nor do I own 17 Again.

It took Freddie a comparatively short time to reach Gibby's house, his Audi R-8 glittering in the overhead sunlight as he drove. He reached the driveway and got out of the car, whistling gaily as he walked, an evident spring in his step. He was sporting a pair of dark blue Guess jeans, a black short-sleeved polo shirt, a pair of trendy white Adidas sneakers on his feet and his silver Police sunglasses covering his eyes.

It had been exactly a month since he and Carly had officially rekindled their relationship and Freddie was unrecognisable as the man he used to be. Gone were the slumped shoulders, weary eyes and wrinkles along his forehead. Freddie Benson was finally beginning to resemble some of the vibrant and energetic man he'd always wanted to be, someone who loved his life to the full. By contrast to several months prior, he looked a good deal younger than his actual age.

Ever since his return back to his home, Freddie had began making some drastic changes like hitting the gym more regularly than before. He had always been blessed with a healthy metabolism, and it was beginning to show even more with the evidence of his old muscles slowly returning to his chest and arms. For the first time in a long time, things were finally looking up. A dazzling smile creased Freddie's mouth at the thought.

After knocking on Gibby's front door and getting no response, Freddie dug into his jeans pockets and retrieved the spare key that his best friend had given him months ago when he had first moved in. He opened up the front door and shut it behind him, calling out to his best friend as he ascended the stairwell.

"Gibby! Yo, Gib! Are you here, buddy?" Freddie called out loudly while cupping his hands over his mouth.

Freddie got up to the second floor and heard noises coming from Gibby's bedroom. He frowned in curiosity and stepped cautiously over the threshold. The noises were coming from Gibby's Galaxy Wars cruiser-shaped bed and they sounded like hoarse whispers mixed in with light moans. But all Freddie could make out was grappling motions amidst the red and brown coloured duvet on the bed. Instead of retreating like his instinct would've normally told him to, Freddie decided to break the tension he was feeling by clearing his throat audibly.

Gibby emerged shirtless from the covers with tousled hair and bloodshot eyes. But most surprising of all to Freddie was when Tasha Baxter emerged from beneath the covers too, her brown hair dishevelled and sporting a slinky silken pink lingerie very much of the Victoria's Secret persuasion. Her eyes widened in astonishment, matching Freddie's exact expression down to a tee as he stared back at the two of them.

"Freddie?" Gibby asked blankly.

"Oh my God," Tasha hissed in mortification, covering up her upper body with the rest of the duvet.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to barge in on you, Gibby…Principal Baxter." Freddie apologised meekly.

Now he vaguely recollected Gibby mentioning something over the phone about 'snagging Principal Good Vibes'. But Freddie had been too deliriously happy over him and Carly getting back together that he hadn't really paid attention to what Gibby had been saying. But by the looks of things (and a certain item of expensive lingerie), it seemed evident that Gibby and Tasha's romantic relationship had progressed swimmingly in the space of a month.

"Please call me Tasha. It's ok, don't worry about it…Coach Benson." Tasha replied, hesitating only slightly on the last part of her statement.

"Just 'Freddie' is fine, thanks." Freddie answered politely.

"What brings you by, Freddy-o?" Gibby asked conversationally, once he had gotten over his initial shock at seeing his best friend in his bedroom.

"Actually, I just came over to get the rest of my things out of the guest bedroom." Freddie explained with a jerk of his thumb out the bedroom door.

"Do you need any help with that?" Gibby asked loyally.

"Nah, it's cool. I'll just grab the last of the boxes myself and give you two some privacy." Freddie answered graciously with a grin on his face as he made to leave the room.

"Oh wait, I almost forgot, Freddie. As soon as you and your family get back from your trip over the summer, I'd like you to stop by my office before the semester starts so that I can give you the schedules for basketball practice and for the Multimedia courses you'll be teaching this year." Tasha stated in business-like fashion.

As soon as the summer vacation ended, Freddie would be returning to Ridgeway High. Only this time, he would be returning as a teacher and not as a student. He was going to be working full-time by teaching computer courses to the upper class men as well as helping out by designing an updated version of Ridgeway's official website and the school paper's online website too. As the former tech producer of iCarly, Freddie was in his element at the idea of being able to teach young student about some of passions, which was web design and computer technology.

And in addition to that, he would be taking over from Coach Lennox's position as basketball coach for the Varsity team, which meant that he'd also be involved heavily with the game that he still loved immensely. And he'd be able to spend some quality time with Matt, who would be a senior at the start of the new semester.

"Absolutely. Thank you again for the opportunity." Freddie replied sincerely.

"You're welcome. You came with great references," Tasha declared graciously while throwing Gibby a side-long smile.

"Well, I appreciate it a lot. Am I still seeing the two of you for lunch in an hour before we leave?" Freddie asked conversationally of Gibby and Tasha.

"Absolutely, we'll be there," Gibby responded gaily with one arm around Tasha's shoulder.

"Great, I'd better get going. I'll see you then," Freddie greeted as he made to leave.

"Oh, before you go, I got you a little gift in preparation for your new job. It's in the pedestal drawer next to you." Gibby stated abruptly.

Freddie wordlessly opened the drawer and retrieved a small black box from it. He opened it and was amazed to find a gleaming silver whistle in it.

"Since you gave Matt your basketball key ring, I thought this could be your new lucky charm. Besides, you're gonna need a whistle as Ridgeway's new basketball coach in order to keep those teenage boys in line." Gibby explained casually.

"Don't blow it," he added with a mesh of seriousness and amusement evident in his tone, referring to Freddie's numerous mistakes before this.

Freddie grinned at Gibby, feeling a huge lump developing in his throat at his best friend's thoughtfulness.

"Thanks, man." He replied seriously, giving Gibby a small nod, which the latter returned.

"See you two later for lunch."

"Bye!" Tasha greeted cheerfully with a wave of her hand.

"Love you!" Gibby called out as Freddie bounded down the stairs.

"Love you too!" Freddie called back happily.

Tasha chuckled and kissed Gibby affectionately on the cheek, enjoying the goofy look on her boyfriend's face due to his best friend's unexpected response.

Freddie made it home just in time to start grilling the steaks on the grill he had placed next to the hammock on the wooden deck of the porch. Fixing the hammock had been a piece of cake, but the old grill was another story; it seemed far more feasible to buy a new one in the grand scheme of things. Carly was busy making a salad in the kitchen while Corrie and Matt were in their bedrooms, doing some last-minute packing.

After turning the steaks over with a giant fork, Freddie strolled back into the kitchen where Carly was busy adding some dressing to the salad. With a broad smile on his face, he crept up behind her and enveloped her in a warm hug.

"Looks good," he murmured gently, his lips brushing against Carly's ear.

"Thanks, it's just a simple salad," Carly remarked casually with a wide smile on her face.

"I was talking about my beautiful wife. But I guess the salad looks good too," Freddie teased lightly, causing Carly to giggle softly.

"I swear, that never gets old," Carly mused intimately before turning around in Freddie's arms to face him.

They stood like that for a few seconds with their arms wrapped around each other before they eventually disentangled themselves, content smiles etched onto their faces.

"You all packed and ready to go after lunch?" Freddie asked conversationally.

"Uh huh, you?" Carly asked curiously.

"I've just gotta pack in my camera equipment, then I'm good to go." Freddie answered casually.

"Freddie Benson never leaves home without his camera and a pack of Duracell batteries," Carly teased reminiscently, a mischievous grin on her face.

"Some habits never die I guess," Freddie responded, matching her tone.

"I'm glad. I hope you don't change that particular habit." Carly stated sincerely before planting a gentle kiss on Freddie's lips.

"Well, as long as you like it so much, I won't change." Freddie remarked smoothly, grinning against Carly's lips right before pulling away.

Just then, they heard the sound of Gibby's Gallardo hooting in the driveway.

"That must be Gibby and Tasha," Carly noted, grabbing the salad off of the kitchen counter to take outside.

"I wonder if Sam and Spencer are gonna make it here in time before we leave," she added worriedly while glancing down at her watch.

"Knowing those two, they'll get here just as we're about to go to see us off. I'll go get the door," Freddie offered quickly.

"Kids, we're gonna have lunch in a few minutes! Are you all packed?" Carly called out from the hallway.

"Yeah, Mom!" Matt yelled back from his room.

"Almost, Mom. Just grabbing my make-up kit!" Corrie shouted from the bathroom.

Freddie jogged over to the front door and opened it. Gibby and Tasha were standing on the other side, their arms draped around each other's waists.

"Hey, guys. Come on in," Freddie greeted courteously, stepping aside to let them enter.

"We brought some wine," Tasha stated quickly.

"Thanks, this is great." Freddie beamed, taking the bottle of wine from Tasha.

"Are Sam and Spencer here yet?" Gibby asked conversationally.

"Not yet. Spencer had to stop by a gallery downtown that he's doing an exhibit for in a few days. He's gonna pick Sam up at her place beforehand and they're gonna come here together." Freddie explained.

"Sweet. Where's Carly?" Gibby asked curiously.

"Out on the porch. You guys should see what she's done with the deck in a matter of months. Gibby, you'd barely recognise the backyard from how it used to look…" Freddie replied enthusiastically as he led the two of them through the living room.

Carly was just laying down some cutlery on the patio table when the three adults stepped onto the wooden deck. She beamed widely when she looked up and saw Gibby.

"Well, if it isn't the prettiest teen web-show host I've ever laid eyes on!" Gibby greeted boisterously, his arms opened wide in greeting.

"Hey, Stranger! Where have you been for the past month?" Carly asked eagerly while engulfing Gibby in a warm hug.

"I've been around, not that you would've noticed, since you've been on Cloud 9, Mrs. Benson. Carly, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Tasha. Tasha, this is Carly, one of my oldest friends and Freddie's wife." Gibby introduced happily.

"Hi, it's so nice to finally meet you. Gibby's told me so much about you." Tasha stated gaily, shaking Carly's hand warmly.

"Likewise. I'm so happy to finally meet the woman who's swept Gibby right off of his feet." Carly replied sincerely, smiling broadly at Gibby's girlfriend.

"Should we wait for Sam and Spencer?" Freddie asked curiously of Carly.

"Spencer called earlier and said we should go ahead. He and Sam will be here as soon as they can." Carly responded casually.

"Kids! We're gonna have lunch now!" Freddie bellowed.

"Coming!" Corrie and Matt chorused back in unison.

The kids strolled onto the patio nearly a minute later. They both greeted Gibby with warm hugs and addressed their school principal with polite greetings and smiles before the six of them sat down to lunch together. For the most part, Corrie and Matt rallied through their initial discomfort of having their school principal in their midst and began laughing genuinely at a few of Tasha's jokes, especially the ones aimed at teasing their Uncle Gibby. For his part, Freddie was doing a thoroughly good job of keeping everyone entertained, regaling a few tales from his days at Ridgeway High involving iCarly, particularly stories that poked fun at Sam.

"Sam would beat you into a pulp if she heard that," Carly whispered conspiratorially as she and Freddie loaded the dishes into the dishwasher after lunch was over.

"I can handle Sam," Freddie whispered back smoothly.

Carly raised an appraising eyebrow at this.

"Oh really?" she asked in an amused tone.

"Really," Freddie replied with a confident smirk on his face.

"Who are you and what have you done with my husband?" Carly asked with an admiring smile on her face, encircling Freddie's waist with her hands.

"He's still here. He's just trying to be a better version of himself than he's been lately," Freddie responded somewhat soberly while staring deep into Carly's eyes and placing his hands around her back.

"Well, it sounds to me like he's off to a good start," Carly remarked truthfully before placing a reassuring kiss on his forehead.

Freddie brightened up almost immediately at this.

"I'm glad you feel that way," he murmured gratefully before their lips melded together once more.

Ten minutes later, Gibby and Tasha stood together outside the house in the driveway with the Benson family while they loaded their suitcases into Carly's SUV. They were driving down to Alki Beach located along the Puget Sound. A former colleague of Gibby's had a 3-bedroom beach house there, which he had gladly consented to rent out to Freddie for 2 months during the summer vacation.

Freddie felt like it would be good for the whole family to spend some quality time together before Corrie went off to Stamford in the fall. Plus, it would also give him and Carly some much needed relaxation time to rekindle the spark in their marriage that they'd only just reignited recently. As Freddie and Matt grabbed Carly and Corrie's suitcases to put in the trunk, Spencer drove up the street outside their home on his motorcycle, Sam sitting on the back with her arms around his waist.

"We made it in time!" Spencer called out delightedly as both he and Sam disembarked from the motorcycle.

"We thought we were gonna miss you before you headed out," Sam added breathlessly, having jogged the length of the driveway behind Spencer.

"Well, you caught us just in time. But you kinda missed out on lunch already," Carly replied apologetically.

"Oh man! Don't tell me all the food's gone!" Sam wailed dramatically.

"Relax, Sam. We saved you and Spencer some left-overs, it's in the fridge. Yours is the biggest portion wrapped up in foil." Freddie pointed out knowingly with a look in Sam's direction.

"Very considerate of you, Fredward. Who knew?" Sam questioned.

"Hey, Gibster, what goes on?" Spencer asked brightly while shaking hands enthusiastically with Gibby.

"I'm good, Spencer. It's great to see you. I'd like you and Sam to meet my girlfriend, Tasha. Tasha, this is Spencer, Carly's older brother. And this is Sam, another one of my good friends from Ridgeway." Gibby introduced rapidly with a gesture between the three of them.

"Holy Lucky Street," Spencer marvelled out loud while shaking Tasha's hand eagerly, a manic smile on his face.

"Nice to meet you, Spencer," Tasha greeted pleasantly with a scintillating chuckle.

"Nice to meet you, Sam," she greeted cheerily while shaking Sam's hand briskly too.

Sam goggled unabashedly at Tasha, taking in all of the latter's appearance with appraising eyes.

"You're Gibby's new girlfriend?"Sam spluttered in awe.

"I am," Tasha confirmed with only a slightly raised eyebrow.

"Wow. You're really hot," Sam marvelled in awe.

"Uh, thank you." Tasha replied softly while blushing furiously, causing Freddie and Carly to giggle silently amongst themselves while Gibby grinned approvingly and Spencer continued gazing in amazement at Tasha.

While Spencer began conversing with Gibby and Tasha, Sam took Freddie by the arm and led him towards the patio door where they could talk in private. After explaining the strange tale of 'Felix Gibson' to the kids, Freddie had engaged in a similar conversation with Sam as well a few days afterwards. He had been a little taken aback when Sam hadn't been nearly as surprised as he expected her to be or just laughed outright in his face. But Sam explained that Carly had mentioned some of her own suspicions the day before Matt's basketball game. But they were alone again and Freddie wondered what his oldest and most abrasive friend had to say to him.

"So you're really heading out, huh?" Sam inquired seriously of Freddie.

"Pretty much. I appreciate you coming to see us off, Sam." Freddie responded genially.

Sam shrugged her shoulders in a casual stance.

"I wouldn't have missed this for the world." Sam remarked with a strange glint in her eye.

"You really hurt Carly before," she reminded sternly.

"I know." Freddie replied soberly, bowing his head just a little.

"It's not gonna happen again. I know what I have with her and the kids. And I'm going to do everything in my power to keep them happy from now on." He added firmly, looking Sam straight in the eyes as he spoke.

Sam nodded curtly in response to this.

"I was trying my best to be here for Carly, Corrie and Matt after you moved out a few months ago. But I was kinda an ass to you…both you and 'Felix' and…I'm sorry." Sam apologised abruptly, causing Freddie to goggle in amazement at her.

"You're apologising?" he questioned in bewilderment.

"Please don't make me say it again. I'd have to be an idiot not to see how much Carly loves you…how much she's always loved you. You may be a nub to me, but I know that you love her too. So for both your sakes, I'm gonna give this a try." Sam responded soberly.

"Give what a try?" Freddie asked in confusion, causing Sam to grit her teeth ever so slightly.

"This! Being nice to you more often and not stepping on your toes." Sam explained in frustration.

"Oh. Well, I'd like that a lot, Sam. You're one of my oldest friends; I appreciate you having mine and Carly's back." Freddie stated sincerely with a small smile on his face.

Then to Sam's chagrin, Freddie held out his arms to her.

"Oh God…" Sam trailed off in mortification.

"Come on, Samantha. We have to seal the deal somehow," Freddie pressed in an infuriatingly sweet manner.

Sam sighed loudly and moved closer into Freddie's embrace, letting him hug her for a few seconds. She pulled away just as quickly and shuddered overtly.

"It's Sam, you nub. Call me 'Samantha' again and I'll kick your ass, Benson." She warned dryly.

"Still don't care," Freddie remarked cleverly, causing her to roll her eyes while he laughed openly at her expression.

He shook his head laughingly and went to help Matt with the rest of the bags.

"You got it?" he asked in concern while Matt appeared to be heaving a hefty make-up case belonging to Corrie onto the backseat.

"Yeah, no worries. My new muscles from basketball sure help a lot," Matt teased lightly, causing Freddie to chuckle appreciatively.

"How does it feel having your old man as your coach next season?" Freddie asked teasingly while punching Matt lightly on the shoulder.

"Kinda weird. But still, it's a definite step-up from Coach Lennox." Matt responded with an involuntary shudder.

"If it helps, he's always been that weird," Freddie put in with an understanding smile, causing Matt to chuckle lightly.

A sudden rush of emotion welled up deep inside Freddie's chest while he looked at his son.

"I know that Corrie is the oldest in the family. But after she was born, your Mom and I always wanted another child, and I wanted the next one to be a boy. You're not the son that I expected to have at all, you're better. I've loved you since the first moment I ever set eyes on you in the hospital, when you first grabbed my thumb and looked up at me with those big brown eyes of yours. I'm so proud of you, Matt. I love you, Son." Freddie choked out.

"I love you too, Dad." Matt replied, matching his tone as he struggled to keep his emotions intact.

"I know I'm not Felix by a long shot and I can't always be there for you in quite the same way a friend might be. But is it ok if I try to be your Dad, in all the ways that matter most?" Freddie asked hopefully.

"That's ok with me," Matt replied earnestly, giving him a small smile.

Freddie smiled in turn and grasped his son in his arms, gripping him tightly while he willed the tears not to fall from his eyes.

"Dad, you can stop now," Matt stated in an awkward voice when Freddie didn't look like he was going to stop hugging him, kissing him or telling him that he loved him.

"Sorry, Son, no can do. I'm never gonna stop telling you how much I love you." Freddie promised gleefully.

Matt rolled his eyes at this, but was secretly pleased by the thought.

Corrie stood a few feet away watching the exchange between her dad and brother, smirking just a little, half in amusement, half in pride. Carly came to stand next to her, putting an arm around her daughter and kissing her lightly on the cheek.

"You got everything you need, sweetheart?" she asked softly.

"Just about," Corrie offered softly.

"Everything ok?" Carly asked in concern, unable to read her daughter's expression.

"Yeah, I think so. It's weird, it feels like a lot of things are coming to an end, high school and all that. But at the same, I'm looking forward to college. And then there's our family that's changing too." Corrie answered truthfully.

"Is it a 'good' weird on the last part?" Carly pried tentatively.

Corrie turned to face her mom with a small smile on her face.

"Definitely a 'good weird'. You just seem happier these days, Mom. And Dad's been different too, just…happier and more alive, I guess." She responded sincerely.

"He has, hasn't he?" Carly asked with a radiant smile, watching Matt and Freddie laughing animatedly about something together.

"And what about you, honey? Are you happy too?" Carly asked seriously, staring deeply into Corrie's brown eyes.

Corrie deliberated ever so slightly before answering Carly's question.

"I think so. I feel like this is just the beginning for our family." She murmured earnestly.

Carly laughed a little, tears forming in her eyes while she kissed Corrie on the cheek.

"I love you, Baby Girl," she murmured intently while hugging her daughter tightly.

"I love you too, Mom." Corrie whispered back, letting her mom hug her close just for once.

"Hey, Corrie, Matt! Come here for a sec and give your Uncle Gibby a goodbye kiss," Gibby implored in a boisterous tone.

Corrie and Matt acquiesced as they moved towards Gibby, who had a devious grin on his face.

"I take it that when your Dad said you were going on vacation for two months, he mentioned something about 'quality family time free from distractions', right?" Gibby asked conspiratorial.

"Totally. I'm not allowed to take my laptop with," Corrie complained dryly.

"My Xbox is staying at home too," Matt added in a lamenting tone.

Gibby looked around him just to make sure no one was watching. Carly and Freddie were talking animatedly to Tasha, Spencer and Sam.

"Well, I agree with your Dad, family time is important. But on those particularly boring days, I thought you two could use these," he explained in a whisper.

He retrieved two plastic bags from behind his back and handed each of them to Corrie and Matt. Both of them gasped in surprise at the contents.

"You got me a compact Nano Xbox!" Matt hissed jubilantly.

"A Pear Phone A-180!" Corrie hissed in amazement.

"Hey, how come Corrie gets a Pear Phone?" Matt complained lightly.

"Because you already have a BlueBerry SG23, Matty. Plus, there are a couple of your favourite video games in there, along with a few new ones." Gibby returned cleverly, pointing to the bag.

"Awesome!" Matt exclaimed happily.

"Uncle Gibby, this is amazing. But it's too much," Corrie replied in an unexpectedly gracious tone.

"No, it's not, you're my goddaughter, sweetheart. Think of it as a graduation present from your favourite uncle," Gibby responded sincerely before giving Corrie a kiss on the cheek.

Then he gave Matt a one-armed hug too.

"Thanks, Uncle Gibby. This is seriously above and beyond," Matt thanked sincerely.

"No problemo. But hey, only make the big reveal once you get back home. I don't want your Dad coming after me with a baseball bat," Gibby teased lightly.

"Deal," Corrie agreed readily with a beaming face.

A car hooted from the street and Matt recognised it as Nicole's Mini-Cooper.

"Be right back," he stated quickly to Gibby and Corrie, jogging down the driveway with a big grin on his face.

"Dating a cheerleader…nice." Gibby remarked approvingly.

"And now I need a boyfriend," Corrie lamented wistfully, watching Matt hug Nicole in a warm embrace.

"Don't worry about that, chica. You're a knock-out; you're gonna have to fend off those Stamford boys with a stick." Gibby chided soothingly.

"Thanks, Uncle Gibby. Love you," Corrie responded warmly before hugging him.

"Love you too, kiddo." Gibby murmured earnestly with a big smile on his face.

"Come on, kids! It's time to go!" Freddie called out exuberantly.

"Ok, I have to go, Nicole. I'll be on Blueberry Instant Messenger in a few hours when we get to Alki Beach," Matt promised after kissing his girlfriend goodbye.

"Ok, I'll miss you till then. Have a great time, Matt." Nicole replied sweetly before engulfing Matt in another searing kiss.

"I'll miss you too. Don't start dating any other jocks while I'm gone." Matt teased airily, causing Nicole to laugh.

"There's just one jock for me. Call me later?"


"Matt, let's go!" Corrie bellowed impatiently.

"I'm coming!" Matt yelled back.

He rolled his eyes and waved one last time at his girlfriend as she got back into her car and drove away. Then he walked back up the driveway while Corrie was hugging Spencer and Sam. Matt did the same and got into the family car.

"Have a great time," Spencer greeted as he hugged Carly.

"We will. Thank you for everything, Spencer. You've been amazing these past few months." Carly thanked sincerely while looking at her older brother.

"Anything for my baby sister," Spencer replied warmly as he hugged her again.

Then he turned to Freddie and engulfed him in a bear hug.

"I knew you'd come to your senses eventually," Spencer teased knowingly when they broke apart.

"Not without you and a little help from my Spirit Guide. Thank you for everything, Spencer." Freddie replied earnestly.

"Any time. Take care of my sister and my niece and nephew."

"You bet I will."

"Call me as soon as you get there," Sam murmured in Carly's ear as they hugged one another.

"I will. Thank you for everything, Sam. Take care of Spencer for me while I'm gone." Carly implored softly.

"You and I both know that Spencer can't stay out of trouble." Sam remarked knowingly.

"Kind of like someone else I know," Carly teased slyly.

"Birds of a feather, what are you gonna do?" Sam asked with a casual shrug.

Carly shook her head and laughed as she and Sam hugged one last time.

"Gibby's been good to me these past few months. Take good care of him for me while I'm gone," Freddie implored gently while he hugged Tasha.

"I will, don't worry." Tasha replied sincerely before hugging Carly in greeting too.

After greeting Gibby and Tasha, Carly and Freddie got into the car and the four Bensons fastened their seatbelts. They opened up their windows and began waving frantically at their closest friends as they drove out of the driveway. And then they were slowly making their way out of the city, driving amongst rows of cars down the West Seattle Bridge en route to their destination.

It was a few days later and Carly was sitting in the living room of the beach house, typing away feverishly on her Pear Pro. She was sending off an email to a prospective client who was asking for a quote on landscaping her entire garden. It was a very wealthy woman in her late fifties (a socialite of sorts) and if Carly landed this particular job, it would mean a lot of money in her pocket and a host of new clients afterwards. She felt bad about doing work-related things on a vacation away from home, but Freddie had insisted that she bring her laptop with in case any potential clients tried to contact her. He knew how important her new business was to her, and it took a big weight off of Carly's shoulder. She was so proud of Freddie for starting his new job at Ridgeway, feeling like he was finally doing something he loved. They were both becoming the kind of people they'd dreamed of being all their lives.

Freddie was currently outside the beach house, playing a little touch football with the kids before having dinner together as a family. Carly had to admit, Alki Beach was beautiful. The illustrious landscape was so picturesque with the red and white Alki Point Lighthouse in close proximity; it was already giving her new ideas for possible landscaping projects in the near future. And it didn't hurt that she and Freddie had already taken a few moonlit strolls together after dinner since they had arrived.

With a blissful sigh of satisfaction, Carly sent off the email she had been composing for the past 10 minutes and logged out of her email account.

"Mom, please get off your laptop! Dad and Matt are cheating here!" Corrie called out brightly.

"We're so not cheating, Mom! Corrie just sucks at football!" Matt shouted back laughingly.

"Do not! I could totally kick your butt! I just need Mom's help to make it even!" Corrie yelled back with a daring glint in her eye.

"Carly, you'd better get out here! It's gonna be a bloodbath in the next few minutes! I don't know if I can keep them apart indefinitely!" Freddie called out in a dramatic voice, causing Carly to laugh out loud.

"Hold your horses, I'm coming!" Carly yelled back laughingly.

She giggled and closed the lid on her laptop, shivering slightly. It was fast approaching 5pm and the sun was slowly dipping beyond the horizon in a misty orange haze. Carly grabbed her pashmina off of the edge of the sofa and put it on before skipping out of the patio door to join her family.

Her kids and husband welcomed her exuberantly. While Matt tossed the long brown leather ball at Corrie, Freddie caught Carly around the waist and began spinning her around in the air, till she was just a laughing swirling blur. And all that could be seen for a good long while was a happy and content family of four, running and jumping all over the white sand beneath their feet, their elated silhouettes steadily fading into a tarn of black under the silvery moonlight.

Author's Note: A big thank you to the following people for reviewing this story from beginning to end:

Storyteller125, sockstar, CGK0113, Fanfic-Reader-88, baronvonmilo, themarchgirl, Carl Rahl, RemDiamond, purpleheart10, TooPiAr, veras333, aisforangelaaa, metalheart0026, Lapsuit10, TheGameMan, ItWasByMe97, trachie17, BlackRoseForever, SorrisoD'amore, The Earl Of Sandwich, AbigailSeville24, shadow21, damnreality and DoctrineDark.

To everyone else who favourited and put my story on alert, thank you so much. It made this a huge pleasure to write and makes me want to keep writing. You guys are seriously loyal and awesome, thank you so much. Carl Rahl's given me a unique idea for a short Creddie story called 'Bonded', which you'll be all be seeing on FF very soon, so keep a look out for that. Alright, I'm off. My birthday's tomorrow, so I'm going to soak up the last few remaining hours of being 25 (gasp), don't wait up. Snapplelinz out!