
Zordon walked through the forest of Keys in Eltar. He is twenty – nine years old and was trying to come up with his proposal speech. He was going to propose to his beautiful girlfriend. He loved her more than anything else in the world and he couldn't wait to marry her.

He was just about to reach the city Eltare when the great bell went off. There was trouble. He was running through the streets when suddenly his girlfriend popped up out of nowhere.

"Rita there you are! Are you all right? What is happening?" Zordon asked her.

She shook her head and grabbed his hand. "I am fine but I don't know what is happening. I think I might be the Patronians. We have to get to the seer she will know what to do."

"Are you sure?"

"I am positive now let's go."

"What has she wanted to tell me so bad? I mean she has been harassing me for weeks to come to her."

"What if it's something important? What if it could save our world?"

"I highly doubt that. She is the biggest phony I have ever seen in my life. I mean every time she predicts a heavy storm, there ends up being a drought. She's no seer, my love."

"Whatever you say. But go see her, Zordon. Do this for me. I will go to help the others. It is your destiny to make sure whatever she tells you happens, the way it's supposed to. It's our destiny, Zordon. I will do my part and take care of those who are sick and wounded. You need to find out what needs to be done to save the universe. After the Patronians are gone, then we can be together again."

"What do you mean?"

"We can't be together until this is over Zordon. I am sorry, but I need to go."

"No! Wait!"

"Goodbye Zordon. I promise to wait for you forever."

"I love you too." Zordon whispered letting the ring he had been holding fall to the ground.

He sprinted towards the small shop of the seer. He went to knock on the door but it opened before he could. He walked inside and called out to see if anyone was there.

"Hello? Is anyone here?"

All of a sudden a woman appeared from behind a curtain. She wore long robes and she smelled of very strong perfume.

"You have decided to come then. I was beginning to think you were a lost hope."

"What do mean? Shouldn't you have seen me come? What is it with this planet and destinies? Why does it have to be me who saves the universe? Why can't I just be a normal man who can have a family? Why can't I love?"

"So many questions and all without an answer but one. I can't see everything. I see things based on decisions and power."


"In the far off future a frog and a falcon are going create a child. A child from the falcon is going to be desired by all good and bad. The child will be so powerful that it could have the bad rule the world by just being born in there hands. The child can also, if born in the hands of the good, wipe the entire world from all evil. I need to show you something." The woman led him over to a crystal ball. She waved her hand over it and then stepped back. Zordon leaned forward to see what was happening.

Zordon watched as one by one his friends were turned evil by the Patronians. Rita, Rito, Zedd, Diva, and many others laughed evilly as they tore apart the planet. He turned towards the seer with wide eyes.

"No! Why is this happening?" He yelled at her.

"I can tell you no more but I can ask you to do everything you can to keep the pregnant frog safe." She said softly.

"What happens if I don't?" Zordon asked with tears streaming down his face.

"Then our world will be lost forever."

"What do I do now?"

"Whatever you think you need to, in order to protect the universe. Remember what your love said, you will not always have to be the protector of the universe. If you keep the frog safe from all bad, the end just might be happy for everyone." And then she was gone. She just disappeared from thin air and she wouldn't be back, not unless he saved the universe.

Zordon fought against his friends for years, he later found out that one of his sisters managed to escape the Patronians and stayed good. Him and Dimitria fought as a team for many years before the final battle came. He was forty-five years old and they had already defeated the evil race of the Patronians, but this battle was against his beautiful Rita. Their battle of good against evil was epic but Rita had somehow managed to trap them all in an inter-dimensional time warp with her magic just before five warriors assembled by the good sorcerer trapped her and her minions in a space dumpster.

The years passed by quickly for Zordon and at one point he even left Eltar, leaving it in Dimitria's hands. He traveled across the universe, meeting a robot named Alpha 5, who joined him in his quest to find the falcon and the frog. Eventually they came across earth. A planet that had many animals named Falcon and Frog. Zordon stayed there for almost two million years before meeting Kimberly, a pink ranger from the future. In meeting her Zordon knew the era of the falcon and the frog was coming closer.

113 years later the dumpster holding Zordon's once best friends, landed on the moon. When Zordon met the rangers he was confused about the whole falcon and frog thing. It didn't make sense. None of them were falcon and frog rangers. When Tommy became the green ranger Zordon thought that meant that Tommy was the frog and the red ranger, Jason, was the falcon, but no. Tommy was too dominant and besides Tommy was a man. Men couldn't get pregnant, could they? That question was answered three years later in the form of a dream that everyone on the good side and the bad side saw.

(A/N): Okay so this is the briefly edited version of the story. I had some people say that there were to many holes for this to be a chapter and that it was really confusing because I didn't say what was going to happen in the story. This is a prologue for a multi-chaptered story. This isn't a one-shot. I know that I should have put AU in the summary last time but I didn't so this time I made sure to put that. To the people who said that this story wasn't very good because I didn't put the whole story into one chapter, I already answered your questions in the next two chapters. You guys kept asking who the Patronians were and who was the falcon and the frog and all of this stuff and all of that was answered in the chapters that were already up. Anyways, the main characters of the story were Adam and Tommy and if people actually watched the show they would know that Adam was the frog and Tommy was the falcon. Even though they lost their mighty morphin powers they still had their ninja spirits or whatever. Okay now that I am done ranting, for people who still want to know who the Patronians are, they are evil aliens named after my math teacher, Mr. Patton, and they can turn anyone who is good into someone evil.