Agents Of The Gods


This is when Annabeth, Percy, Clarisse, and Nico must go under cover to discover the unknown who killed their friends, and then meet Agent Gibbs' Team. Percabeth. Minor Nico/OC. Everyone has a secret, but how far would you go to keep it one? A Quest, A Crime Scene, One Destiny. After TLO.

Chapter 1:Despair of the Lost

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, that's why it's called FANFICTION!

Annabeth POV:

I am Annabeth Chase, Daughter Of Athena, and official Architect of Olympus.

"Hey! Wise Girl, you in there," as my invulnerable boyfriend Percy Jackson, Son Of Poseidon, waving his hands over my face.

"What, Seaweed Brain," I said frowning at Percy who interrupted my thoughts, and suddenly pulled me into a tight hug.

"You called me here, remember?" he chuckled slightly.

"Of course I did, but I said for you to come earlier, do you remember?" I smirked, as he blushed.

"Um... yeah Blackjack got to many sugar cubes, new campers," he stuttered then shuddered at campers.

"OK, what I wanted to tell you -" I got cutoff by Nico screaming with Chiron by his side, "Annabeth, Percy over here,"

"Annabeth, my dear, and Percy I came immediately, what has happened?" Chiron questioned.

"I think one of my brothers, Alex is in sever trouble," I began.

"," spoke our breathless friend, the Oracle, Rachel E. Dare who looked as if she ran miles just to get here.

"Sit, rest and tell us what happened from the beginning," Chiron said.

As soon as she recovered Rachel spoke, "Here is what I saw, and I recognized them as Alex, son of Athena, Madison, daughter of Ares, and Max son of Apollo, I'm really sorry," she then handed me a canvas with a bloody field surrounded with golden dust of monsters, and there lied Alex Devon , Madison Rivera, and Max Collins.

I was devastated, but I did what I usually did, try to find the truth, so I questioned everyone, "What will we do?" then it happened. The eerie voice of the Oracle began, as green mist surrounded us, as Rachel's eyes went forest green, and then the 3 images spoke :

"Four shall go to the site,

where lies the house of white,

with the help of nine

destinies become intertwined,

Blood lust at any cost

The rise of many lost,

To save the day

Many will pay."

"Oh. My. Gods." were the only words that formed on our mouths, as we assisted the collapsing Rachel up.

"What did I say," Rachel queerly asked, because of being the new Oracle she can not remember the spoken prophecy that the spirit of Delphi has give the chosen person, so it's best not to ask questions around her. I recited the recent prophecy to Rachel. Then I knew what that message Alex gave me meant.


I was going to my cabin, after my date with Percy by the beach. Then, when I drifted into a state of deep sleep, I began to have another demigod dream. The dream was at night, but this area shined with moonlight allowing the stars to be seen, and to reveal the constellation of our dear friends, 1st Lieutenant of Lady Artemis, Zoe, who was cast into the stars as a remembrance of her heroic duties. Thinking of the war, and all of our friends lost brought tears to my eyes, but the memories/ the fact that they are in Elysium,or rebirth to try to get to the Elysian Fields made me smile. After a few seconds I saw the face of my brother, Alex, enter followed by Madison, and Max. Their appearance was a golden jacket with the letters NCIS or so I thought (I am still dyslexic, duh). They held mortal looking guns, but it was technically a gun for demigods with celestial bronze bullets (remember, what my dad did?) made as an extra weapon by the Hephaestus cabin. As Alex spoke into an earpiece, Madison, Daughter Of Ares, and Max, Son Of Apollo slid into the back/ side doors. I followed after them, and then shots were fired as screams erupted. Before I could find out what happened I woke up to my emergency cell phone which was dangerous to use outside of camp. I answered, "Annabeth here,"

"Annabeth, be careful – tell every – on- I love the- an- un – know- mon- attack- too stro - 153467248597 -" the line went dead.

"No! Alex what happened, oh no! Alex, Di Immortals!" I cursed as I quickly ran out of my cabin to get help. Nico was outside, so I asked him to get Chiron, but he said he was heading that way, and Nico said he sensed 3 demigods passing into the Underworld at the same time. Afterward I went to get Percy up.

*End Flashback*

My suspicions were proven correct about something has happened to them, and I couldn't help, but what could I've done, except pass on his message. I still pondered on the numbers in his message, 153467248597. After we called a meeting of the cabin leaders to discuss this matter of this new threat. The cabin leaders were me for Athena, Percy for Poseidon, Connor and Travis Stoll for Hermes, Clarisse for Ares, Will for Apollo, Amanda for Aphrodite(Silena's 2nd in command/ favorite sister), etc. I was whom this quest was given to, and I accepted with honor.

"My dear, four people is risky, but the Oracle has spoken, and you have managed before, now who shall you choose?" Chiron said.

I stood, and spoke, "I ask for Percy Jackson, Nico Di Angelo, and Clarisse La Rue to join me!"

Percy leaped at his name, and said proudly, "Always ,"

Nico stood at his name then replied, "Of course, we're friends aren't we,"

Clarisse rose, and grinned evilly while saying, "When do we leave?"

I smiled at each of them before turning to Chiron.

"Now that I has been decided we must decipher this cryptic prophecy,"

"The first line is decided, us 4 must go to where our friends were,"

"The house of white-" Travis said.

Connor finished, "-must be the white house in D.C."

Clarisse smirked, "Really, I didn't know it was the White House, and I especially didn't know guys knew what or where that is," it dripped heavy with sarcasm, and it earned snickers from everyone.

"Hey!" the Stoll brothers said dramatically acting offended.

"The third must mean 9 will help us, and the other lines could mean anything,"

"Now, you shall be informed of their mission, and be undercover at the same agency as the were at, and collect information on anything you can find," Chiron continued, "You shall have aliases, and you real name shall be used if your cover is blown, that will be extra precaution,"

"Madison, Alex, and Max were searching for a sudden burst of power surge, and their cover story was that they worked at a Naval Base, but even if they looked you the mist' power concealed their age to everyone very well, as it will do the same for you," he filled us in on their mission, that is now ours as well.

Then we separated into our individual cabins to prepare. I grabbed my Yankees cap (always), my architecture book, I also packed Daedalus Laptop in my bag that I sling over my shoulder, and anti-spider bug spray, which all my siblings has . I wore the golden jacket with the same letters as Alex's over my Camp Half-Blood T-shirt, and I pulled my hair into a ponytail, while wearing my camp necklace, and the badge/ the gun at my waist. Chiron told us that Nico would shadow travel us to the site, and there would be our transportation waiting for us. I was not happy to see our alias names, which Chiron told us to start calling each other before we even leave camp. My alias name is Annie Case, and don't think you can call me that! I frowned at our alias names as I walked to Thalia's Tree. Why couldn't we choose our own undercover names, but no, Mr.D finally wanted to "help", and therefore our fake names were generosity of Mr.D, who never gets anyone names right, because he knows it annoys us. Thank the Gods we were shadow traveling.

"Hey! Ann- I mean Annie, we're ready," Percy snickered lightly, and he was wearing a shirt underneath his jacket that said 'Dolphins are smarter that you'.

I scowled a little before speaking, "Ready guys, Perry, Claire, Nick?" pointing to Percy, then to Clarisse who wore a shirt that I gave her under her jacket that had a picture of a spear coiled around a pink heart, and Nico who wore a shirt that Percy gave him that read 'Skeletons are Forever', and each person muttered something on the line of "Stupid Names", "I rather been hit with Greek Fire", and "Really, Mr.D". Chiron also told us that the letters embodied on our jackets mean "Navel Criminal Investigation Service". Nico has been practicing shadow traveling for an amount of time now.

"Hold on tight, and don't let go," Nico warned.

We did as he instructed, and he focused on the scene that he was going to Shadow Travel to, and then suddenly we were engulfed in the shadows. When we arrive at the scene it was occupied by other agents who were examining it. When we looked over we saw a car, a Lamborghini, as we emerged from the dark shadows.

"Hey, what are you people doing near here, don't you see it's a crime scene," a man with unruly hair that was placed underneath a cap that read 'NCIS' like the ones we had, and I held Clarisse back, but the urge to send him to Hades is very tempting.

I spoke, "We are NCIS agents as well, and this is our crime scene," I emphasized on the 'our' part. Showing our badges as I spoke again, "Where's your boss?"

"How do you know I'm not the boss?" I rolled my eyes at that lame remark.

"How do I know, well first, you've known who we were by our jackets, second, you look like a prankster, and I see a man over there who I assume is the boss," I retorted irritated, as I pointed to our jackets, then his smug, grinning face, and lastly at this man with greyish hair, and who had a look of a warrior/ true born leader. After a few seconds, I gave him one of my tell-me-now-or-I-will-kill-you-slowly glares.

It worked, because I saw him try not to flinch as he started to call to his boss, "Boss, we have a problem!" I can't believe this dunce just called us a problem!

R&R If you like it tell me I update from time to time, but I do not take long I swear of the River Styx!