Wocket, Here!

Alright. It's been… months. Sorry! Long story short, parents cut us off meaning double the hours at work. Then my mom passed so there was a lot of stuff to deal with but now we're back hopefully for good.!

I regret to say not TOO much happens in this chapter but next chapter will be exciting, alright?

Now, I am hoping to start updating regularly again and as much I don't want to promise a speedy update I do want to say that reviews help. Ten for a new chapter, like always! 3

It was still dark outside so the only light showing in the window was the faint glow of the crescent moon. Kyle sighed and flicked the switch to turn on the ceiling lamp, cringing slightly at the bright light. Usually it wasn't as bright but having nothing in the room besides the bed and dresser made the room seem brighter.

The four, Kyle, Stan, Sharon and Randy, had begun to pack all Kyles things as soon as the boy had calmed down. They just wanted to get him out of the house as soon as they could. The redhead felt bad because it was obvious how tired the two parents were but they assured him they were fine and they wanted to help him as much as they could. Kyle was surprised how unaffected by everything the two seemed to be.

It was going to be awkward, that's for sure.

Stan had just brought the last box out to the car and Kyle took one last look at his room before turning around. It was already about four in the morning and all he wanted to do was crawl into bed and go to sleep. He descended the stairs, hoping that Shelia wasn't there to glare at him. She had been passing by his room as they all packed, sending glares to the four as if they were doing the worst thing possible.

Luckily, she had decided to go to bed and wasn't found anywhere downstairs. Kyle opened the front door but stopped when he heard someone call his name. Suddenly there were quick footsteps as Ike trampled down the stairs. His face was all red and his breaths were shaky. Ofcourse the boy would get a nightmare on this night, of all nights. Without a word, Kyle caught his younger brother as the boy threw himself at him.

"What happened, Ike?"

Ike took a few breaths and buried his head in Kyles shoulder, "Another nightmare."

Kyle rubbed Ikes back for a minute before the boy pulled back and looked his brother up and down, "Where are you going?"

The redhead sighed; he knew he was going to have to explain to Ike eventually, "I'm moving out for a while."


Kyle cringed at his brothers panicked voice, "See… me and mom got into a fight so I'm going to be gone for a while. But I'll be right down the street. Okay?"

Ike shook his head, "No! What happened?"

"Just….. I did something she didn't like ok? Listen, go back to bed. You can sleep in my room if you want."

Ike shook his head again and gripped Kyles shirt, silently pleading him not to go, "I need you here Kyle. Mom is crazy sometimes; I can't deal with that alone!"

Kyle sighed again and began walking Ike up the stairs, "Listen, I'll talk to dad and maybe instead of him picking you up from school everyday, I can walk you home. That way, I'll see you everyday."

The two made their way into Kyles room and Ike yawned at the sight of the bed, "I guess. It's gonna fucking suck though."

Kyle laughed. He sometimes forgot how old Ike was. The boy was nine and sometimes Kyle still treated him like he was six. Most people would be surprised to hear such vulgar language from a nine year old, but Kyle remember when he was that age and he said things a lot worse then that.

Ike climbed into Kyles bed and sighed and the redhead ruffled his hair, "If you need to see me anytime, I'll be right at Stans, okay?"

Ike nodded and with that, Kyle kissed his head and exited the room, leaving his family behind.


Kyle let out a groan and turned over on his makeshift bed, trying to block out the early morning rays. His attempts proved themselves useless and he decided to give up. With a yawn he sat up, stretching out his back. He was rewarded with the sound of it popping and he let out a sigh of relief. The floor was not a comfortable place, even with all the feather comforters that were cushioning it. Kyle looked up at Stans bed, were the boy still slept, in his comfortable bed.

Yes, Kyle was sleeping on the floor. The redhead shook his head as his eyes found a perfectly good spot where he could have slept in Stans bed. His mind traveled back to the car ride to Stans house.

"Alright boys!" Sharon had begun as soon as both boys were in the back.

"Me and your father have come up with some ground rules. With you two being… together and all, we need to set some rules. This isn't going to be some sort of party house, you got that?"

Stan laughed, earning a glare from his mom.

"First off, we will get a truck to pick up your bed tomorrow. Just because you are sharing a room, does not mean you are sharing a bed. You are teenage boys, I don't trust you."

Kyle tried to hide his blush and Stan chuckled. He was sort of excited to be staying with Stan, but he couldn't stop thinking about Ike. His brother was going to go through hell. Shelia would probably make sure Ike didn't spend too much time around his guy friends, her excuse being something crazy, probably trying to claim Kyle could have influenced Ike to be gay. Kyle couldn't really even say he himself was gay. He liked Stan, and that was all. He didn't care about gender. He was pretty sure Stan was the same way.

Randys voice interrupted Kyles thoughts, "Now boys, I keep my condoms in the medicine cabinet of my room, if you need them-"

"Dad!" Stan shouted, trying to get his dad to keep his mouth shut. Sharon joined in trying to shut up her husband. Through the embarrassment, Kyle could detect a small smirk as Stan glanced at him.

"Randy! I don't even want to think that-… BOYS! Door will be left open at all times."

Stan let out a groan and crossed his arms. Kyle wanted to do the same thing, but felt it would be disrespectful.

"Mom! You can't be serious! Like what if we want to…. Like… ugh. Nevermind."

Stan let out a childish scoff, one that made Kyle smile. Stan glared at his dad and mumbled, "Thanks a lot, dad."

Sharon cleared her throat awkwardly, "Alright. Door open, at night… ALL night. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Now Kyle, when you live here you will be family. If you disrespect us, which I am sure you won't, then we will punish you the same way we do Stan. You are not a guest anymore. Ok?"

Kyle nodded, "Yes ma'am."

Sharon smiled and pulled the car into the driveway, "Good."

Kyle jumped when he heard Stan clear is throat. Kyle looked over at him and smiled. Stan just rolled his blue eyes, "Zoning out so early in the day?"

Kyle laughed and stood up. Stan followed suit and stretched his arms above his head.

"So, how about a not kosher breakfast for once?"

Kyle grinned and nodded, "Sounds fucking awesome!"


He was alone. It didn't fully hit him until Saturday afternoon after gathering his furniture from his old 'home'. Kyle was alone. He was just abandoned by his family, and he couldn't shake of the loneliness. The only comfort he felt was when Stan would hold his hand or wrap his arms around him.

Kyle hated when Stan left the room. He would grab his knees and he could always feel himself starting to shake and feel his heart start to speed up. His anxiety was kicking in tenfold and he was scared he was going to have a breakdown. All he wanted to do was be next to Stan. That's all he had at this point.

Kyle could hear Stans breathing coming from his bed. He could tell the boy wasn't asleep yet. Kyle shivered and turned over. He knew Stan was right there, but he still couldn't stop the anxiety from kicking in. Even if he could look at Stan it would help but the way their beds were set up, if he started to look, it would have been obvious and he didn't want to creep out his boyfriend.

The redhead let out a shaky breath and hugged his knees closer. It was getting worse. He could feel his heart racing and soon enough he couldn't stop the panicked breathing from coming out. He chocked back a sob, getting Stans attention. The boy was next to Kyle in a heartbeat. Before Kyle knew it he was pulled onto his boyfriends lap. Stan was rubbing soothing circles on his back and letting out small 'shh' noises to try and calm Kyle down.

"Shh, I'm right here Kyle. It's okay."

Stan understood what was going on with Kyle. Having such a hard ass for a mother gave the boy really bad anxiety problems. Stan could remember Kyle having a panic attack once when they were in seventh grade when they had stayed out fifteen minutes after the boys curfew.

Kyle grabbed onto Stans night shirt, his breathing starting to slow down. A few tears rolled down his cheeks and Stan brushed them away with his thumb.

Once Kyles little episode was over, the redhead spoke.

"I'm sorry, dude. You must think I'm fucking pathetic."

Stan scoffed, "Fuck no, dude! If it were me going through this, I'd probably be in a fucking psyche ward by now! Shit."

Kyle laughed and rolled his eyes, "I would never let you end up there."

Stan sat with Kyle in his arms a few more minutes.

"Stan, you should probably head back into your bed before I fall asleep like this."

"No fucking way, dude! Move over. After that, I'm not letting you sleep alone. My mom can fuck off."

Kyle sighed and moved over, "I really don't want to disrespect your moms wishes."

"Please, Kyle. You know my mom. Once I explain it will be fine, ok?"

Kyle nodded, too tired to argue. They both had school in the morning and they needed their sleep.

Before they knew it, they were both in peaceful slumbers, clinging onto each other.

Butters loved the taste of Kennys lips. It was just about a sweetest thing he ever tasted. He found himself craving it sometimes. Some people crave chocolate, Butters craved Kennys lips.

He also loved the groans Kenny sometimes let out. They made him sound so dominate and almost every time Kenny let out a noise, Butters couldn't help but respond with his own.

The petite blonde wrapped his arms tightly around Kennys neck, one hand finding it's way into the shaggy golden hair. He loved when nights ended up like this. Alone in his bed with Kenny. His parents were fast asleep and they never suspected this ever happening during one of Butters innocent sleepovers.

Kenny pulled back from Butters lips for air, a small smirk in place, like always. Butters smiled back, a small blush tinting his face.

Kenny loved when Butters blushed. It always brightened his mood. Just when he would think he couldn't get happier, Butters could blush and Kenny would prove himself wrong and feel more joy.

Butters arms slacked a bit from around Kennys neck and sighed, "So… Uh Kenny… now that Stan and Kyle are out… can we tell people about us?"

Kennys smirk disappeared and he pulled away slightly, "What about us?" He sat up and pulled himself so he was sitting off of the edge of the bed, "We aren't… together."

Butter stuttered, feeling his hopes slowly go down. He knew that, he always knew that. He just wished it wasn't that way. He loved Kenny. He loved him so much, and he wanted to be with him. In the blonde boys eyes, Kenny was his only one, and will always be that way.

"I-I know… but I though that maybe.."

Kenny cut Butters off, "Listen, you know what it is. You know what you got into. You're just here until something better comes along."

Butters held back a small tear, Kennys words were always harsh.

Kenny couldn't meet Butters eyes, he knew the look they had. It was the same look that Butters had every time Kenny said that. It broke Kennys heart. But they couldn't be together.

Besides Kenny, Butter has his family… and that's it. Butters parents would never accept him being gay so for Butters own good, Kenny wouldn't pursue a relationship no matter how badly Butters wanted it.

Silence filled the room for about a minute, before Butters let out a small sigh, "C-Can we… continue making out?"

Kenny smirked and found himself over Butters yet again.

"I can't believe Rebecca is actually pregnant dude!"

Kennys eyes were filled with excitement. He loved gossip more then most boys should and every time there was something crazy happening, Kenny was the first to know and he would make sure the fill the entire lunch period with nothing but the news.

Stan rolled his eyes, "Yeah. But now Clyde is waiting on her hand and fucking foot, dude! I feel bad for the guy! Thank god me and Wendy used protection every time."

Kyle let out a small disgusted groan; he hated being reminded that Wendy and Stan had sex. It happened freshmen year and it was all Kyle heard about for a week. It annoyed him even then.

"No way, dude! Every time?" Kenny laughed and stuffed one of Butters french fries in his mouth.

"Well… almost every time."

Kenny laughed and tried to give Stan a fist bump, but the boy glanced over at Kyle and shook his head at Kenny. He didn't want to be congratulated for his sexual 'triumphs' with Wendy.

Kyle coughed, trying to take the subject away from Wendy, "So, when is she due?"

"Well." Kenny started, a huge grin on his face, "The thing was conceived about a month ago, in October, so during the summer. I know she's going to put it up for adoption though; her mom won't let her keep it. I'm pretty sure she wants to give it to someone she knows. Probably some neighbor or something."

Kyle laughed, "Kenny, how do you know all this?"

"I know my shit dude!"

Stan interrupted the group, "Where the fuck is fat ass? He is usually here by now with his PILE of fucking food."

Kenny rolled his eyes, "He's been trying to get close with Wendy. Fuck if I know why."

Kyle groaned, "Well, they match. Both fucking scum bags, no offense Stan."

Stan laughed, "None taken."

"Dudes," Kenny smirked, "How's the sex life?"

"DUDE!" Stan and Kyle both shouted at the same time, a huge red tint covered both their faces. Kenny laughed, finally bringing the conversation to something that somehow wasn't associated with sex.

"Am I the only one who noticed how much more… attractive Stan is now that I'm not with him?"

Wendy sighed and leaned against the locker next to Cartmans, her eyes fixed on Stan as he held onto Kyle. They were both smiling at something Kenny must have said. Wendy felt her heart sink as Kyle clung onto Stan. That should have been her clinging onto Stan. Why didn't she take advantage when he was so madly in love with her?

Wendys vision was blocked as Rebecca and her boyfriend walked past, hand in hand.

"I want to be like THAT… with Stan."

Cartman let out a small grunt and closed his locker. Usually he enjoyed Wendys company, though he would never admit it. But recently all she ever talks about is Stan. Stan this, Stan that. It was the LAST thing Cartman wanted to hear about, especially from Wendy.

"Maybe I should flirt with him more. He's got to have feelings for me still!"

Cartman rolled his eyes, "Maybe you should… let him go?"

"Eric! That doesn't sound like you! I would think you would do anything to hurt Kyle!"

Cartman froze and raised an eyebrow, "Hurt… Kahl?"

Cartman almost hit himself in the head. How did he not realize it? If he gets Stan to want Wendy again, Kyle would be hurt. He'd be REALLY hurt. Suddenly the world seemed right.

"Lets get Stan wanting you again, Wendy!"

Wendy grinned and patted Cartman on the shoulder, "That's what I thought!"

Kyle wrapped Stans comforter around himself and sighed. He and Stan were currently in their bedroom. School had come and went for the day and it seemed no matter what, Kenny just couldn't drop the apparent 'news of the century'. The two boys were glad to be rid of it for the day.

"Don't they say moving in together too soon could like… ruin relationships?"

Stan laughed and shook his head, "Don't be fucking stupid, dude. We're best friends, we practically lived together anyway. Just cause we're… together now doesn't mean we're still not best friends, right?"

Kyle nodded, "I guess. I just worry too much."

Stan reached over and grabbed Kyles hand. He had been doing that all day, trying to help Kyle feel a little less lonely. It helped. Kyle hadn't felt any anxiety all day and he was grateful.

"Stan… don't leave me."

Stan rose his eyebrow at the redhead, "Stop your shenanigans."

Kyle laughed and looked down at his hand, making sure to keep a tight hold on his boyfriends, "Sorry, I'm being too needy."

The raven-haired teen rolled his eyes, "No you're not, and if it helps, I'm not going to leave you."

Kyle let out a scoff and smiled, "We sound so cheesy, dude."

Stan thought about what he had just said and cringed, "Heh, dude you turning me into a cheeseball."

The redhead laughed. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Stan smiled.

He used to always have to block out any thoughts of his best friend being attractive. He always knew he was cute, but Stan just convinced himself it was because he had a feminine face or something.

Kyle had a small red tint to his cheeks and it made Stans heart jump. He wanted Kyle. It was getting harder and harder to deny, especially now that they were sharing the same room.

Stan was very much sexually active when he was with Wendy. It was weird, they were never really the type to just hang out like most couples do. They labeled themselves as boyfriend and girlfriend and atleast twice a week they would go over eachothers house, but the most they would do was watch a movie then have sex. Now that Stan thought about it, that was the only thing that kept them together. Sex.

So it was very difficult for Stan to be going such a long time without having sex. There was only one thing fully keeping him back from Kyle, his gender.

Sure, he had really strong feelings for Kyle, more then friendship. He loved kissing him and holding his hand. It was just, what if he didn't like mens bodies. He had already come to the conclusion that he wasn't gay, he just liked Kyle. He would never be able to look at any other male and think they were attractive.

What if he doesn't get turned on by Kyles body? Stan pushed that thought out if his mind. Judging by how turned on he got in Kyles basement, that wasn't going to be a problem.

Stan couldn't get his thoughts straight. It was all jumbling. He wasn't grossed out by Kyles body at all. Yet, he couldn't figure out what he was so scared of.

Then it came to him. He let his eyes travel down his boyfriends clothes chest and it hit him. Boobs, or lack thereof.

Stan really liked boobs. And Kyle had none.

Kyle leaned back a bit and Stan was zoning out, leaning into him in the process.

"Uhh, Stan. What are you thinking about?"

"Boobs." Stan jumped when he heard what he had said and tried to think of a cover up and Kyle just started to laugh.

"Dude!" Kyle rolled his eyes, "Oh yeah, stare at my boobless chest, maybe some will grow."

Stan laughed, "That would be fucking sweet, dude!"

Kyle laughed and pushed Stan away. He knew his best friend liked boobs, he always had. That was always the first thing he noticed about a girl. Shallow, but true.

"Are you ok with me not having boobs?"

Stan chuckled at the ridiculous question and nodded, "Yeah, It's going to get a bit of getting used to… and I may have to find something else to grab and… for lack of better word, play with, but I'll get over it."

Kyle laughed and grabbed Stand hand, putting right on his chest, "Go ahead and get used to it then."

Stan smirked and took that as an invitation to push Kyle back onto the bed. The redhead let out a squeal of surprise but it was soon covered by Stans lips.

There's one way to get used to it.

"So Wendy, how are we planning on getting Stan to get back with you?"

Wendy let a small 'hmm' and continued to type on her computer, phone being held up to her ear by her shoulder.

"Wendy? Bitch, are you listening?"

"What? Yeah! I'm just researching something."

Cartmen let out a scoff and took a loud sip out of his mcdonalds cup. He was currently sitting on his bed, phone in his lap. He hated wasting the energy of holding the damn thing up, so he took a lot of advantage of the speakerphone.

"What the fuck are you researching?"

'Oh uh… the symptoms of being pregnant. I'm seeing if I have any."

"Is that your magical fucking plan? Fake pregnancy."

"Oh, please, I thought about it but in the end he would obviously find out and hate me even more! Remember this Cartman, I'm smart. I was just checking to see if I could possibly be pregnant, we did have sex a lot and the last few times were with no protection."

"Man, Stan is dumb. Anyway, I think the best way to get Stan to yourself is to break the two up. Especially if how ever we do it, will hurt Kahl."

"Hey Cartman." Wendy grabbed the phone off her shoulder and switched to the other side, twirling some hair with her other hand.

"BITCH, I am brainstorming, what?"

Wendy rolled her eyes and closed her computer, "Are you going to that Halloween party at Tokens house?"

"Duh, what does that have to do with-"

"I have an idea."

Cartman smirked and actually picked up his phone, "Fucking sweet."

"The door stays open every night, boys. I mean it."

Stan rolled his eyes and pulled his feet onto the cars dashboard. His mom chose this morning to give them a ride to school, most likely to lecture them more. After about fifteen minutes of making out the night before, Shelley had walked in. She had proceeded to yell to her mom about how the two were about to have sex. As much as his sister had matured, she still could be a bitch when she wanted to be.

So Stan and Kyle had to deal with this. All last night and all this morning. They were surprised she didn't just stick a baby monitor in the bedroom.

"Stan do you hear me?"

"Yeah." Stan crossed his arms. He was getting tired of hearing it.

"And no skipping class to go into some janitors closet, I will know."

"MOM! Sick."

Sharon scoffed and stopped in front of the school, "I'm just being realistic."

"No, you're being gross. We wouldn't go into a janitors closet, that's nasty. Aren't you over reacting?"

Sharon sighed and pulled her arms off of the steering wheel. She hadn't done her hair yet so some of the short strands were falling into her face, "I'm sorry, you two."

Kyle finally tuned into the conversation. He had been blocking it out with the scenery out the window.

"It's just… you're both teenage boys so it worries me. I don't want you doing something you will regret."

"Mom, we won't okay?"

Sharon reached over and put her hand on Stans shoulder, "I am not forbidding you from doing anything, you are a grown boy, but promise me you won't do it until you know you love eachother. Virginity is a very fragile thing. You might not think so but it is."

"Ok, Mom." Stan chose this moment to try to get out of the car. He never told his mom about Wendy.

"You know, your father was my first-"

Kyle decided it was his time to leave and opened the door, "Alright, school is waiting."

Stan chuckled and opened his door as well, "Bye, Mom!"

"Boys I'm just trying to-"

Stan closed the door and smiled, giving his mom a huge wave. She glared slightly but them just rolled her eyes and waved back.

Kyle waited to speak until Sharon had driven away, "Dude, you just lied to your mom."

"What?" Stan nervously scratched his head.

"You're not a virgin, dude."

Stan rolled his eyes and started to walk, "She didn't directly ask me if I was."

Kyle jogged slightly to catch up with Stans long strides, "Yeah but essentially, you lied. She's going to find out."

"No she won't. Wendy is out of my life, there is no way she's find out."

Kyle sighed and crossed his arms, "Fine, but I don't agree with you."

"Now, lets go find a janitors closet." Stan smirked playfully and Kyle rolled his eyes.

"You're a dumbass."


Wocket:wocket-in-my-pocket. deviantart .com

Orangy: orangylove. deviantart .com or orangyloveart. deviantart .com