Hiya, I'm getting tired of the sad, story so I'm writing this quick one shot. I was influenced for this story when I started watching Loveless and I couldn't get over how cute they looked with there super cute ears! So I decided to make one for Zero and Kaname! Warning tons of Fluff! Lemons! Don't like Yaoi don't read it! I don't own Vampire Knight (if I did Kaname and Zero would do so down and dirty things hahaha) or the idea of Loveless. I just used the idea of the ears and tail symbolizing virginity. A.U this starts after the war with Rido except Kaname and Yuki leave and the Moon Dorm isn't distorted. The idea of Zero's vines coming out of his body is from Blackened Wing, one of the best (in my opinion) FanFic Zero and Kaname Yaoi writers ever! Also the idea of the reddish vines comes from Sagakure another one of the best Kaname and Zero Yaoi drawer and writers.

Chapter 1: Zeroless

Twilight at the Moon Dorm. The night class form at the gate, as a hyper brown hair and eared guardian runs through the swarm of fangirls, their tails wagging happily. Some of the girls had dog ears and tails, some cat. Yuki had cute brown dog ears and a super adorable dog tail.

"Okay, everybody get back!" She yelled as the girls got louder and more rowdy. She pushed a few of the girls back. Where's Zero when I need him? Like an answer to her prayers, Zero came strolling to the gate. His sliver cat ears and tail looking like velvet. She stood in front of the screaming girls as the gate opened.

Kaname's POV

We exited the safety of the Moon Dorm to the crowd of wild day class girls. I itched my left dog ear, for some reason that thing has been itching like crazy. The gates slowly creped open, as it did the girls got much louder. I let out a soft sigh, then instantly propped a fake smile onto my face. The group started walking as I did. I looked around to see both the guardians holding back the crazed girls. I looked to my right to see my secret crush. Only one person knew about my crush. Cross was the only one I could really trust with my deadly secret. If anyone knew that I loved the slivered hair boy, he would be targeted like crazy. I knew my plan I would steal those ears, I would claim that beautiful body. Nibble on those gorgeous sliver ears; stick the long silver tail into his waiting entrance, probing him.

Narrator POV

Kaname noticed he was getting harder at the idea of the beautiful ex-human screaming and squirming under him. He was thankful that the suit's jacket hid his problem. The vampire prince looked away when he saw the hunter glare at him for staring at him. He would have to work hard to get him to agree to what he had in mind. Or he could just use his powers over him. Maybe the boy felt the same way he did? The pureblood sighed for about the about the thousand time today.

Zero slowly made his way to his dorm in Headmasters, happy that today was Saturday. He rushed into his room, speeding past Headmaster and Yuki. For some reason he didn't feel like talking to them. He plopped down onto his bed, the hunter scribbled down the answers to his homework. Then there was a light knock on his door.

"Yeah?" Zero muttered, completely focused on his homework.

"Zero." Yuki's sweet voice filled the room.

"Yeah?" He repeated.

"Um…Can I have the…"

"Notes?" Zero cut her off.


"Come in." The door creaked open, to reveal a blushing brown haired girl. She shuffled to the edge of the bed. The boy of the two patted the spot next to him. A wide smile spread across her face.

"You're the best!" She lilted, wrapping her small arms around Zero's neck.

"Yeah, yeah." He lightly tugged off her arms.

"Oh, also Headmaster has something for you."

"What is it?" Zero asked looking down at his paper once again.

"I don't know he didn't tell me. You'll have to go get it."

"Whatever. It's probably something stupid." Yuki shook her head viscously.

"He said it was important."

"Okay, so then I'll ask after dinner." He muttered, jotting down the final answer. Zero handed Yuki the notes. "I want them back when you're done." The hunter warned

"Okay!" Yuki sat up from Zero's bed and jogged out of the room. "Thanks again." She waved back at Zero.

Kaname lazily wrote down what the teacher was saying. He really didn't care for what his sensei was saying. His mind kept wandering to the lovely boy he knew he could never have. His cute little glares. The pureblood prince laughed to himself. How does that scare them, I find it so adorable. He remembered how his cute little ears would twitch when he glared. The bell rang noting that school was over. Kaname stood up and took his leave.

Zero finished chopping the carrots, when Headmaster came towards him. He was waving a golden colored envelop.

"What's that?"

"I don't know but it's for you." He did know, but well what fun would it be if the hunter knew what it was? He handed it to the boy, and patted his head. Then scratched his sliver ears. Zero let out a soft purr before catching himself and swatting the hand away. The ex-human ripped the envelop open. Taking out a cream piece of stationary. There was a small note on it.

Dearest Zero,

Hello, my sweet little kitty cat. I would be very pleased if you would meet me in the garden after you have dinner. Dress casual. No weapon, don't worry I won't harm you. Don't tell anyone else and come alone.



Zero cursed the name several times in side his head. That bastard can go fuck himself if he thinks I'm going to meet him without my gun.

"What does it say?" Yuki and Headmaster asked at the same time.

"Nothing." Zero muttered, balling the note up and tossing it in the trash like the worthless shit it was. He made his way out into the dinning room.

Yuki rushed over to the trash bin that Zero threw the note into. She un-crumpled it, and read it. This is the kind of note she dreamed of getting from Kaname but instead it was directed to Zero. Hurt surged through her body at the saddest question she ever faced. Kaname's gay? Does he want to be gay with Zero? Is Zero gay? Are they in love? No, if they were then Zero wouldn't have tossed the paper like that, right? She stole a glance at Zero. Please, Zero if Kaname gives you his heart take care of it. She begged the boy silently before stuffing the paper into her jacket pocket. No, Kaname better take care of Zero. He had enough sadness in his life. He deservers' some happiness.

Headmaster placed the plates softly down on the table in front of his family. Zero picked up his fork and toyed with the food on his plate. After getting that note Zero noticed his hunger was gone. Maybe the pureblood would finally kill him?

"What's wrong Zero-kun?" Cross asked.

"Nothing, just not really hungry." Zero dropped his fork with a plop. He put the bottom of his chin on his palm.

"Waaaaah, my son doesn't like my cooking!" Cross whined, putting his hands in balls and twisting them by his eyes. Making him looking like a small child having a temper tantrum.

"I don't hate your cooking. I'm just not hun-" He looked over at Headmaster's face. "Fine, I'll eat it!" Zero barked, stabbing a piece of the salty chicken and stuffing it into his mouth. He chewed the chicken loudly. "Happy now?" Headmaster nodded his head, his face beaming with joy.

"Yay, my son likes my cooking!" Yuki turned her smile to Zero, to see he was poking at the chicken once again. She knew exactly what he was thinking about. Zero quickly stuffed the rest of the food into his waiting mouth.

Zero pushed away from the table. He wasn't really looking forward to this secret garden meeting with Kuran.

Kaname walked around the garden. It was beautiful. The garden was just touched by the moonlight. He was so excited, that his tail was going crazy. Kaname's ears popped up when he sensed the hunter. Yes, so he was coming! Maybe just maybe he did feel the same as himself. The ex-human's ears, tail, and hair sparkled in the pale moonlight. He looked like an angel, well a fallen angel with the piercing and the tattoo. A bigger smile replaced his other one.

"What do you want Kuran?" Zero words spitting venom.

"I just want to talk." Kaname slowly made his way over to the sliver eared hunter. Every step the pureblood took was a step back the ex-human made. They kept this strange dance going till Zero's back was against the wall of the Moon Dorm building.

"Well I'm listening." Zero barked, hiding the blush that was trying to sneak across his face from being in this position with the older vampire. The pureblood smirked, a devilish smirk. He moved his face closer to Zero's, so close their noses were touching.

"What do you want?" Zero asked again, pushing against the dog's chest roughly. Kaname planted his heads' on both sides of the young boy's head. His lavender eyes widened when he felt Kaname's' teeth on one of his sliver cat ears. He slowly moved the velvet ear between his teeth. Zero uttered a soft gasp. Kaname freed the cat ear and moved to his human one. Goosebumps formed on Zero's skin at the feeling of the vampire's breath against his ear.

"I think you know what I want." His voice husky with desire. The hunter gave him another rough push this time making the pureblood stumble back wards.

"No, I don't know what you want!" Kaname laughed softly.

"I'll show you." He grabbed the boy's wrist and dragged him to one of the many rose beds. The roses were a violet purple. The dog eared pureblood gently pushed the hunter down onto the bed of violet roses. Dark red vines wrapped around the hunter's wrist, gingerly. Pulling his hands over his head.

"Hey!" The hunter yelled. Kaname straddled the hunter's legs. He laid a soft kiss on the sexy hunter's lips. Then, he violently ripped the hunter's jacket and vest off his body. The moonlight illuminated his beautiful pale face. His features so pure and innocent.

"You look beautiful." Kaname whispered in his ear, while he unbuttoned the younger vampire's white under shirt. He dragged his hand down Zero's chest.

"Don't touch me!" The young boy warned. Kaname roughly grabbed one of Zero's pink nipples and toyed with it playfully.

"But you're just that temping." Kaname whispered seductively. He dipped his head and captured the lonely nipple in his lips. His tongue lightly flicked the warming little stub.

"Ngh." Zero jerked his wrist trying to break free. "Stop, I'm not gay!"

"Give me one night and I'll change that."


"Oh, come on Zero. Aren't those ears annoying?"

"They may be-"

"Then let me take care of them." He interrupted. The pureblood's hands moved to Zero's black slacks.

"No! Hell, no!" He dug his hands into Zero's underwear. The pureblood smiled when he found his destination.

"You said you didn't want me to do anything but your body tells me different." He gripped the boy's hard flesh and gave it short yet hard pumps.


"You like that my little kitty cat?" Kaname asked giving the sliver haired boy's little hunter five more rough pumps. He was answered by a soft whimper. "Should I take that as a yes?" The older vampire smirked. A gust of freezing wind whipped around both of them. "Are you cold my little angel?" Zero nodded his head.

"Then if you don't mind, I'll be right back." Kaname got off of Zero leaving the hunter laying on the rose bed. Shirt wide open, pants un-zippered, and the base of his little problem sticking out.

Zero lifted his head from the comfortable roses and yelled. "Hey, where are you going?" He lost his temper when the pureblood didn't come back. "Arrogant son of a bitch! I knew I should never have trusted you! Fuck!" The hunter cursed the elegant pureblood as he strolled away swagger and all. Tears of shame fell down the hunter's face. What if someone finds me like this? What if Yuki finds me like this? Zero pulled harder at the red vines, struggling to get free. After, about five minutes the weak vines gave away, and Zero shot up from the violet rose bed. He picked up his clothes and ran to his dorm room to fix his problem.

"What do you need those for?" Kain asked pushing back a strand of orange hair. Kaname turned back to him.

"Does it concern you?"

"No, but-"

"Then don't question me." Kaname whipped back, exiting the Moon Dorm with a bunch of plush, warm blankets in his hands. This is great, he probably should have asked Takuma if it was going to get cold, but oh well you live you learn right and just think how fun it will be to feel Zero warm up under my touch. A rare true smile spread across the pureblood's face. When he was out of the view of Kain, he ran to where he left Zero. His smile instantly disappeared when he noticed the young boy was gone. The blankets slipped out of his hands, and forbidden tears formed in the pureblood's burgundy eyes. He left. Why? Did I do something wrong? No, did I force myself onto him? Oh, god what if- what if he was just humoring me? Kaname's forbidden tears trailed down his tan cheeks. He really doesn't love me. No, he never did. He scooped up the fallen blankets. I should never had pushed him that far.

I'm only making this a one-shot but if more people like this then I guess I'll have to keep going.