A/N: Yay! Chapter one! I've been bugged for this, so here it is! Please enjoy!

Kellie Lindsay Geena and Summer were crowded in their bathroom of apartment 2K. Once they'd signed on with Gustavo, they'd gotten their own apartment at the Palm Woods…right next to the guys'. Ever since mid June when they'd begun to date, they were practically inseparable. At the moment, they were getting ready for the Palm Woods annual Halloween party, their last hoo-rah before they left for the tour the next day. There was a knock at the door.

"It's open!" Summer yelled through the bathroom door and they heard a slight click as their apartment opened and Big Time Rush let themselves in.

"You guys still aren't ready?" Kendall complained impatiently through the door. It flew open and the four stepped out.

"Hey, it takes time to look this good," Kellie replied, brushing past him to grab her hat off of the table.

"But you look so good without even trying!" Kendall said and Kellie giggled, turning to kiss his cheek.

"You all look very nice," Carlos said, taking in all of the costumes.

"Thank you, so do you," Geena replied, perching on Carlos' lap and planting a kiss on his lips. They were dressed as a doctor and a nurse. Geena was wearing a mid thigh nurses dress with knee high socks and red heels. Carlos was wearing scrubs and a lab coat complete with stethoscope. Summer was Cinderella, with a poufy blue dress and glass slippers and Logan was Prince Charming in red dress pants and a prince's shirt. Kellie and Kendall were pirates, Kellie dressed in an above the knee buccaneer dress with a fluffy skirt and knee high pirate boots. Kendall was wearing a puffy white shirt and loose black pants with buckle strap boots and an eye patch. Last of all, James was Romeo in a white puffy shirt beneath a black velvet lace up shirt, dress pants and boots much like Kendall's. Lindsay was Juliet in an off the shoulder, puffy sleeved tan dress with a cross laced cincher attached to a green wraparound skirt and brown heels.

"Yeah I get it we all look fantastic, can we go now?" Kendall, who was very impatient, asked.

"Jeez, we're leaving. Don't get your panties in a bundle," Lindsay said.

"I don't wear panties," Kendall whined as they went out the door.

The Palm Woods pool was barely recognizable, covered in cobwebs, fake bones and body parts, and the occasional coffin. It was really cool looking and everyone was super excited.

"Hey guys!" came a voice from behind them and they all jumped, James shrieking loudly. It was Camille.

"What a man," Lindsay said sarcastically, taking his hand. "Come on Romeo, let's dance."

"Hey Camille," everyone said as Lindsay and James made their way to the dance floor. She was holding hands with Matthew, the new actor that arrived a few months ago. They were both dressed as zombies.

"Isn't this awesome?" Camille asked and before they got the chance to answer she said, "Come on Matt let's dance."

"Dancing sound good?" Logan asked and they all nodded in response.

"Alright everyone grab a partner. We're going to slow things down a bit."

James grabbed Lindsay quickly, placing his hands on either side of her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck. One of her favorite songs, Into Your Arms by The Maine came through the speakers. She rested her head on James' broad chest as he quietly sang the lyrics in her ear.

"I'm falling in love, but it's falling apart. I need to find my way back to the start. When we were in love, things were better than they are, let me back into your arms," he sang quietly and Lindsay smiled, closing her eyes. As much as she loved John O'Callaghan, she thought those words sounded pretty fantastic coming out of James' mouth. She felt his lips creep onto her cheek, kissing it softly, and then moving to her ear.

"I love you," he whispered softly. Lindsay's breath hitched. That was the first time either of them had said that. She had been thinking it for a few weeks now, but hadn't had the guts to say anything. She felt relief rush through her.

"I love you too James Diamond," she breathed quietly. "So much."

"I never want to let you go," he said quietly, stroking her hair.

"Then don't," she replied and James smiled, kissing her lips.

"I might just take you up on that."