Okay. First chapter is a bit short but I'm working on it. The next one will be longer, I promise. This just seemed like a really good place to stop.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Outsiders. Boo hoo.

Also, I don't want any flames for the fact that this is a time travel story. I'm writing this mostly for fun and to just get ideas flowing. So if you're looking for a very logical story, leave now. This is more funny then anything.

Okay with all that aside, I give you chapter one! YAY!


ps. Please review. You don't have to unless you are CHASE or RAE. Then you have to because I said so.

It all started on a normal morning at the Curtis household. Actually, it wasn't really a normal morning. I hate when people say it started on a normal morning. If it had started on a normal morning than then there would be no plot in my story! So I will rephrase; It all started on a SEEMINGLY normal morning at the Curtis household. Actually, it wasn't really a MORNING at the Curtis household. Technically, it was morning but it felt very much like the middle of the night. Around 11:23 to be exact. Though it was not 11:23! Oh no, it was 3:04. It was 3:04AM when all Hell broke lose at the Curtis abode. Though those silly Curtis brothers didn't even know this until 6:09 when Darry walked into the living room on his way to the kitchen for his morning cup of coffee (I swear, he's addicted to that stuff) on that faithful day.

At 6:09 EXACTLY a high pitched scream rang thought the night. (Even though it was the morning. You remember that conversation... Night just sound much better and more dramatic right here. Plus, it was before noon, it's as good as the middle of the night.)Darry Curtis looked down in hopes of discovering what had such a high pitched noise. It was really a wonder he was even able to hear it, it was so high that you would think that only dolphins could hear but Darry heard it. Who knows, maybe he's part dolphin! We'll never know, now will we?

So, Darry flicked the living room lights on and saw that is had been INVADED! He looked to the girl below him. She had screamed that horrible scream after he stepped on her. (His bad.) She had light brown hair that fell in halo around her, showing off all her amazing glory. She seemed fairly tall and on the older side, maybe 18 or 17. She stared up at him in fear, her crystal blue eyes wide and full of terror. Darry could see why she might be scared. He could be a bit... intimidating, at times. You know Darry, armed with those muscles like over stuffed softballs that could rival even Jupiter. You're Darry is THAT ripped.

ANYWAY Darry was MORE then a little confused. Give the guy a break though, I mean, he just woke up. Also, that screamed very high; it could very well have messed with his braincells. Darry was so confused by this girl that he simply chose to look at this ones around her in hopes of picking up something more than he had already gather. (Which isn't that much.) The girls were all scattered around the living room, almost all of them now awake.

The one next to the first girl gazed up at him in such a way that she appeared to be drunk. (Which she probably wasn't …. you know... probably...) She had almost white blonde hair, kind of like Dallas'. It was fairly long and went down to around he waist. Though where she failed to look like Dallas was her eyes. Though they were also the light blue color that they greasy hood also had, they weren't the same burning pieces of ice that were often glaring at Darry. They seemed a sky blue, large and innocent. Nothing at all like Dallas.

Curled up in a ball next to her, looking very alarmed, was another girl. She had black hair that was very short, maybe around Pony's length. She had forest green eyes that gleamed with a joy for life itself. It seemed strange that she wasn't dancing and singing some cheesy Disney song and smiling. Maybe it was because of horrendous scream that woke her.

Next to her was a fiery redhead. She seemed sad. Also like she was having and really good dream that she wished was real. You know... Like when you're swimming in marshmallows or talking to a purple penguin in Antarctica with a bunch of monks. Those kinds of dreams... the cool ones. Her gray eyes seemed to be clouded over, a sign that even though her body was here her mind was 1,00 miles away. (Probably wonder if there are even monks IN Antarctica and if they snuggle with penguins...) Darry recognized it as a look Ponyboy often had in his eyes. (Though he probably didn't wonder about penguin cuddling monks... That would just be weird.)

Very last was a girl curled up, fast asleep, in HIS arm chair. Yes, HIS arm chair. It seemed to be the same girl with the black hair from before... Maybe they were like twins or something... it was a wonder she had been able to sleep though that INSANE scream.

"Wha..?" Darry finally managed to ask in a horribly unintelligent voice. Which is weird, because we all know Darry is a total genius. Like, a academic NINJA, but way cooler.

At his words the sleeping girl opened a blazing green eye. It was nothing like the other's. It was more sinister, mocking in a way, as id she knew something important that no one else did. She looked around for a while, confused as to where she was. Then said, in a horrible sarcastic voice, "Well, this almost never happens."