Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia Axis powers or their characters. But I do own the teachers.


Alfred could really use a burger right now.

It was a god awful Monday. He was woken up rudely by falling off the bed, he spilt coffee all over his brand new top and you know what's worse? He dropped his cell phone in a puddle short circuiting it. So today was not his day. His twin brother Mattie was staying as far away from his brother as physically possible so he didn't do something that would piss him off.

Looking at his watch he read the numbers that flashed on the screen and swore loudly. Not only did his morning suck balls, but he was going to be late for science class! As he rushed down the empty hallway he nearly tripped over another teacher. Reaching the class he pulled open the door and saw all his fellow peers looking at him along with his teacher who was clearly not amused.

"Ah, Mr. Jones, so glad you could make it to disrupt my class. Now if you could please sit down and make sure that never happens again that would be wonderful." Mr. Milliard said clearly un amused at the interruption he caused as he heard snickers and giggles from his class mates who found such joy in his misery.

"Sorry." Was his grumpy mutter, as he scanned the classroom for a free seat, which to his dismay was only near Ivan Braginsky his oh so best friend.

Ha, yeah fucking right.

Glaring at the Russian, he sat down trying to ignore the false innocent smile that he was given. He looked at the side of his desk where usually a coffee would sit, but being that it spilt all over his top it was absent for this morning.

"How odd Alfred, usually you have a disgusting black substance you call a drink on the side of your desk. I'm surprised! Does this mean you're going to start losing weight and get rid of those hamburgers you love so much?" Alfred twitched slightly in irritation and hurt. Despite how uncaring he is about the insults he usually gets, he is fairly sensitive about his weight. Which he has noticed he's been getting a lot of comments about.

"Fuck off commie; I'm in no mood to talk to the likes of you." Was his hissed reply, as he didn't see the darkened smile and narrowed eyes that were directed towards him, but made the others around him uncomfortable and scoot away from the pissed off Russian.

"Now now Alfred, just because I'm Russian doesn't make me a communist I thought I've told you this already." He let out a dramatic sigh and shrugged his shoulders and continued. "I guess it just doesn't get through your thick skull or tiny brain." Alfred grinded his teeth as he try to pay attention to the lesson and failing miserably, sending him a look that could kill.

"Could you do me a favour and kindly go fuck yourself and leave me alone? Bad enough I have to see your ugly mug everyday let alone have to hear your voice which can make babies cry." With that Ivan was silent and Alfred was happily listening to the lecture he was given, well as happy as he can get while getting homework. The bell had sounded like music to his ears, as he grabbed his bag and rushed towards the changing room of his gym class.

He hated gym, he was never that great at running or strength unless it came to football, but they only do football for two weeks before going on to another sport. Facing his gym locker he started to change while he heard a bit of snickering and whispered fat insults. He bit his lip as he looked down at the slightly bulging stomach. He wasn't that fat, maybe a little overweight for an 18 year old of 5'8 and weighing almost 170 pounds. He changed quickly into his American flag shirt and red running shorts before exiting out of the change room. H walked towards his bushy browed friend who was stretching before the run. Sitting next to the boy he started to copy the movements that his friend had been doing.

"I had to sit next Ivan in science class." Arthur's brows raised up in alarm as his green eyes locked onto Alfred's baby blues. Arthur knows quite a bit at the tense relationship him and the Russian held between them, and he also knew the unpleasant and very violent situations they have gone through. Mostly provoked by Ivan while the first punch was thrown by Alfred.

"Bloody hell Alfred what happened?" Arthur wasn't expected that any hits were thrown being that he was still in the school and that he had no bruises or broken glasses to show any kind of physical violence. But Braginsky was quite known for his verbal abuse which usually lights Alfred's very short fuse.

"Well nothing physical but he commented on my weight again." Arthur mentally sighed in relief as his friend wasn't hurt but covered it up with a snort.

"Well with all those burgers you eat it isn't a wonder, nor could I blame him." Alfred flinched at the words that were said as his own best bud agreed with his worst enemy. Arthur didn't realize that it was not only a sensitive topic for Alfred but a mental blow as he felt harmed by his own friend. Alfred scowled as the gym teacher had made them run two laps as he warned Alfred not to stop his run, effectively embarrassing him and making his other class mates snicker. Oh how today wasn't his day.

The rest of the day was pretty normal as the day went by. As soon as that bell rang he was outside and already walking home.

'I'm not that fat am I?' He thought as he looked down at his stomach and grimaced. Now that he thought about it...Maybe he was a little overweight. He passed by his reflection of a shop window, his grimace turned into a disgusted sneer as he really didn't like what he saw.

'Okay scratch that I'm really fat.' Quickly looking away, he walked towards his house where he was sure his quieter twin brother was. He smiled; surely his brother would cheer him up and make him some pancakes! He always made him pancake when he was dealing with a really shitty day like today. Walking into his house, he grinned at the spotless house.

"Hey Mattie you home?" He called out as he looked around. His brother had a nasty habit of being invisible and scaring the crap out of him. Hearing no answer meant either one of two things. 1. He was not home or 2. He was studying. His guess was number two being that Mattie wasn't the most outgoing boy he knew. So that meant he needed to bug the shit out of his push over of a brother! Huzzah!

Walking up those godforsaken stairs he barged into his twins' room without knocking, it always irritated his brother but by the look on his face he really didn't care. He was hunched over a chair in low lighting of his study lamp. 'Well, it's no wonder why he has such crappy eyesight.' With that he hugged Mattie from behind with a grin on his and felt his brother tense.

"Mattie, can you make me pancakes? I've had a really shitty day!" He whined pathetically, noting his brother didn't relax even a bit slightly but just shrugged his shoulders slightly to signal he wanted his brother off him.

"Not right now Al, I'm studying." He mumbled his eyes not even slightly taking his eyes of his notes of book, which displeased Alfred greatly that Matt wouldn't pay attention to him or make him his damn pancakes.

"awe! Please Mattie, i really want pancakes!" Apparently Matt was not in the mood to deal with his brothers annoyances today. He stood up quickly his chair violently knocked over and his face full of irritation and anger. Alfred gulped as he was not prepared for his brother's anger. Matt could be really scary when mad.

"Look Alfred, I'm fucking busy! I'm not your servant or your slave so knock it off. I don't think i have to get away from important studies to move around for your fat ass to be happy, now get out of my room and let me study." He growled, as he aggressively pushed his dumbfounded and offended brother out of his room and on his ass, slamming the door closed and locking it. Depressed wasn't even the word for what Alfred was feeling at the moment. Even his brother thought he was overweight. He frowned, as he rubbed his eyes furiously. He would not cry, heroes did not cry.

'That's it!' He thought as he stomped downstairs and into the kitchen. He was sick of the fat jokes, and he was sick of being overweight. Ripping open the cupboards he laid his eyes on his favourite sugary and salty snacks and he took them into his arms and threw them in the garbage. He'll show them. He'll show all of them that he could be skinny, even skinnier then them if he had to. After he was done that he skipped dinner and went to bed. He was going to start and finish, even if it killed him.

Even if it killed him.


A/N: Hey guys! I know the chapter is a little short but this is only a prologue just to test how the story might go. Usually the length is much longer. When I was half way one the chapter I had realized that someone already had done this idea, but I decided to go on with the story anyway. So to inform you that i haven't copied the idea. I'm sorry if my spelling and grammar have been missed when redoing this, but i have a habit of finishing and then checking over at night so I'm so tired that I miss even the most obvious of spelling mistakes. Please guys when you review don't make it flames, i see no point in having them and the worst part is that if you're signed in i can't delete them. Plus being mean is not something you should be proud of. And if you're going to favourite, story alert etc. Please review. I'd like to know feed backs and idea's you guys might like me to put into the next chapter.

Thanks guys! R&R!