Hi guys,

It's been a while hasn't it? I should have done this a very long time ago and I'm really ashamed that I haven't.

First and foremost, I want to apologize to all my readers who have started with this fanfiction. If there are any left, and to be honest I really would not be surprised if there wasn't, seeing that I haven't updated in a couple of years. You guys have been very good to me and I'm sorry that it's now that you are hearing from me.

To my new ones I would also like to apologize.

I have been out of the Hetalia fandom for quite a long time. I have lost almost all interest in it as a whole as the show isn't to my taste anymore. I genuinely feel guilty for not finishing this, because I don't finish any of the stories that I've started a couple of years ago. I feel like I've let you guys down because I didn't even announce a Hiatus for you guys. I just kind of...I don't know, dropped? I've been around on Youtube doing some skits with OpperationPecan and that's about all the Hetalia I've been doing.

I wanted to say my sorry's to you first before I get onto what I'm doing with this story.

First of all, I went to re-read this story to get feeling of where I am and where I left off and I felt a series of cringe attacks when I saw this. I couldn't get through two chapters and I know there is one chapter I know is awful and I never fixed because I'm pretty sure I wrote this straight after I got my wisdom teeth removed and I thought I was a fucking riot...Not cute.

To be frank with you, I'm not sure if I want to continue this story or not. I don't feel like it has an appeal to it as it did when I first started. And I'm not sure if the quality would be any good either. When I logged on I nearly deleted this story but hesitated. I'm pretty indecisive but I think I should quit while I'm ahead. It's not a good story, it's very VERY poorly written and I am not seeing much appeal to this at all.

To conclude this, I want to apologize to any of the people who have subscribed to this for wasting your time. If you have any questions, you can of course, contact me here or on my tumblr which is on my profile. Thank you so much for your support of this story and for the 100th time I am very, truly, sorry.