Amber: Hi

Tart: why are you talking to me… you don't normally do that, you just talk about your boring life?

Amber: My life is not that boring, my friend lit a microwave on fire twice

Tart: okaaayyyy… *sweatdrop*

Amber: I'm doing thins because it's the last chapter, and because I feel like it okay, actually, I'm *sniff* going to miss writing this story

Pudding: What? why?

Amber: I don't know it's like some sort of author-to-story empathy link, so I'm probably going to write a lot more new stories now

Tart: you are already writing like 8 or 6, or 7 stories right now, you don't need to write another

Amber: YES I DO!

Kish: you should see her mind right now… she's thinking of at least two, no wait three stories right now… and one of I'm… hey! That's mean!
Amber: *sticks out tongue* what? you'd do something like that… besides it's not that bad you get another love story!

Kish: *goes and pouts anyways*

Pudding: Wow your finally going to put yourself as a mew in a story?

Amber *eyes shining slightly*: yes, yes I am!

Tart: hey cool, Pudd, we get another story! And it's about candy!

Pudding: YES! *glomps tart*

Amber: A-hem! Since it's the last chapter the Disclaimer must be stated ok?

Kish (he came back, wanted attention): Ambercatlucky2 doesn't own Tmm, or japan, or china, or mmppp


Tart's POV

It had taken some time, but now… here I was, all confusion away, my love was true, and I knew that for sure now, my denial was gone, and I was trying to get a glimpse of my bride. But people make better doors than windows. So I just stood there at the alter, more nervous than I had ever been in my life. Then everyone fell silent, and I could have sworn my heart would jump right out of my chest, but it didn't then the people cleared and I could see perfectly, Pudding was wearing a beautiful full-length white gown embroidered with pearls, small sparkling gems, and golden thread that only showed itself when it flashed in the light. Her blonde hair framed her face; she too looked nervous, but happy, so gloriously happy. I smiled at her as she came up to face me, her father who had been invited to giver her away looked proud as he let go of her hand to go and sit with the crowd. I took her hand in mine and gave it a gently reassuring squeeze, she returned it. Then we dropped out hands to our sides, and Pai who was posing as the priest spoke the vows which ended in

"Taruto ikatashi, do you take Pudding fong to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold through sickness and health, to love and to cherish through the rich times and the poor, do you promise to protect her from anything or one?" I spoke, more serious than I had ever been in my life

"I do" Pai nodded then turned to Pudding

"And you Pudding fong-" she interrupted him

"I DO!" she shouted and jumped on me kissing me tenderly on the lips, the group of friends and family gathered there laughed and applauded. Pudding pulled away, her eyes shining, just like mine.

"I love you" I whispered into her ear

"I love you to, and I always will" she whispered back. Then we went out to greet everyone, and to go get congratulated and such. We were finally a pair, two hearts now one, forever and ever.

Two weeks later

I had just gotten home from work, when pudding with a grave, but excited look on her face came to me and spoke two words carefully, and somewhat quietly.

"I'm pregnant"


Hi, yeah a cliffy ending, hmm… well that kinda sucks for you. To go with my morals I had to make her pregnant after her wedding that's also kinda like their character to be more pure, and not be y'know before their married. Anyways if there's much demand, and I mean more than four reviews with requests of this, I might make a sequel… maybe. But I still haven't decide what gender their kid's gender would be?