I just realized how long it took for me to update.

I am so sorry.

Here's a new chapter, though!

Why Me?

Mr. Shultz looked curiously at his new patient.

He really didn't look quite old enough to be a Death Eater. He should really be in school right now.

He also looked a lot like the last man that had come in. They were probably related.

"So, how is it that you came to be a Death Eater, sir?" he asked. He knew he didn't have to call the boy 'sir', but he always appreciated a large tip, and flattery was definitely the way to go if you needed a bit of extra cash.

"I didn't want to be a Death Eater, you know. I actually wanted to be one of those muggle astrobots, or whatever they're called. Exploring space always seemed fun to me. But, then dad got arrested and crap like that, so I had to take his place."

"so you got forced into it?" asked Mr. Shultz. He was a bit surprised at how many of these 'Death Eaters' had claimed to be forced into this business of working for Voldemort and killing everyone they ever knew or met. Really, that man had no friends. Except for that nut case woman.

"Isn't that what I just told you? You people are so stupid." Said the sullen teen

"Well, how did it make you feel to be forced into it?" inquired Mr. Shultz

"Pretty pissed off!" yelled the teenager

"Umm, well" stuttered Mr. Shultz

"You see, you just don't get it, do you?" whined the boy

Get what?

"You've never been forced into anything, have you?" he said

"Maybe I'm being forced to be a therapist." Countered Mr. Shultz

"But still, the things they made me do" said the teen, as he gave a shudder

"Well, what did the Death Eaters and Voldemort-"

"Huuuh!" gasped the 'sullen teen'

"What?" asked a very confused Mr. Shultz

"You dare to speak his name?" asked the astounded teenager

"Oh, right, I forgot that you people always call him the 'Dark Lord' or "You Know Who' or something like that." Said Mr. Shultz as he realized his mistake

"Yes, he is quite terrifying."

"You know, fear of name increases the fear of the thing itself." Said a very thoughtful Mr. Shultz

"You sound just like that mud blood, Granger. She has such big teeth. I actually made up a pretty clever nickname for her. Gopher. You know, because gophers have such big teeth." Said the boy

"Um, yeah, I get it. I guess." Said Mr. Shultz, in a bit of a confused voice.

"What, don't you get it? I mean, she has big teeth, like a gopher's, and her last name starts with a G." explained the teen

"Oh, I get it, all right. I just don't find it all that funny." Said Mr. Shultz

"Well, maybe I have a different sense of humor that yours. Maybe I enjoy different things than you do. Maybe I don't enjoy certain things that you do. Maybe-"

But Mr. Shultz decided to cut him off before he could get started on some stupid angsty rant.

"Well, maybe I don't like other people to suffer at my expense. Ever think about that, pretty boy?" he said.

Wait! He thought, what on earth has gotten into me? One minute I'm a therapist, the next I'm some 'home boy' calling my patient names! What is going on here?

"Um, did you just call me a pretty boy, Mr. Shultz?" asked the very confused teenager

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy, I believe I did." Said a very confused Mr. Shultz

"Um, first of all you can call me Draco, and second of all, why?" asked the boy

"I am not sure." Said Mr. Shultz

"Did it feel good?" asked Draco very curiously

"Actually, it did." Said Mr. Shultz

"See, now you know how I feel." Said Draco

"Except" said Draco, as a bit of an afterthought, "you've never been forced into anything."

Ugh, not again!

"Why don't we just pick up here next week!" said Mr. Shultz, before they could get into this discussion all over again.

Well, a new chapter. Pretty short, but I've got a bit of writers block, so it's not all that bad, I guess.

Any ways, Please Review!