Chapter 4

"See ya later, dude!" Shane called, grabbing his hoodie. "I'll be with Mitchie in her cabin, you have fun with Cait!" he winked.

Nate glared at his band mate. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're so fucking blind! You like Cait, and she OBVIOUSLY lives you! Just fuck already!"

Nate's face turned a dangerous shade of red. "Shut up, you don't know what you're talking about! Besides, you know I like Dana!"

Shane made a face. "Come on dude! Dana? She is seriously NOT your type. The same was with Hannah and Alex! Have you not learned to avoid chicks like Dana yet?"

"You're wrong!" Nate sighed.

"And you're in denial! Peace!"

With that Shane left the cabin. Caitlyn walked in through the door a few seconds later.

"God, Shane is so annoying!"

"Is he harassing you too?" Nate laughed.

Caitlyn nodded. "So what shall we do for our best friend night?" She asked collapsing next to Nate on the couch.

"Watch a movie?"

Caitlyn agreed and Nate turned the TV on with the remote that sat on the coffee table.

"You know," Caitlyn started, nuzzling into Nate's side as he flipped through the movie channels. "It really isn't fair that Connect 3 gets such a special cabin!" she joked, referring to the entertainment system.

"It was Shane's one and only condition!" Nate laughed. "Besides, I let you use it whenever you want, so you really shouldn't complain!"

Caitlyn stuck her tongue out at Nate as he chose a random Romantic-Comedy.

"So, how are things progressing with Dana?" Caitlyn asked nonchalantly.

"Uh, there progressing…"

"I want details!" Caitlyn squealed with fake enthusiasm.

"Girly squeal much?" Nate joked and Caitlyn glared in response. "Well, on occasion she has stopped playing piano, picked up her own pair of binoculars and waved back at me! But, I don't really know if she likes me…" Nate sighed. "What do you think?"

Caitlyn gulped. It was obvious that Dana liked Nate, but Caitlyn couldn't bring herself to admit it.

"Uh, I don't really know to be honest!" Caitlyn lied. "Mitchie's better at that sorta thing, you should ask her…"

Nate nodded before turning his attention back to the television screen.

"Not that she even has a second to listen," Nate joked.

"True," Caitlyn laughed remembering Mitchie's freak out at lunch. "She really needs to calm down. Sometimes it doesn't even feel like we're at summer camp… It's more of a work camp!"

Nate snorted in agreement. "But we definitely got her with that water fight!"

Caitlyn shook her head with a smile playing on her lips. "As much fun as it was, you guys really shouldn't have done that to her."

"Oh, come on! You enjoyed watching Mitchie storm off, soaked from head to toe, as well!"

Caitlyn smirked but didn't give Nate any more of an answer.

"But you and me, we really got Shane!" Nate added.

"Oh yeah! He had a water gun and we only had a bucket of water and we STILL got him more wet!"

The two friends laughed before staring at one another. Slowly their laughter did and they found themselves both leaning in.

"God!" Shane yelled, slamming the cabin door. Nate and Caitlyn quickly straightened up and looked away from one another. "Mitchie is so…FRUSTRATING!"

"Did you guys get into an argument?" Caitlyn asked softly. When Shane nodded Caitlyn excused herself, saying that she should go and check on Mitchie.

"Are you okay?" Nate asked Shane, sitting on his bed across from Shane's.

"Yeah," Shane sighed. "She is just SO wrapped up in this stupid Camp War thing! I just want to spend time with her, but apparently saving Camp Rock is more important!"

"Come on Shane," Nate said giving his friend a pointed look. "You know that's not fair! She loves this old camp! It's where she found her voice, and more importantly, where she found you! You know she won't just drop the subject."

Shane sighed, shaking his head clear. "Well, enough about me! What's going on with you and Caitlyn?"

"Nothing! I like Dana!"

"Please," Shane gave a disbelieving look. "I saw you two before I walked in. You guys were totally going to kiss!"

"I don't know what you're talking about Shane," Nate grumbled. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

"'Night, lover boy!" Shane laughed. "Sweet dreams! Hopefully they help you choose between Cait and Dana!"

Nate rolled his eyes. "Shut the fuck up, Shane!"

Shane laughed in response.