Disclaimer: I don't own Fatal Frame. All of Fatal frame's characters, and some of the events and settings of this story belong to Tecmo, I only own the plot and story that I make up!

Caution! Fatal Frame 2 spoilers! Read with caution!

Mio's POV

I set down my camera as I watched the Kusabi fall to the ground, defeated by my fatal frame. I didn't watch for long as I saw a crimson butterfly flying through the shrine gates to the abyss. I quickly ran through them, giving chase to the butterfly. I knew that Mayu had come this way. I had to get us out of the village before it was too late, and Sae had complete control of my sister. As I ran down a steep hill I tried hard not to trip, but all I could think about was how I broke my promise to Mayu. Once we are out of this village, I wont ever leave you again Mayu. I promise. And this time, I mean it.

I slowed my pace to stop and pick up a scrap of paper. It was Sae's final letter to Yae.


You came for me after all.

Please hurry.

I'm right below you.

I know you might not make it in time,

But I'll wait for you until the very end.


At this point, I couldn't tell if this was Sae writing to Yae, or Mayu writing to me, yet mistaking me for Yae, like everyone else in this village. Either way I didn't care, I ran faster, and harder. Luckily gravity was on my side. I was descending deeper into the gates of hell, and the path was traveling downward.

I finally reached the opening where I could see the abyss. There room was large and resembled a cave. It was dark, but there were a few torches hanging off the walls. There was a stone table in front of a huge pit. I could tell that that was the abyss, because I saw Mayu standing in front of the table. I could feel my 6th sense starting to react. I could tell it wasn't a violent spirit in front of me. I was sure it was Sae who I was sensing.

I took a few steps forward.

"I kept waiting." I heard Mayu say. "In a dark, dark place…"

I felt like I was having trouble breathing. Not only was I scared for the sake of me and my sister, but the air was cold and heavy.

She was looking down, but I felt my self tense as she looked at me in a blank stare. Her eyes looked cold, and dead. It didn't feel like the Mayu who I had been so protective of all these years.

"Shall we begin?"

I started to walk forward, I felt like my knees were about to buckle, but I knew I had to be strong, and snap Mayu out of being possessed by Sae.

"Mio/Yae" I heard them say simultaneously. A bright white flashed for half a second and priests with tall dark staffs now surrounded the two of us.

"We were… born together… but we have to live… and die… separately." I could tell by the way she was talking that it was Mayu, and not Sae. "I knew this… I knew." She looked off to the right a bit as she said this. She seemed so brave, yet so sad to tell me this. "Mayu," I started walking toward her slowly, trying to keep my voice down. I felt so overwhelmed by this whole situation. "we'll be together. We will…" She closed her eyes and replied, "We can't be together forever…"

I stopped. Face to face with her. She seemed so tired. She was staring deep into my eyes. Something she never does. She was so serious. Even though she was standing right in front of me, I missed her so much.

The priests started to bang their staffs on the ground in unison. The sound echoing throughout the room.

Mayu grabbed my hand and pulled me in as she layed on the stone table, so I was kneeling over her.

"But with this, we can become one." I stared at her in shock. We knew each other so well, so I knew she could sense my fear, and feel myself shaking.

"So it's alright," She grabbed my wrists and slowly pulled them so they were around her fragile neck. I was shocked. She looked at me, waiting for me to get it over with. I moved my head toward the side of hers as she quietly whispered in my ear, "Kill me…"

Without a second thought I started tightening my grip… Applying enough pressure to stop the air from coming to her lungs. The priests started banging their staffs faster but still in unison. I could feel her pulse beating hard against my hands. I started seeing a vision, and I could tell Mayu was seeing it as well.

I could see her watching me when I was running ahead on the day of the accident. "Why didn't you kill me back then…" I could hear Mayu's voice while the vision was changing. It changed from the priests, Mayu dying, to the day of the accident. I saw Sae falling into the Abyss. "I was waiting…Waiting…" Mayu started to go limp and I could feel her pulse slowing.. The last vision I saw was her looking at me with my hands around her neck, then her vision bluring, and going black. "Waiting…" Her eyes then shut, and I felt her pulse completely stop.

The priests stopped banging their staffs. I loosened my grip and I saw the glowing red bruises of my hand prints on her neck. I shifted my weight so I was on my knees, and kept staring at the bruise. I suddenly heard a sound of a bell, and watched as the bruises shifted into a butterfly, which was sitting on her neck. I gasped, and my mind was racing. I could hear the preists starting to cheer, and saw mourners approaching me and my sister out of the corner of my eyes. I sat their blinking, as they lifted her and swung her back and fourth 3 times before throwing her in the abyss. I didn't take my eyes off of her as I saw her lifeless body falling, ever so still into the darkness.

I stood up off of the table and started to shake my head and squeeze my eyes shut. I felt so dizzy, so confused. I didn't know what to think. My mouth dropped as I started backing away and my hands lifted towards my face, then I started to realize what happened.

I dropped my hands and ran towards the abyss. I stepped forward, waiting and hoping that a butterfly would appear. Sure enough, I saw the crimson insect which was now my sister fluttering out of the pit. I couldn't take my eyes off it as it ever so gracefully flew up. It looked free, and so happy.

"Thank you."

Mayu voice echoing through my mind. "MAYU!" I yelled after her.

I started chasing her. I didn't care where I was going. When I fell down, I got back up. The tears were pouring down my face, mixing in with the cold hard rain as it stung my face. The pain, and guilt was killing me. I felt so heavy, and so weak. It was so hard to keep up with her. I was so used to always being able to run in front of her with ease. Always having to slow down for her, but now, she was so fast, and wouldn't slow down for me.

I started running uphill after her, where I saw all of the butterflies floating, waiting for her. She seemed to speed up towards them, completely forgetting about me. But after what I did, I couldn't blame her.

"Im sorry!" I sobbed, "Im so sorry!" I stopped at the top of the hill. I was so tired, It felt impossible to keep up with her. Now that Mayu was with the other butterflies, they started to fly away. I saw Mayu floating. Watching me. I knew that she hated when I cried, but now, I couldn't help it. She started to fly towards me. I took a few steps forward and lifted out my arm, expecting her to land on my finger. Instead she simply grazed it and looked at me. I could tell she was trying to tell me it was alright, and it was okay. She wanted me to stop crying, for her anyway.

She flew up into the air, and turned flying towards the others. She didn't show one side of having an injury, which made me hurt even more. I was so happy that she wasn't crippled, but knew that if it wasn't because of me, she never would have been. I reached my arm after her, but then dropped it as I watched her flutter away. I kept watching until she grew smaller and smaller, until I couldn't see her anymore. I looked down and buried my face into my hands. Finally letting my knees buckle. I starting sobbing once again, and looked up to see that the sun was rising.

"We did it Mayu," I said under my breath. "We saved the village." I knew this is what she wanted. But I looked around, and saw that Mayu wasn't with me, and I knew she never would be again.

NOTE: Whoa! This was my first story ever! And I was shaky while I was writing it.. Um so yes! This is basically a recap of the original FF2 ending, and the beginning to my idea of what happened after the ending! Yes so, more chapters to be added later! I hope you enjoyed it so far!