Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX or Fullmetal Alchemist

So the Ed/Al stuff is officially over! Warning that this is a pretty dirty chapter until the last two sections and that there will be citrusy content. To those who were looking forward to it, happy times ahead.

I got some inspiration to write after I posted the latest chapter of Raising Endurance earlier and was quickly swarmed by follows and favourites. I then looked at the traffic page and realized that this little baby needs some love, thus, a new chapter.

Ed blinked up at the ceiling of the Obelisk Blue dorm as he waited for Zane to come out of the bathroom. Jaden had convinced him to talk to someone, and Zane was that person. Not everything, not yet, but… he just wanted to talk to Zane.

The sound of the bathroom door closing made him look up. Zane was wearing a pair of navy sweat pants and a white t-shirt, which Ed assumed he wore to bed. Or maybe he was only wearing clothes because Ed was here and he normally wore nothing to bed.

…Head out of the gutter, Ed. Where did that even come from?

Zane sighed and flopped onto the bed next to him, arms resting by the headboard above his head, body stretched out deliciously, eyes closed. "So about me being a therapist." His only answer was silence. He opened one eye lazily to look at Ed. Ed was just looking at him. "Well? Get down here and tell me what's wrong."

Ed shook himself out of his daze. It was just that Zane just laid himself out in front of him, as if in offering. He blinked and removed his red coat and kicked his boots off before moving to lie on the double bed beside the other boy, arms at his sides. He glanced at Zane and found his eyes to be closed again. He just returned to blinking at the ceiling.

He took a breath, "As you heard earlier, Al and I are fighting."

Zane frowned but didn't open his eyes and Ed was glad for it. "Yeah, something about finding out where to draw the line. Is that what you're here to talk about?"

Ed blushed. Just the thought of telling Zane sent heat to his belly. Ed had no doubt that the boy would listen. What if he reacted like Jaden did? "Sort of, a little bit." He sighed.

Zane rolled onto his side and opened his eyes to look at Ed. "What?"

Ed didn't meet the duelist's eyes. "I just don't know how you'll react. This is a tad more personal than what we talked about today."

Zane's eyes lit up in understanding. "More like the fantasies part of our get to know you moment?"

Ed snorted, "A lot more like that."

Zane thought for a moment. "I can deal with that. If you want to share, then I'll listen. If it helps, I'll share when you're done?"

Ed grinned for a second. It seemed that Zane was willing to listen. "Alright. Anyway, I might as well tell you what started it. Yesterday as Al and I left Crowler's class we caught Chazz and Alexis kissing in the hall. He blushed and zoned out and we met up with Jaden and he came out of it and we resumed the walk to the dorm. We were basically there when we caught site of Atticus and Aster. Apparently it was PDA day. They were sitting on the hill between the dorm and the dock and they were kissing and groping and grinding… basically sex with clothes." Ed noticed Zane's blush. "Al naturally freaked out and dragged me to our room in a frenzy. He had some issues with seeing them kissing like that."

Zane was tense and said in a purposely-neutral tone, "Does Al not like gay people?"

Ed shook his head with a frown. "That's not it at all. He started asking me questions. He wanted to know if it was normal for him to be excited after seeing two guys kissing. I told him that it's normal and that he just liked the idea of it."

Zane raised an eyebrow at the pause. "Is the problem that he's gay?"

Ed shook his head again. "He asked me to kiss him, to test his theory."

Now both of Zane's eyebrows were raised and he was blushing. "Oh. I think I understand now."

Ed didn't even bother to shake his head. "No you don't, I haven't told you yet. I kissed him, at first a chaste kiss and then a more serious kiss at Al's insistence." He stopped and took a steadying breath; his voice was starting to shake.

Zane's hand gently touched his elbow, helping him to focus. "Is there more to that story?"

Ed closed his eyes. "Yes, but I'm not telling it to you right now. See the problem is that after I left our room, it's all I could think about. Guys, that is. I was thinking about it that night before we dueled and that's why I didn't notice you right away. Maybe you noticed, maybe you didn't but I had a hard on that night."

The first thing Ed saw when his eyes opened was the other boy's flushed face. When Zane spoke, his voice was gentle. "Ed, you're going to have to tell me the problem. Right now I'm thinking that you have sexual desires for your brother," he deadpanned.

Ed chuckled for a second. "Not quite. See, I've been in the military for years. I shared barracks with other soldiers. I've seen my share of naked men; I've walked in on a lot of things. But there was a war and I couldn't let myself relax. Then the war ended. I started to relax a little bit. I had a crush on Winry when I was younger and so did Al but that was just a childhood crush. I've slept with a woman, even if it was to protect Al from her. I just don't understand. All that time, nothing. Suddenly I get here and there's nothing at all to worry about and… What I did with Al, I got nothing out of it. I'm sure he would have returned the favor but I left. Anyway, the point is that I got hard, I enjoyed it, and then I started thinking about it. Not with Al specifically but guys in general." He sighed. "Zane, I'm having a sexual identity crisis."

Zane smiled kindly. "There, wasn't so hard. So your problem is that you think you're gay?"

Ed nodded but kept his eyes on the ceiling. "Yeah. I always thought I was straight. Crushed on Winry, sparks with Rose, slept with Lust." He laughed ruefully. "I should have seen it then; I slept with the female incarnation of Lust only to protect my brother. Y'know, there were rumors about me and some of the men that I bumped into, but I never paid them any mind. Maybe everyone just knew something I didn't."

Zane's hand still hadn't left Ed's arm. The hand trailed down to Ed's wrist and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Ed, does the thought of being gay bother you?"

Ed shook his head. "I don't think so, I mean I've always been pretty open minded. It's just that, I don't know, I feel like this changes who I am. I feel like… because of my repressed feelings I hurt Al."

Zane reached out and forced the blond to look at him with a hand under his chin. "Ed, everything you're saying keeps stemming back to Al. I understand your crisis but I think the real problem is whatever happened between you and Al. I can't really help you unless you tell me what happened."

Ed bit his lip. "I know, I just-" he looked back at the ceiling. "Don't judge me?"

Zane gave his wrist another comforting squeeze. "Never. I don't judge and I don't tell secrets that aren't mine."

Ed smiled at him before looking away. "Okay so Al convinced me to give him a real kiss. But then he pulled me down onto him and his lips were so soft, his hands were in my hair, his tongue, his body, it all felt so good. Al dragged me down to suck at his neck and that was fine until he rocked his hips against mine and he was hard. I stopped right away. It was only supposed to be a kiss but suddenly he was hard, we were both hard. Al wasn't happy; he wanted to keep going. He started rubbing my hard on and said he wouldn't regret it and he wanted to be with someone he trusted. It wasn't even close to being as hard to convince me, as it should have been. I agreed to keep going. I was kind of wary at the thought of a blowjob but once I was doing it… it's empowering having a man's dick in your mouth and for that moment, his life is just you and the movements of your tongue. Anyway, after he came, I left. I didn't even look at him. I should have stayed and talked him through it like you're doing for me but I was too lost in myself and I left."

Zane licked his dry lips. "Then you're right about hurting Al. I'm sure you hurt him by leaving him like that but other than that you did nothing wrong. Ed, he made his own decision."

Ed turned his head to look at Zane. He was quiet for a minute before he sighed in acceptance, "You're right."

Zane grinned. "Glad you think so. Alright with being gay now? I don't think that was ever the problem though."

Ed smiled. "I guess so. I mean, I'm still me but…" He looked back at the ceiling.

Zane slowly removed his hand from Ed's wrist and gleefully noted the boy's frown is response. He pushed himself up onto his elbows and leaned more heavily on the one closer to Ed. "Well I think that theory you and Al had was good." He half rolled so that most of his weight was resting on his hip and he had an arm on either side of a blushing Ed's head. This time Ed's hands went to Zane's wrists. The duelist leaned in and whispered, "A kiss to make sure?"

Ed's grip tightened but he made no move to push Zane away. Obvious agreement.

Zane leaned down and gently pressed his lips to Ed's and waited a second for Ed to respond before tilting his head to deepen the kiss. He felt Ed's hand's move. One trailed up his arm to his bicep while the other travelled until it was tugging pleasantly at his hair, applying perfect pressure. Then he felt his tongue. Zane smiled into the kiss and enjoyed the attention to his lips before he opened his mouth for Ed. Zane anticipated Ed's eagerness and was quick to dart his tongue under Ed's and trace the tip of his tongue along the underside of the blonde's with teasing pressure. Ed moaned lowly and Zane hummed. From there they slowly distanced themselves until Zane pulled away and returned to his earlier position of lying on his side.

Ed finally rolled to face him, blushing. "I really liked that." He cleared his throat at the blunette's grin. "Isn't it your turn to share now?"

Zane raised an eyebrow. "I was under the impression that we would be sharing fantasies. I haven't heard any fantasies so far. That was just your problem." He leaned in; lips just barely brushing Ed's with every word and whispered, "Are you going to tell me your fantasies, Ed?"

Ed groaned deep in his throat. He licked his lips and felt Zane's lips as he did. His reply was also a whisper. "Alright. I dream of eyes dark with lust. I want a hard body next to mine, a hard cock in my hand, in my mouth, in me. I want to try so many things. I want to have a cock shoved down my throat, I want to see what a guy's mouth on me feels like, I want to spend a day and night just trying everything that I can." His eyes flicked from Zane's dark eyes to his flushed cheeks to his lip that he was biting. "Too much?"

"No," Zane breathed, "Never too much."

Ed leaned forward enough to pull Zane's lip from between his teeth with his own and gave it a little nip. "Then I believe it's your turn to share."

Zane kept his gaze level with Ed's for a heated moment before he flicked his tongue along his bottom lip nervously. "Yeah, I guess it is. Fantasies, right." He cleared his throat. "Ed, give me your hand?" Not a second later, a gloved hand rested in his own. Zane gulped and guided the hand downwards. His eyes fluttered closed with a gasp when Ed's hand rested against his erection resting against his thigh. He opened his eyes to see Ed's blushing face. He chastely kissed the boy. "This-" He choked as Ed's hand started to massage and rub his clothed dick. "This is my fantasy. Since the day you introduced yourself to the school. You. Your eyes, your mouth, the way you talk, the way you move, everything you do turns me on." He groaned as Ed's grip changed. "Everything you said tonight…" he panted. "You have no idea what you do to me. Right before you got here, I was thinking about you and I jumped in the shower to wash off my cum. You just barely missed it."

Ed smashed their lips together, thinking about nothing but contact. "You have no idea how flattering that is."

Ed's lips trailed wet kisses down Zane's neck, which suddenly seemed so much more sensitive than his lips. The hand on his dick disappeared then quickly reappeared, rubbing Zane's toned abdomen. Ed's other hand was in his hair, maneuvering his head into the desired position. Zane panted with swollen lips and he looked on with heavy-lidded eyes. He wasn't even sure when his shirt had come off. At a particularly hard suck at his pulse-point, Zane could do nothing but moan and rock his hips into the others. He was met with a hard bulge but heard a pained groan. The leather pants. He scrambled to get the button undone and the fly down and they changed positions to get the pants tugged down around the boy's golden thighs. Ed grinned and leaned down from where he was straddling Zane's hips to suck one of Zane's mocha nipples. The hand not supporting him was exploring his lower abdomen and his hips.

"Ah!" Zane could feel Ed's smirk right before he felt the shock of pleasure shoot down his spine from Ed's teeth. "E-Ed, you don't have to-"

Ed cut the other boy off when he slipped the tops of his fingers beneath the waistband of Zane's pants. "I want to. Do you sleep in these, Zane?"

When the blue-haired boy dazedly shook his head, Ed grinned. "I hoped you didn't." He tugged at the waistband. "Now, we can grind against each other if you want but I would personally love for you to shove your cock down my throat." He scooted down until he hovered over Zane's shins, fingertips brushing against the skin beneath the pants. "Can I?"

Ed crept back into his room around midnight. He hadn't seen Al since their little…escapade.

The golden-haired, grey-eyed boy was asleep on Ed's bed with a cat curled up beside him.

In the darkness of the room, Ed let his walls crumble. He sagged back against the closed door. "I'm so sorry Al, I didn't mean to hurt you like this. I never should have left you like I did. I'm a horrible older brother."

There was a quiet voice from the bottom bunk. "Never. It was my fault. I'm sorry Ed, I'll never ask you to do anything like that ever again. Did you figure out what you had to?"

The elder brother dragged himself to the bottom bunk and started removing his more uncomfortable clothes. "It's alright Al. I've been... talking to Zane a bit. He understands us pretty well for someone so different from us. He picked my brain until Jaden and Syrus found me and again after. How have you been?"

"I've been pretty good. Jaden's been here trying to cheer me up; he's a really happy person. Best of all, Syrus brought up Pharaoh yesterday to keep me company. Pharaoh is Slifer Red's cat. Apparently he belonged to Professor Banner, Slifer Red's advisor and a teacher here. But then Professor Banner turned out to be an evil German Alchemist by the name of Amnael. He disappeared after dueling Jaden. Anyway, since Pharaoh is ownerless, he's decided to stay here for a while."

Ed held in a sigh. He hadn't been exaggerating when he told Zane how his little brother got around cats. He pulled on a long-sleeved white t-shirt and crawled under the covers alongside his brother. "Fine. We'll have to thank them."

Al just mumbled tiredly. "Mhm. Night Brother."

Ed set his deck on the bed beside his pillow. The top two cards slid from the pile. Big Brother and Protector of the Kittens. He smiled, "Night Al."

Jaden knocked softly on the door of the Elric brothers' room. When nobody answered he tried the door and found it unlocked. He went in and a smile threatened to split his face. The two boys were curled up asleep together on the camped bottom bunk. Al's taller figure was curled into his brother and Ed's arm was resting on Al's back. Pharaoh, sprawled at the foot of the bed, meowed at him. Jaden just smiled. "Glad things are back to normal."