So yeah… I just thought I'd write a new story after finishing 'She's a crack in the stone' and thank you too Danielle Salvatore for helping me with ideas. I hope you enjoy it.

Bonnie Pov.

I rolled my eyes, watching Damon and Matt having a stare out, there eyes never leaving each others just glaring each other down, until one back out, which would obviously be Matt, considering Damon didn't even need to blink, at all.

Even though not a word was spoken, the threats were flying through the air from body language.

Matt had one arm wrapped tightly around me, crushing my small body into his, were as Damon was sitting opposite us with a challenging look fixed in his eyes, as he continued to snarl Matt.

I and Matt had been dating for just two weeks now, and already Damon didn't like it. Either because he was just so bored and spiteful that he would want to break the two of us up, or something else… I just can't seem to put my finger on it.

To Elena's annoyance, ever since I and Matt had gotten together, whenever he was not attempting to break the two of us up, he was chasing after her like hell on wheels. Either he's lonely, and still 'loves' her, or he just doesn't like being single? I really don't know what's going on with him these days.

I used to think… I used to think that Damon kind of, erm, had a thing for me, well… I doubted it a awful lot, but yes I believed he used to like me, for some unknown reason. Now my mind is completely made up, Damon Salvatore cannot bare me, he must not, every chance myself or my friends have had a shot at happiness he's attempted to ruin it.

Meredith, she got with Alaric and was over the moon, he tried to drag Alaric into a strip club.

Stefan, he constantly is playing with Stefan's mind teasing him saying that Elena likes him and not Stefan? Just last week they were scrambled on the floor fighting because Damon decided to be yet again a complete dick by asking "Who was the better fuck, Katherine or Elena?" Stefan was fuming.

As per usual, he's constantly trying to win over Elena, who rejects him every time. He attempts to win her love, and hurt Stefan at every turn he can, claiming he is completely and irrevocably in love with her, somehow I think otherwise.

All of my friends, all of them, affected by the curse of what is Damon Salvatore.

"I like the way you think Carra, very flattering, very flattering indeed." Damon's voice said aloud.

My mind was washed straight to the scene between myself, Matt and Damon.

Matt's face darted towards me, his blue eyes looking somewhat hurt.

"I was just thinking what a nuisance Damon is, Matt." I murmured.

A cocky smile rose to Matt's lips as he pulled me closer towards him.

Damon seemed as if he was about to say something, but then he was cut off by another entering voice.

"Damon Salvatore, if you have even kidnapped Stefan and left him in China again, your ass is going to be sorry. He'll be back soon." Elena came charging into the room, glaring down at Damon.

"It was actually Brazil, angel. And yes, I can hear the saint is about to grace us with his godly presence in about two hours." He smirked.

Elena flew at him, only for him to take off running, her sprinting behind him, far too slow to even be able to catch up.

Sighing, I snuggled into Matt's large arms.

"Damon's such a dick." He muttered.

I nodded softly, in agreement.

"He's always after you."

This sent me dropping into shock slightly.

"Me? Damon doesn't give a damn about me, silly. He's all for Elena."

Matt shook his head while rolling his eyes. "Is it not obvious? Every guy does that to get the girl, they'll flirt with somebody else to see if the girl gets jealous, Bon he wants you, its obvious." His voice broke slightly into a quiet whisper as if he didn't want me to hear it as he said "and soon enough he'll have you."

My body rocketed up, and I turned sharply towards him.

"Hey, hey, hey." I sat on his lap, and made him face me directly. "I love you, okay. Not Damon, I love you Matthew Honeycutt, you are my boyfriend and the only one I want, don't you ever even think that!"

He nodded, weakly.

Our lips collided, moving in perfect motion.

Yet something just didn't feel right about the kiss.

I couldn't put my finger on it, but then I soon realised.

It was because the lips were ceiled because of a lie.

Kay so, this was just to start the story off, I realise it was a pretty crappy first chapter, but the updates will be coming fast, and I do realise that there was no Damon taunting the couple, there will be in the next chapter!

Review people! And ill reply back!

Much love,

