Author's note: Sorry about the delay of this chap. Just because of that, this one is a little bigger.

Chapter 18

Some minutes later, Camus' family, Camus and Jane were in the living room. Suddenly his mother said:

- So all these years you were alive in Greece?

- I spent most of the time in my training place.

- And that is where?

- In Siberia.

This shocked them a little. And his mother said:

- In Siberia? Mon Dieu! In that cold! How could you stand it? You were so little!

- I stand it because of my cosmo. I was trained to stand the rigorous cold, and after some years I became as cold as the winds that blow there.

- What do you mean?

- I mean that I became cold hearted, that my skin and touch doesn't have the warmth of a human skin that is what I meant!

His family looked surprised at him and his brother said:

- That's impossible! No one can loose his natural warmth!

Camus got up and touched Albert's hand that shivered sensing his brother's cold touch. Camus went back to Jane's side and said:

- Do still think that way?

- How…?

- My cosmo makes my body temperature fall to make me possible to dominate ice and to stand the cold of Siberia.

Albert looked at Jane and said:

- How can you stand his touch? It's cold like ice!

- It's because when he touches me it doesn't seem cold. It's a warm touch. My cosmo makes it that way. Even if I touch the walls of my castle, which is made of ice, I won't feel cold. But, when other people touch me, like when somebody shakes my hand I feel their touch very cold! When I'm away of my kingdom or Camus' presence for too long I will get very cold. I'll hang on like that for two months. After that, if I don't get to my kingdom or near Camus, I'll die!

All of the people were looking at her surprised, with the exception of Camus. It was a surprise for him too, but he hid it well. Then Camus' mother turned to him and asked:

- What turned you in to a cold hearted man?

- Life it self. But the two more important things were the death of my master when I was 7 and when some men took Jane away.

- Since when do you know each other?

- Since I arrived in Siberia when I was 4.

- You said that your master died. How did he die?

- I killed him. I had to battle him for the Gold Cloth. In the end, I learned the ultimate technique and he died.

This shocked his family and his mother said:

- You killed a man with 7 years old?

- I had to. It was him or me.

- Tell me, who took you away?

- My master.

- Your master?

- Yes. I saw him one day and he told me the answers for the questions that I had for years.

- Your fiancée was his student also?

- No, Jane was his niece. Now, we should get going. I'm tired and I'm sure Jane is tired too.

Jane and Camus got up and as they were leaving the room his mother said:

- Wait! For how long will you stay here in Paris?

- We are here in vacation for two months. But, don't come looking for me.

Saying this they left and went back to the hotel. There Camus turned to Jane that was sitting in bed taking her sandals and said:

- Why didn't you tell me that?

- You never asked. I was going to tell you when it was necessary.

- It's true then?

- Yes.

- Then how did you survive those years?

- I spent two weeks in England and then they took me to my kingdom. It was the first time I saw it.

- Now that you mention it, how is your kingdom?

- It's beautiful! It's hidden by a magical barrier, similar to the Sanctuary. The city is built in the glaciers and the palace is as tall as mountain! The legend says that it was really made from a mountain. At sunset you can see so many reflections there! It seems transparent but it isn't. It's a magic wall that creates that illusion. You have to see it! We can go there, before we go back to the Sanctuary.

- We can. I would love to see it.

He went closer to her and said:

- Are there any more secrets you want to tell me?

- Camus you know that there is something I want to tell but I can't!

- I know. Don't worry.

He caressed her face and kissed her passionately.

Some hours later they were lying in bed. Jane was sleeping; Camus was looking at her and said in low voice:

- My love, I trust you but my curiosity is growing bigger and bigger. What is it that you can't tell me? Who made you promise that? I hope from the bottom of my heart that it isn't a man. Sleep well I have a surprise for you tomorrow. I hope you like it.

He turned around, opened the drawer of the bedside table, took a small box and smiled. He put it back on the drawer again and his smile grew wider when he felt two delicate arms embracing him from behind, caressing his naked torso and heard a smooth and sleepy voice saying:

- Is everything alright, Camus?

He turned, looked at Jane, caressed her face, kissed her and said:

- Why do you ask?

- I saw you awake and I became worried.

- Don't be, my love. Go to sleep.

- Camus, may I ask something?

- Of course. What is it?

- Can I lay in your arms?

He smiled, kissed her and said:

- You don't need to ask.

He lay down and pulled her closer to his chest. She kissed his chest and said in a low voice:

- Camus, please love me.

He looked surprised at her, but then smiled and kissed her passionately. Some time later they were laying in bed, Camus was embracing Jane that was as closely as possible to him. Noticing her actions, Camus said:

- What's wrong Marie?

- Nothing.

- Please don't lie to me.

- It's only that…

- That…?

- I… I was hopping that by now I would be pregnant, but…

- Marie, don't stress over it. It will be worse. Relax.

- I know that. I'm sorry.

- It's alright. When the right time comes, it will happen.

- You're right.

He kissed her and they fell asleep. In the next morning, when Jane woke up, Camus wasn't in the suite. Unconsciously she started to feel lonely, as if the room was turning colder and colder by the second. The only time before that she had felt that way, was when she arrived in England after she was taken from Siberia. The panic of being alone overcame her. Then all stopped when she heard the door open and Camus' voice:

- Good morning Marie.

When he saw her face clearly and saw the panic in her eyes, he became worried, got closer to her and said:

- Marie, what is it? What's wrong, my love?

She didn't answer, instead she embraced him tightly. This made Camus even more worried. He embraced her back and asked once again:

- What's wrong?

- I…When I awoke you weren't here and I panicked! It remembered me of the day I arrived in England, after they took me away from Siberia! I felt lonely! I felt cold! I don't want to feel that again!

He embraced her tighter and said:

- I'm not going to leave you! Never! I prefer being attacked by Hades himself that to let you feel that way again! I love you!

- Thank you. I love you too!

Camus touched her on the face and kissed her. Then he said:

- Come on. Get up I have a surprise for you.

- A surprise?

- Yes. I want to take you somewhere.

- Oh, alright. Let me get dressed.

She got up, Camus went to the terrace and Jane started to dress. Even if Jane didn't tell to Camus, she was a little sad that the surprise wasn't something else. Since last night when Camus told to his family that she was his fiancée, she couldn't stop thinking in the possibility of that being true. When she finished dressing, she looked at Camus that was watching the street and thought: "What type of relationship do you want to have with me? Am I your lover or a woman that you're with? Do you think of a future together with me? What do you think of us, Camus?" Then she went near Camus, put a smile on her face and said:

- I'm ready!

Camus turned and saw Jane wearing an aqua blue dress and black high heel boots. She had curled her hair. He smiled and said:

- Then let's go.

- Are you going to tell me where?

- You'll see.

They got out of the suite and the hotel. Soon they were in front of the Louvre. Jane looked at Camus and said:

- Camus this is great! Thank you!

- You're welcome. Did you ever come here?

- No, I didn't.

They entered and they spent the whole day there. As they were leaving Jane said:

- I forgot to tell you two things Camus.

- What is it?

- First, in my kingdom I have two animals that most people consider dangerous.

- What animals?

- A white tiger and a white wolf.

- And the second thing?

- Well, in my kingdom there's a prophecy that says that my son will be protected by special guardians, and that the guardians would have been the strongest of Hades spectres.

- What? Our son will be protected by spectres?

- Yes, three of them. But I don't know which ones.

- The strongest are the three judges: Wyvern Rhadamathys, Gryphon Minos and Garuda Aiacos.

After this they stayed in silence for a while. Then Jane said:

- Where are we going now? This isn't the way for the hotel.

- You'll see.

- Why are you so nervous?

- I'm not nervous.

- Yes you are.

She put herself in front of Camus and said:

- Camus, what's going on?

- What do you mean?

- In the museum you were with your mind elsewhere! That isn't normal! Now you are all nervous! That isn't normal either!

She calmed herself down, touched his face and said in a low voice:

- I'm worried about you! Was something I did? Was because what I said last night? It's because that thing I can't tell you? Please tell me!

When she stopped talking, she looked at him strait in the eyes and he said:

- Marie you didn't do anything wrong! I'm fine! I was a little distracted, that's all!

- Are you sure?

He touched her face and said:

- I'm sure, my love.

- Then why are you so nervous now?

- Wait a minute and you'll see.

They started walking again and in a few minutes they were near Eiffel tower. He took her hand and led her to the tower stairs. For two saints that stairs wasn't that much. They climbed to the top, something that Jane had never done and stared at the view. She looked at Camus and said:

- Thank you! Thank you for bringing me here!

- You're welcome my love.

He took a deep breath, looked at her and thought "She's so beautiful! And I love her so much! I hope she accepts. I can't live without her! Well, it's now or never, Camus! Here in the Eiffel tower, at night, with a beautiful view of Paris and with the most beautiful woman in world! You'll make the question of your life!" He went closer to her, took a small box from his jacket pocket, kneeled in front of her that stared at him surprised and said:

- Marie de Montesquieu, will you marry me?

She stared surprised at him and without thinking twice she smiled and said:

- Yes! Of course!

She hugged him that hugged her back. All the people that were there and that had watched the scene cheered and applauded. He got up, put the engagement ring on her finger and kissed her passionately. Then Camus said:

- Do you understand why I was so nervous?

- No.

- I was afraid that you would say "no" to this question.

- I would never say that! I love you! And after last night, where you told your family that I was your fiancée I started thinking if you would ask me sometime.

- That's the reason why you were so sad this morning in the balcony?

- How did you…

- I know you very well, Marie. You can't fool me by putting a fake smile.

She kissed him and Camus said:

- Well let's go dinner.

- In the hotel.

- It's an idea.

- Then I have a better one: dinner in the room.

- Agreed. It really is a better idea.

They hold hands and went to the hotel. There they ordered dinner and went to the suite. After some time the dinner was on the suite and Camus and Jane were laying in bed. Then suddenly they heard someone knocking at the door. Jane was going to get up, but Camus said:

- Don't. I don't want you to go to the door only wearing a robe. I'll go.

He got up, dressed his pants and his shirt and went to the door. He opened it, saw a woman with purple hair and said:

- Who are you? And what do you want?

- I want to speak with Marie, please.

- Only after you tell me who you are!

- Listen, I need to talk to her!

Suddenly they heard a female voice saying:

- Camus, who is it?

Jane came to the door and when she saw the purple haired woman she said:

- Marika?

Hearing her voice, Marika ran towards her, hugged her and said:

- I was so worried about you!

Camus looked suspiciously at Marika; to him she was a strange woman that appeared from nowhere and was hugging his fiancée. When Jane noticed Camus' face she said:

- I'm sorry. Camus she's my best friend, Marika.

Marika let go of Jane, turned to Camus and said:

- Hi! So, you're the famous Camus! I'm sorry for interrupting your vacations, but I became worried with her when I received the news that Hades' spectres had appeared here.

Camus nodded; Marika turned to Jane, noticed the ring on her finger and said:

- Is this what I think it is?

- Yes, Camus asked me to marry him.

- Well congratulations to both of you!

Both of them said:

- Thank you!

Marika turned to Jane again and said:

- The girls will like to hear this news.

- Please let me be the one to tell them. Promise me that you won't tell them, Marika.

- I promise.

- I'm serious.

- Me too. Now, do you want to know something?

- What?

- Iryan is in love with Isaac!

This made Camus and Jane say:

- What?

Then Jane calmed herself and said:

- She said that to him?

- Well, yes.

- And what did he said?

- He said that he loves her too, but that they would only be together if you approve. After all you are his queen.

- Well you can say to them that I agree.

- Great. I have to admit that I never thought of them together.

- Really? Why?

- I don't know. The only woman that I thought it would end with Isaac was Alexis.

- Their relationship is that of two brothers, nothing more. And Alexis has a thing for Hyoga so…

- Right! You promised her that you'll introduce her to him. By the way, another news!

- For Athena! What is it?

- Sherry-sama told us what you said to her before you came here.

- She did?

- Yes. All of us agreed. You know you can count on us for everything! Especially me!

- You're so much like Milo!

- I'm not like that scorpion! By the way, Jalyn and Sabin are always fighting! They give me headaches!

- Marika can we talk another time? I like your presence, but…

- I understand, sorry.

She went to the door and before she closed the door on her way out, she turned and said:

- Nice vacations and congratulations. By the way, was a pleasure to meet you, Camus! Bye!

She closed the door; Camus turned to Jane and said:

- She's your best friend?

- She is. Like you have Milo, I have Marika.

- She knows Milo?

- Not personally.

- Then why it seems that she hated him?

- Well, let's just say that she is of same sign as he is.

- She's a scorpion? That explains why she doesn't like him. They are similar.

- Exactly.

- Now, who are Alexis, Iryan and Sherry?

Jane thought for some time and said:

- I can only tell you some things about them, not everything.

- They are part of that thing you can't tell?

- Yes. I can tell you that Sherry-sama is almost like a mother to me, that Iryan is a girl with Hyoga's age that is a friend of mine and a friend of Alexis.

- And who is Alexis?

- Alexis is my student. Like Hyoga is yours.

This shocked Camus a little and then he said:

- Your student, you mean as a saint?

- Yes. But again I can't tell anything else. I'm sorry.

- It's alright. I'll wait. Now, let's continue what we were doing.

She smiled, got closer to him, put her hands on his naked chest and said:

- That's a good idea.

He smiled, kissed her passionately, picked her up and took her back to the bed.

That's it for now...