A/N: For MioneWazlib's 30 Words or Less Challenge. Will be centered around the Marauders but will have some short and sweet Remus/Sirius moments thrown in there every now and then. Nothing too graphic so don't panic :)

Disclaimer: Characters, places, and all around coolness that is Harry Potter belong solely to JKR.

Marauders Rhapsody

1. Absolutely Alone

Being the new student in school is scary.

Being new with another band of kids should calm his nerves.

But for Remus, being new AND a werewolf, was frightening.

2. Fearful

It had its perks being the eldest Black son.

The respect towards the young boy was natural.

Still, Sirius Black hated the fearful look in everyone's eyes.

3. Small World

It only took a simple dungbomb to bring together the two boys.

James dropped it.

Sirius picked it up.

But both had cheeky grins upon their faces.

4. Relief

Peter sighed.

All the compartments were full.

But the skinny, tawny haired boy smiled and moved his books aside for him to sit.

Peter didn't have to stand.

5. Testing the Limits

"Mum told me McGonagall's strict."

"Really? How strict?"


Pause. "Say James, you still have those dungbombs?"

6. Confident

There was something about the boy that overwhelmed Remus.

Sirius Black was unnaturally confident.

But as Remus hid his scars, he couldn't help but wish he was too.

7. Background

"I live for pranks", said James.

"Bloody brilliant!" yelled Sirius.

"Have you done any lately?" asked Peter.

"Must be what he's wearing because that sweaters a joke" mumbled Remus.

8. Shine

Sirius loved the outdoors: the sun, the lake, the pranks.

But ever since that Lupin boy began reading outside,

He was compelled by the very sight of bright tawny hair.

A/N: Well, that's for starters! Still got plenty more of these to go. Review if your kind, sweet, amazing heart wishes!