Please, Please! Review:( It makes me sad when I get like 0 reviews haha but actually every chapter got a review from Rockerchick or Rockergirl idr lol but thanks:)

Chapter Eleven: Four Continued

"So Finn, how are you?" Matthew asked as he got the two sodas and a bowl of chips so they could watch the game. They walked out of the kitchen and to the couch where they took there seats. "Good, I guess." The younger boy shrugged.

"You don't have to be brave for me dude." The shorter man sighed. "I feel any moment...Rachel will be taken away from me." Finn said, as he turned on the tv. Matthew looked from the tv and back to Finn. "What do you mean?" He asked while staring strangley at the younger boy.

"I mean...that...did you know I found her before it happened? It was awful. There was crying and hugging, and I felt like I couldn't help her at all." Finn sighed. Matthew nodded. "I know what you mean, but you know, you did do something. You saved her life. And that's huge." He told him while looking at the floor, remembering something.

"Not really. I was just there when she needed me." He sighed. He loved Rachel, he really did, and there was no way he would've let anything happen to her.

"Isn't that all she needed? Some help?"

"Tell me Rachel, what are some of the things that pushed you over the edge?" Miriam asked. Rachel just shook her head. "My dads. The stupid people at my school, my life in general. The sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, the feeling of never being enough of anything for anyone." The shorter girl told her.

Miriam nodded. "Do you ever feel like everyone's judging you? I mean like really judging you. To the point where it's to much to manage?" Finn's cousin asked. Rachel nodded. "Always. I hate it." She let the tears fall down her cheeks.

"You know Rachel, sometimes life isn't fair. You get hit with things you can't handle, and you get hit with things you can't."Miriam stated sadly. "What if everything I get hit with feels like something I can't handle. What if I can't handle anything anymore, and what if I don't want to handle anything anymore?" The small girl asked.

Miriam sighed. "Can I ask you a few questions?" The taller girl asked. Rachel nodded. "What's the worst thing anyone's ever said to you?" Miriam asked her first question. The tiny brunette looked off into space for a few moments before answering.

"You'll never be good enough for anything. It's your fault I never want to be around. Sometimes, I wish your father had never wanted to adopt a child." tears pricked at the corner of her eyes as she answered. Miriam looked shocked. "Your mom said that to you?" She asked. Rachel shook her head. "No my other dad. I have two dad's." She corrected.

"That's awful." The older girl pulled her into a hug, then released her and smiled. "What's the kindest thing?" Miriam asked. Rachel smiled. "I'm not leaving you. I love you to much to let anything happen to you."

"Who said that?" Miriam wondered. "Finn." Rachel answered. "Well, maybe I should go. Thank you, for the talk it really helped." Rachel went back to her sad look. Miriam nodded. "Anytime."

Short sweet and to the point:)