Disclaimer: All characters belong to JK Rowling. I´m just playing and enjoying with them.

A/ N: Thanks a lot to Willow_Wand for her beta work!

And thank you for reading :)

A/N 2: I know this is ridiculously short. I´ll try better next time.

So the lady said

They had talked. And cried. And talked again.

And after pouring their hearts out, they had both decided that the moment to start healing was now. The end of their draining conversation found them outside the house, locked in a loving, and slightly more than friendly, embrace on a rock in front of the sea.

"I can't even begin to thank Fleur for what she is doing for us," Hermione said, playing with the collar of his shirt. "I must admit that Fleur… well, she is a wonderful woman. I understand now why Bill chose her." Then she added with a tiny pout and a roll of the eyes, "And I sort of understand why you drooled over her so much… in the past."

Ron grinned and hugged her tighter.

"Her Veela effect has been totally ineffective on me for a long time." He looked at her in awe and Hermione looked down, unable to maintain his bold gaze. "Besides since I had to put up with her…er…insults… our relationship definitely turned brotherly," he finished with a smirk.

"Fleur insulting you? That´s difficult to believe, Ron! Fleur is a lady!"

"Well, last December when I was here…" Now he looked down, and Hermione put a hand softly under his chin, motioning for him to meet her eyes. "I mean…. I couldn´t tell them much, but I told Bill that Harry and I had had a big fight and…. and she started to yell at me in French. She looked totally mental, Hermione… and she repeated the words over and over again. I don't have a clue about French, but I swear that the expression is burned on my brain… "Vous, garçon stupide! Elle est amoureuse de vous ! Elle est amoureuse de vous!"

Hermione felt two strong emotions at once.

The first one was just a small realization. He was really good at imitating voices. It wasn't just a mocking thing, like he used to do in their childhood (when she had often been the one being mocked). He was… impersonating Fleur's accent quite well. Her always-analytical self couldn't avoid thinking about how useful that skill of his had been in the past, and how helpful it could be again in the near future.

The second one made her heart double its speed and her cheeks burn, leaving aside any other fact, like she was snuggling against Ron's chest.

When the meaning of Fleur´s words sank into her mind, Hermione swallowed hard and got deadly serious.

"You're blushing! Is it that bad? What did she say that would make you blush? Bloody hell… I've never thought of Fleur having such a sailor's mouth!"

"She didn't insult you. In fact, she said something…." Hermione trailed off and stood up from her comfortable position on his lap.

Ron arched an eyebrow and brushed away a lock of hair plastered against his face by the insistent sea breeze.

"Really? Her tone did sound offensive. It was evident she was mad at me. So…. what does that mean?"

Hermione opened her mouth a couple of times, but no sound emitted.

Ron´s eyes were fixed on her movements, and he noticed the exact moment she made up her mind.

She narrowed the gap between them, laid her fingers on his neck and whispered a few words in his ear. After that, she turned around and ran towards the house.

Ron remained still and closed his eyes for a brief moment, trying to retain the amazing feeling of her lips brushing his earlobe. Then, the translation Hermione had murmured like a precious secret settled on him with a dizzy sensation, and it confirmed that they really were reaching the moment of healing.

"You daft boy. She is in love with you. She is in love with you."