Warnings: Rating may go up. SLASH. Language, themes of a paranormal/supernatural nature. AU. Weasley bashing (it's so easy to do it). There was no Horcruxes or Deathly Hallows so the whole last two books are eliminated from this world

Summary: After finding out the real reason for the loss of his childhood friend, Harry decides it's time for him to take control of his life without interference from others. But then he realises that there is no control over a chaotic love as theirs. Harry/Kurt. 2nd in the 'Love' verse. I'm so excited that it's a verse, I could squeal!

Pairings: Harry/Kurt, Finn/Rachel

Disclaimer: I don't own anything not Harry Potter or Glee. If I did, I would've combined the two and have Harry hook up with Kurt already.

AN: So many of you guys wished for a sequel to Kids In Love, and I knew I had to continue with it. I couldn't leave them the way I did. I'm not sure how to go about with a lot of it, so I'm open to suggestions on anything. I'm kind of making it up as I go along, seriously I am.

AN2: You have to read Kids In Love to understand this. Trust me.

AN3: who else watched Auditions? Wasn't it awesome? I hope Sam does get together with Kurt!

Sea Of Love

It was at the age of seventeen, nearly eighteen years old, just leaving for home after graduating Hogwarts, that Harry James Potter realised something. Ron and Hermione were gazing so love struck into each other's eyes he actually wanted to vomit a little, Neville was even pretending to vomit, and Ginny was blathering on about their future together (though he was sure that he hadn't actually agreed to that yet), holding tightly onto his arm, but he realised something very different bout himself.

He realised he didn't want this.

He didn't want to have to please everyone anymore. He didn't want to fill everyone's expectations of him. He wasn't sure if he wanted to be with Ginny. He didn't want to become Head Auror like he was expected to. Heck, he didn't even want the internship that Scrimgeour had offered him to help 'start his contributions to the department'. He didn't want any of this.

"Ginny," he said, cutting across the redheaded girls tirade against...something or the other. "I'm not going in for the Ministry job"

"What?" Ginny asked, pausing leaving the others to walk ahead. Neville glanced over his shoulder, frowning and slowed his steps but he still continued to walk at Harry's nod. Harry looked back to Ginny's shocked face and wide eyes and repeated, "I'm not going for that Ministry job"

"Why not?" she exclaimed.

"I want to take a break from all that kind of stuff. No offensive magic, not much magic at all, really. At least for a little while. You can understand that, right? I just ended a war!" he pressed, as Ginny looked as if she definitely did not understand that. "I need a break"

"Well, if you aren't taking that job, then what are you going to do with yourself?" she said, letting go of his arm and crossing her own arms across her chest and pouting at him.

Harry shrugged, slipping his hands into the back pockets of his jeans, not knowing what to say that he was now put on the spot. "I may take that job later on. Or something in another department, I don't know. Maybe taking a year off or something. Maybe go travelling!" he said with a smile, which made Ginny raise an eyebrow. "I always wanted to see America for so long. Like the Grand Canyon, Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty. I'll have to look up-"

"Hold on, hold on," Ginny said, raising her hands in shock and he stopped, his smirk falling at the narrowed eyed look she gave him as she listened to his plans. "What about me?" she asked, pointing to herself with a 'Duh!' look on her face and gesturing with her hands.

"What about you?" Harry said. Ginny's head jerked as if she had been slapped and she gaped at him, her mouth a wide o. "You'll be at school for the year. You can't miss school"

"So what? You're going to leave me here? While you go gallivanting off around America of all places? I can't trust you in that arrangement"

Harry stared at her, astounded she would make such an accusation. "Since when have I ever given you a reason NOT to trust me?" Harry resisted the urge to say, 'Do you NOT know WHO I am?' at the red head.

"You can't leave me, Harry James Potter, not after everything we've been through" she snapped.

So he didn't. He just nodded, reserved, and Ginny smiled in triumph, all anger gone, linking her arm through his once more, and set off down the platform after the others who had stopped near the entrance to wait for them, pulling along the slightly resisting teen.

He mentally noted down to find out what state the Grand Canyon was in. It would help to know where it actually was if he was going to go there at some point.

(Six Months Later)

He did do one thing people didn't expect him to do; he moved into Grimmauld Place.

Of course, it took a few months to get it decorated enough for it to be habitable for people, but he managed it eventually. With the ability to use magic at home now and a house elf who no longer wished to wallow in his own filth that had become the house, it seemed quite easy. All that was left was to fill it with his own belongings and he would be able to call it home. It was much easier for him, and everyone really, than living at the Burrow since space was very scarce there. They may not wish to see it, but he definitely did.

He blew up his fringe in frustration at the numerous boxes littering what was now his bedroom, and began.

After just two hours in of emptying the boxes and placing everything in piles that needed to remain together, Hermione burst in, in a whirl of green robes and brown bushy hair and a scowl on her face that caused a shiver down his spine and such a menacing aura about her, that Harry decided to step behind the pile of potion cauldrons to protect his most valued area; one thing he learnt in the war, Hermione was very open to hurting that part of a man's physique. And Harry quite liked that area intact.

He watched with wary eyes as she threw her cloak onto the bed and moved towards one of the still untouched boxes by the door, opening it quite ferociously in her anger.

"Hermione, hey" she gave a grunt in acknowledgement, and he edged out from behind the cauldrons. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm mad at Ron, that's why I'm here!" she snapped, with such viciousness that Harry jumped back behind the potion apparatus.


"Because he's incorrigible" Hermione said, pushing the box away. She sat with her back to the wall and crossed her arms. Her frown dropped and she just looked upset to him, the anger beginning to edge away. "I'm having the worst day – let me tell you. Being an intern at the Ministry? Not fun, you should be glad you got out of it in the end- and all he thinks of is his day working at the shop with the Twins and how he feels. So then he just stands there harping on why you aren't marrying Ginny yet and loads of other stupid things, while I'm trying very hard not to kill him"

"He wants to know why I haven't married Ginny yet?"


Harry inwardly groaned to himself; this seemed to be a popular topic to the Weasley's as of late. As he and Ginny seemed to still be going strong after eight months in the eyes of their loved ones, everyone believed he would soon pop the question. He was sure they would still feel the same even if they knew of the fights they had had before she left for her last year at Hogwarts over the choices he had made, of the harsh letters that had been sent between the two since then or the fact that having spent the last three months apart, didn't mean their relationship was strong as they didn't actually see each other, and wouldn't until another week, when Christmas Break began. Apparently, to everyone (apart from the twins it seemed, as they opted to retch instead of talk about weddings) they were in the perfect position to get married. Sometimes he wondered if it was just Ginny who had, had fantasies of them spending the rest of their lives together rootling around in her head for the past few years or if they were fuelled by others.

"How about this...I'm fucking eighteen years old!"

"Exactly!" Hermione exclaimed, pointing to Harry to assert her statement and in triumph. "Exactly what I said, Harry but no, that's not enough" She sighed, rubbing her temples with her fingers, attempting to soothe the headache that had been creeping its way over her entire head for what seemed like days. "Anyway" she sighed, opening her eyes to look at her friend who continued to regard her with a wary look. "I couldn't be bothered to deal with him anymore, so I've decided to help you as you are not on my bad list as of late" she continued in a much calmer tone, and raising to her knees to begin emptying the box at a much more sane pace.

"Well, thank you"

"You're welcome"

Harry rolled his eyes in amusement and they carried on with the unpacking. A few hours of the comfortable silence that only be gained by being in the company of the most level-headed of people, Hermione finally spoke.

"Who's this?"

Harry looked up to see her reaching a photo in his direction. An odd shiver ran down his spine at the sight of the frame.

"That's...that's Kurt" he replied. He walked around the pile of clothes perched precariously at the edge of the bed and took the photo from Hermione's hands. She stood up and peered over his arm to continue looking at the photo, her gaze questioning. It didn't shock him that she was surprised; there was very few photos of him before the age of eleven when he joined Hogwarts; his aunt and uncle never bothered to waste film on him and any photo's before that were of him as a baby which he treasured ever since Hagrid had given them to him. "When I was about nine, I think it was" Harry continued after Hermione nudged his shoulder, wanting to know who the other boy was. "He stayed with Mrs. Figg, my old neighbour I told you about. She's his distant aunt or something like that. Where did you find it?" he added softly. He smiled at the sight of the mischievous sparkle in Kurt's eyes as he plastered a slippery kiss on his cheek.

"It was in one of the boxes Tonks got from your aunts house for you. He's just adorable!" Hermione asked, near to squealing. She giggled at the little brunet boy in the photo. "How old was he?"

"Seven so he would be...sixteen, maybe seventeen now. I don't remember when his birthday was..." Harry murmured. Hermione peered up at him and smiled at the look that was near nostalgic on his face as he ran a finger up and down the photo. Hermione wasn't even sure if he realised that he was doing it. "He was my childhood sweetheart"

Hermione looked up, her eyes wide with surprise. "Your what?"

"My sweetheart" Harry said with a shrug of his shoulders. "He asked me to be one day and I said yes. Didn't think anything of it. Why? Is it a bad thing?" he asked, his brow furrowing with worry at the smile slowly beginning to creep onto Hermione's face.

Hermione rolled her eyes, grinning. "No" she explained, pushing his shoulder, playfully. "I think it's really cute that you had your own sweetheart. I can imagine the two of you running around and playing together. It seems so sweet inside my head"

Harry chuckled. "I beat the crap out of Dudley for him once as well" he mused, with a proud smirk.


"He pushed him over and made him cry. It was the only time I was violent with Dudley and didn't get in trouble," he lied; the bruises Uncle Vernon had bestowed on him lasted for weeks afterwards. Even in the picture the side of his face that Kurt kissed was purple with blue splotches. "I think I scared him a little bit because he backed off me for a few weeks until school started up again. I really liked Kurt..." Harry muttered, under his breath, his gaze being drawn away from the brunette and back to the photo. "He was my first friend. You know...before Hagrid and Hedwig. Then you guys of course," he added, with a sheepish grin, apologetic that he almost forgot to mention them.

"Did you ever see him again?"

"Nah. He only stayed for one summer because his mum had just died and then he went back home. Here, he lives in America!" Harry said excitedly, his eyes twinkling. Hermione giggled; she was very aware of Harry's desire to visit the States. And by the looks of it, she may have just found out why. "Yeah, he loved it over there. Cant remembered where he lived, but he wanted to go to New York. I definitely remember that; he never shut up about it"

"Didn't you try and get in contact?" she asked. She confused that, since this Kurt seemed so important to Harry, he had never been mentioned to her beforehand.

"I tried. I went to see Mrs. Figg a lot to try and phone him, but he never answered. He never wanted to talk. He never phoned to hear from me. So after about a year...I just couldn't be bothered to keep putting myself out there to be continually shot down again," Harry said, finally putting the photo down on his bed and moving back over to the boxes he was working on before Hermione shoved his childhood down his throat. He cleared his throat, trying to get rid of the lump stuck there that he knew had a name; Hurt.

"Why don't you try again?" Hermione said. She rolled her eyes excessively at the incredulous look on Harry's face. "Come on, Harry, I know it's been ten years but it can't hurt. You might become really good friends again. You've been miserable lately"

Harry's gaze flickered back to the picture on the bed. "I'll go talk to Mrs Figg. Can't hurt to try, right?"


"Need to get a new couch" Hermione muttered to herself, making a mental note to herself for later use. Harry had left two hours before to see Mrs Figg, after much wearing down from Hermione, to try and see if he would finally be able to contact Kurt. She glanced at her watch. Considering his age, Kurt would probably just be leaving his high school, unless he did any after school things. But if Harry left a message with his dad, she was sure it would be fine.

She fidgeted again on the couch that seemed to no longer have any filling in one of the three living rooms Grimmauld Place seemed to hold, from where she was attempting to read her reports from the Ministry. This was proving difficult while sitting on a plank of wood that seemed imbedded into her lower back. Usually she did them at the Burrow, where she seemed to spend all her free time since her and Ron became a couple, but she had no desire to see anything that looked remotely like Ron. So anything red headed and freckly was crossed off her list.

Back to Harry, he had seemed so happy eventually at the thought of contacting Kurt again. Since Harry had never been allowed any friends until he went off to school, she understood completely why he had clung to the memory of Kurt for so long, even if he never told anyone about him. But she couldn't help but wonder why, if the pair was as close as Harry claimed they had been, there was absolutely no contact after Kurt left?

She sighed, stretching and wincing as she hear her back popped and laid down on the couch, resting her head on the cushion. She hoped that Harry would-


She jumped with a squeal as something in Harry's bedroom next to her, sounded as if it crashed against the wall. She pulled her wand out of her robes and began to edge towards the door, cautiously and raising the wand to chest height. She paused at the door, pressing her ear to the wood. She frowned as silence was all she could hear, until the sound of shattering glass permeated the air. She flung the door open and marched into the room, falling short at what lay in front of her.

Harry stared at the broken vase on the floor, in what seemed like surprise. Hermione blinked for a second before letting out a few nervous laughs. Harry looked up at her, finally acknowledging her existence after a few minutes of her laughing and him staring.

"Harry?" she laughed, pressing a hand against her rapidly beating heart. "You scared..." she trailed off, with a frown as Harry took a deep gulp from a large bottle of Firewhiskey. "Oh my god, Harry, what's wrong? What's happened now?" she shoved her wand back into her pocket and stepped towards Harry.

Harry stumbled back, to sit on the foot of his bed. Hermione could now see how inebriated he was already. The bottle was half empty; she wondered if he had had anymore before he came back home. "They said it were for my own good" he slurred, blinking rapidly to keep the witch in focus.

"What was? Who did?" Hermione asked, frantic. She wondered what could've happened at Mrs Figg's house of all people, to make Harry like this. Or if it had happened after, as he was coming home.

"Dumbledore. Mrs Figg. They planned it. They STOPPED me from seeing Kurt. Made sure I didn't have any contact with him ever"

Hermione's eyes widened at the information. "Why?" she asked, after a moment or two of silence and Harry drinking even more. She reached for the bottle, but he jerked it out her reach, with a fierce scowl.

"For my own good, apparently" he rolled his eyes, staring into the depths of the bottle. "Dumbledore was sure that Voldemort wasn't gone and he knew I would be forced into the wizarding world in a few years. My proper place, he said. Me having my best friend living in America would tie me to a world that I had no place in anymore. I had to cut all ties to do what I had to do" he shrugged, attempting to pass the situation as nonchalant, but she saw his grasp tighten excessively in his anger. "To accept my destiny"


Harry was too blinded by rage to realise that Hermione had cursed harshly for the first time in the seven years he had known her. "No part of my life has been my fucking own. He's been there, at the sidelines, pulling the strings like a malevolent fucking puppet master. For the greater good? Fuck the greater good!" Harry bellowed, launching to his feet and making Hermione step backwards; she didn't remember him ever being this angry. "What about me? What about what I want?"

"Harry, I know-"

"No part of my life has ever been my own! How could you know that? For all i know, you could've been planned for me too! Dumbledore may have made you-"


Harry's head snapped to the side at the force of the attack and he stepped back, his hand reaching up, his eyes wide in realisation at both what she had done and what he had said. Hermione's hands clenched into fists and shook as she glared at him, tears welling in her eyes as his words cut deep.

"How dare you even think that" she whispered.

Harry closed his eyes as he fell heavily to his knees, rolling the empty bottle of Firewhiskey across the floor to where it hit the wall. Harry collapsed, leaning against the foot of the bed, staring blankly at the bottom of the wall, tears trickling down his cheeks.

Tears fell from Hermione's own eyes as she knelt beside him. "Harry...Harry, sweetie, it's ok. It's ok," she breathed. She reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck. She held him tight against her chest, rocking him gently back and forth. He remained still in her arms, until one shaky hand reached and grabbed her arm, the other wrapping around her waist and holding her tight against him.

"He was my best friend and they stole him from me. Made me miserable for months. They knew exactly what they did to me, and they weren't even sorry," he muttered, burrowing his face into her neck. She sniffed, nodding in acceptance as she continued to comfort him.

"I can't stay here, Hermione"

Hermione's eyes closed; she was hoping he wouldn't say that. "...I know"

AN: So...what do you think? I wrote this almost all today. Being ill and having three days off school does help get things done. You know...apart from actual work.

Date: 23/09/10

Chapter: (01/?)

Words: 3,391

Hold On To The Night: For those of you who are fans of this story, I am also working on another one in that series called Come Out At Night. For those who aren't, please read it. It is a more mature, sexier and longer Harry/Kurt story set during season one.

Haven't Met You Yet: For those who wish for this to be posted, it is in progress. Of course, it is Harry/Kurt, a VERY long one. Over thirty chapters planned during season one (adding season two will just confuse me, I'm very easily confused) so for those who want something in it, let me know. Because I have the opening and the middle planned but not the end. I need a good ending and i cant think of one! I'm working on it a lot every couple of days, but is a very big work in progress because I want it to be almost perfect. Like my work of art. Well...writing of art.

*sighs* God, I love Harry/Kurt. It is seriously my OTP and they aren't even in the same fandom.