Forgive me. I was bored of Kingdom Hearts one day. –gasp!– This is my first Naruto fic/drabble, whatever. It's not even original; I just thought it was funny. But I apologize if they are too out of character than I hoped.

Mind you, I imagine their English dub voices when I re-read this. Yeah, yeah, 'ew English dubs suuuck!' Oh. Well. =-=
I'd rather listen to something than read it.


Umm, enjoy~


"So you're coming back with me to my village next week?"

"Yes, I am!"

"Are you sure you won't be neglecting your missions?"

"Not to worry! I have already talked to Guy-sensei about them. I shall do them when I return."

"That's good."Gaara calmly sipped the rest of his soup soundlessly then stood up to replace the gourd on his back. "I should get going. I am meeting Lady Hokage for a final debriefing." Lee smiled up at him. "Have a good day." There was a slight pause before the redhead put his hand on Lee's shoulder and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"To you as well." And Lee watched as Gaara solemnly walked out of the eating place. When the younger man was completely out of sight… "Can somebody crack a window, because I am suffocating!"Lee emphasised by fanning himself.

"What?" Shikamaru asked, in his usual bored self, from the next table.

"Tell me you did not see that."

The brunet idly picked at his fried fish. "See what, Lee?"

"Gaara!" He pointed his thumb to the doorway. "He is smothering me!"

"Smothering you?" The platoon leader snorted and quirked an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Everywhere I go, there he is! I go out to dinner, who is sitting across from me? Gaara. I go out to do a little grocery shopping, who is holding my bags? Gaara. I am training, who is right there sweating alongside me?

"Guy-sensei."Shikamaru smiled before lifting the cup of rice tea to his lips.

"And Gaara. And at least Guy-sensei respects my personal space. Because if it is not late at night under the covers, when you are working up a sweat and panting like Akamaru, you do not exactly want somebody to be rubbing your shoulders."

Shikamaru laughed and finished his breakfast as Lee did the same, shaking his head down at his plate.

Don't ask me how the two even came together; it just happened. I do think of Lee as Kirk and Gaara as Lulu. And then Shikamaru just felt like a Luke in this scenario. Hehe, I had fun with this. I do also have the following part, shall I post?

Thank you for reading :]

Your Humble Servant