"This is impossible." He says shaking his head not believing it.

"No it's not! You and I both know that it's possible. We were so drunk and you didn't use protection, and I'm not on the pill."She says defensively.

"They can't know I'm the father! If they find out..." he says nervously.

"I know your reputation will have been ruined forever."

"You don't get it. I've finally convinced everyone that I'm-and now if this gets out, everyone's going to wonder what the hell is the wrong with me!" He shouts

"I know.. "I say looking down at the ground.

"What are you going to do?" He asks as I look up to his face.

"I'm going to keep it. If you don't want to be there, it's fine. I just thought you should know."

With that I walk off leaving him speechless.

Okay so maybe I'm going a little fast. Though, if you need to know who we are, and what unfortunate disaster led us to do this I guess we could go back to about 2 months ago….

I Rachel Berry was going to be on a mission to get Kurt to help me get a makeover to help me win over Finn. My doorbell rings. I answer the door, and there stands a very devious smile with an outfit for me to wear.

"Where's Mercedes?" I ask curiously. I notice a look of disappointment in his eyes.

"She couldn't make it. She had to stay at her house. Her parents found her credit card bill" he says as he rolls his eyes.

Soon after he's done my whole wardrobe and we're downstairs for a snack when he starts looking for a cup.

"Miss. Berry's got some tequila?" He says smiling at the bottle.

"Well my father does like to drink." I say annoyed trying to catch the bottle,

"Have you ever had tequila before?" He suddenly asks me.

"Well no, but I'm okay with that." I say to quickly.

"You so want to try some!" He says happy.

"Maybe…" I mutter

"Come on, it'll be fun! I've always wanted to get trashed."

"Well, my fathers won't be back till next week…."I say smirking.

He just smiles and grabs another bottle for me. He opens them and gives one to me and we start to chug down bottle after bottle.

3 hours later

It's official I Rachel Berry, am extremely drunk, and so is a mister Kurt Hummel.

"RACH!" Kurt says giggling!

"What? " I say laughing.

"What's it like to kiss a girl?" He asks me

"I don't know I've never kissed one before", I say honestly.

"Can I kiss you? For experimental purposes of course. I've always wondered what it was like." He says as he starts to ramble on and on.

"Sure." I say and we lean in for a kiss. The next thing I know we get in a heated passionate kiss.

"Wow." He says as he pulls himself off of me.

This is really weird. A gay man should not have that much passion in a kiss. Noah and dare I say it Finn, didn't have that kind of passion in their kisses.

Suddenly we're attacking each other again. We slowly move to upstairs and we realize what we were about to do and laugh.

"Hey Rachel? "He says.


"Do you think maybe we could do it? I've always wanted to lose my virginity. I know I'm gay and everything, but-"

"I get it Kurt, let's do it! We can be each other's first!" I say nodding in excitement.

Next thing I know were taking our clothes off… then well you know what happens….