Chapter 7

Ripples of pain continued to cascade over Michiru's body as her transformation to Sailor Neptune faded. She lay in Sailor Uranus's arms as the quartet travelled to her home planet. Nausea swept over her making her dizzy, Michiru swallowed hard. Deep in the hills of Michiru the senshi landed. Sailor Uranus steadied Michiru on her feet before joining Pluto and Saturn at the mouth of a cave.

'It looks so barren.' Saturn commented.

'No more than usual.' Uranus said. As a child Haruka had been sent to Neptune for her studies. Uranus was known for its abilities in war, not in knowledge and her father wanted Haruka to have intellect. Haruka's first day at Triton castle was one she'd never forget.

Her father stood behind her gently pushing her toward the large blue doors of Triton castle. Haruka pouted, she didn't understand why she had to leave her mama to learn here. Surly her mama could teach her enough about being a princess and her father and brother could show her about being a solider.

'Ruka, you know I want more for you than just a simple life.' Her father said in his usual sweet tone. King Moran adored his daughter and didn't subscribe to the stereotypes of princess duties. Haruka would be a warrior; she would be just as her brother, a martyr for the Uranian cause. It was that day Haruka met Michiru, the guarded princess of Neptune. Michiru was the prettiest thing Haruka had ever seen. That day, late in the afternoon when two young girls were to be enjoying naps, Haruka kissed Michiru and promised her a life-time of devotion. Haruka had never gone back on that promise.


A collective chatter of fear and apprehension surrounded Serenity as she, the generals and the Neptunian prisoners landed on earth. Serenity yawned stepping onto the dark soil her black boots marked with the brown mud. 'Put them to work.' She yelled to the generals referring to the prisoners. 'I want the royal family with me.' Onsite and Nephrite dragged Queen Nakka and King Trita behind Serenity into Crystal castle.


Castle Triton was destroyed; charred black holes lead to large surface cracks in the ice shelf. Tears flowed down Michiru's cheek as she wandered around her home. Sailor Pluto followed close behind her, muttering in shock at the sheer power the earth kingdom clearly had.

'We've underestimated them.' Pluto said loudly. Sailor Saturn emerged with Sailor Uranus having left Michiru with Sailor Pluto to examine the rest of the castle, and search for the royal family.

'Everyone is gone.' Saturn said.

'There isn't anything left.' Uranus said slipping a comforting arm around Michiru. Michiru frowned. 'Where will they hit next?' she said softly.

'Likely they will attack an inner planet next. Another with a smaller army, easy to over take.' Saturn said.

'Mercury.' Uranus suggested.

'Likely. Or Venus.'

'Two of us will station on Mercury, two will go to Venus.' Michiru said her voice strengthening.

'Makes for better odds.' Uranus agreed.

'Saturn and I will hold the perimeter of Venus, you and Neptune guard Mercury.'

'Make contact as soon as you hear anything and we'll join you.' Uranus said. Saturn and Pluto nodded before leaving to take up post on Venus. Uranus turned to Michiru. 'Are you ready?' Michiru nodded and raised her hand to hear heart saying the enchantment that changed her from Princess to warrior. Seconds later Sailor Neptune stood next to Sailor Uranus.

'I'm ready for my revenge.'


A feeling of failure settled into the core of Luna's heart. As a trio the sensei would be extremely out numbered. Luna pawed over the pile of books before her, nothing was helping. Everything she had read showed her five sensei, four at the least. The outer planets would come to aid but the inner sensei held the infinite power to call forth Sailor Moon. Luna's thoughts paused; as long as Sailor moon wasn't already alive. In her mind Luna frowned. If the earth had somehow figured out how to awaken Sailor moon, would all be lost? Luna pushed the thought from her mind and moved to another book. There has to be something here to wake up sailor Mars. She thought.

'Luna.' Ami said her high voice cutting through the silent room like a knife through butter. 'Can I help you? I feel so useless.'

'You should be training as Sailor Mercury now Ami.' Luna said.

'I have, my attacks are weak but I am comfortable in them.' Ami said. 'Can I help you find something to help Rei?'

'I'm not sure there is anything to help her.'


'Zombies.' Serenity said, as if it were the most natural response to Endymion's question.

'Zombies?' Endymion repeated confused.

'Yes, we will turn the prisoners into zombies.'


Serenity sighed tossing her arms in the air as she paced around her room. Endymion sat comfortably next to the window glancing into the courtyard that held the Neptunium people. 'There are many ancient ways to turn people into your followers. Find one and put it into action.'

'And what are we going to use these.' Endymion paused. 'Zombies.' He cleared his throat. 'For?'

'Decoys. Soldiers. Slaves.' Serenity said. 'I want to take the planets we've acquired and transform them into usable property. Neptune is a water planet, great for harnessing additional water for Earth.' Endymion smiled. 'Pluto, Uranus and Saturn all receive great amounts of water from Neptune they'll need to work a deal with us on that. Profit my dear Endymion.'

'Profit.' Endymion repeated slowly.


Mina held Rei's cold hand, tears poured down her cheek. Luna had told the sensei to practice; not to stop until they were exhausted and then, even then, to keep going. Luna said the war was going to be ugly, that they would need all of their strength and all of their power to defeat the earth. Mina cried, how would they win with only three.

'Please Rei, wake up.' Mina cried. 'Please.'


The dark navy robe Serenity wore floated down the hall as she walked sounding like a flag in the breeze. Serenity stopped at the Generals room knocking softly on the door before she pushed it open. 'I want you ready by night fall.' She commanded. 'Tonight we attack Mercury.'


The damp cool air of Mercury felt like home to Sailor Neptune, she smelled the salty air and frowned. Neptune was a shadow of its former self; would it ever be home again? Uranus and Neptune had landed on Mercury only an hour before but already the people had been moved and the royal family sheltered. Word was being sent to the Moon where Princess Ami was stationed informing her to stay put, and stay safe. The small army Mercury had stood at the ready before the castle doors. Silence travelled far as everyone waited.


Ami's head spun, Earth was attacking Mercury. She stood transformed and ready before her friends. Each of the sensei shared the same look of fear and duty. Their eyes were fixed on Rei's stiff body. 'I will stay with Rei, maybe I can figure out how to wake her.' Luna said. 'All of you must go, fight.' Jupiter nodded first clenching her fists.

'Jupiter teleport.' She said her body became covered in a green light before disappearing.

'Venus teleport.' Sailor Venus said following Jupiter.

'Mercury teleport.'


'Get ready.' Uranus said squaring her shoulders to the incoming light. The sky above Mercury turned a soft red before fire and electricity fell to the planet. 'It's time.' Uranus shouted. The form of the earth Generals slowly became clear as each of them landed; Uranus balled her fist high in the air and called her energy. 'World shaking.' She shouted tossing the large orb of energy at Onsite. Zoisite's body lifted from the ground and shook hard before crashing into the watery reserve of Mercury. Neptune tossed her orb of ocean at the landing Kunzite who returned fire with a blast of electricity. Neptune dodged the attack. Sailor moon landed next aiming a silver clad finger at Uranus and saying 'Moon Prism annihilation.' Uranus dived avoiding the beam of silver light and throwing a look at Neptune.

'Sailor Moon?' she shouted in shock. Getting to her feet Uranus pulled another orb of energy from the core of Mercury and tossed it at the generals knocking Nephrite to the ground, he growled with hate shooting a black bolt of energy at Uranus.

'Mercury bubbles.'

Suddenly a thick fog settled over the battle field, Uranus could see nothing. She changed her position heading silently to where Neptune had been fighting. In the distance they heard another voice. 'Venus crescent beam.' A golden heat of light blasted and the sound of a general screaming in pain echoed behind it. Uranus smiled wide. The inners arrived.


The fog surrounding Mercury cleared showing three girls in the center of the action, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Venus and Sailor Mercury had joined the fight. Neptune smiled wide giving Uranus a high five. Uranus laughed before getting back into attack stance.

'Fools.' Sailor Moon yelled above the action and commotion of the new sensei. 'You believe you can defeat me.' Sailor moon pushed her way past the generals and other members of the Earth army to stand before the landed sensei. 'I know what you did, I remember the pain. I will rule again.'

'Sailor moon?' Mercury said gently. Extending her hand toward the dark sensei.

'Yes.' Sailor moon answered opening her arms. 'I am Sailor moon.' She raised her hand high before shooting a silver beam at Mercury. Uranus reacted first breaking into a run as Sailor moon raised her hand, she managed to push Mercury out of the way as the silver beam shot past them. Mercury locked eyes with Uranus in shock. 'Thanks.' She said.

'Be careful.' Uranus warned. 'World shaking.' She called firing at Sailor moon who crossed her arms before her and deflected the attack.

'Generals.' Sailor moon called. 'Retreat.' The same silver light that Sailor moon attacked with surrounded her as she disappeared from the battle, her generals quickly followed in puffs of dark smoke. Mercury was safe, for now.

A/N Holy crap writing action is WAY harder then I thought it was gonna be. Hope y'all are still involved. R&R 3 Trixx~