I don't own any body at Station 51, I don't even own the station, but I do enjoy inviting them out to play on a regular basis.

I said I would never dump three stories on the web sight again and I won't but this one has been begging to be told for some time and I'm right now in need of a little humor in my life. Please forgive, I promise to finish After the honeymoon and get on the sequel to 'Where do I begin' just let me get my laughs in a little.

I'll admit what I intend to put in this story is a bit of a stretch but I have seen things that are just as amazing and hope you readers can just enjoy.

Chester "B"

It was just another brush fire. The second one that day and just like the first and the six the previous crew had reported from the day before it was believed to be started by kids playing with fireworks. Only this time it was believed that the children were still trapped somewhere in the flames. The wind was blowing the grass was dry and the men's hearts and stomachs were in their throats with fear for the three missing kids.

Station 51's assignment was fire suppression, there was another unit assigned to work along with the sheriff's department to search for the kids. Still the parents were being contained in an incident van that was parked near Squad 51 and the firefighters there could easily see them and the panic in their faces as they watched the fire suppression efforts and prayed for their children to be found alive and not severally burned.

Even above the sound of the engines and the crackling of the fire, louder it seemed than the radio's public address system the sound of a barking dog pulled at the men's attention. Although they were commanded to remain on the hoses or at the pumps each man wanted to drop what they were doing and run to the sound of the dog, it had to be the kid's dog and if it was barking there was hope.

"Truck 18, battalion 16, we have the kids, they were up a tree on the north end of the fire. Dispatch paramedics to check them out." Was heard over the PA and every firefighter on sight let out a deep sigh and was able to put a renewed effort into getting that fire out.

There weren't a lot of needs for paramedics on these kinds of brush fires so there was only one unit sent out. The second the announcement was completed Captain Hank Stanley made the PA work for his own orders, "Gage, DeSoto, report to truck 18."

Their hose was shut down so that it wouldn't whip around and laid on the ground for the next firefighters to pick it up and their feet carried them as quickly and as sure footedly as they could to the squad. Hank watched as the next two firefighters a couple of men form station 28 picked up the hose and started dosing the fire then turned to see the dust from the squad's tires as it raced the hundred yards down the road.

When John and Roy pulled up next to truck 18 the third child a boy about 12 was being carried down the ladder as the rest of the crew watched over and entertained two other boys that were sitting on the tail board. One boy was wearing a firemen's helmet and the other boy was getting his face licked by a rather large dog.

John took in the charred area around the tree trunk and the placement of the ladder in the branches. He hoped the height of the top of that ladder meant the boys had been able to escape any serious burns.

Roy was preparing to fight the dog for access to his patient when the dog gave a quick but quiet yap then stepped back and sat quietly.

"That's a good dog you have there," Roy commented as he sat his drug box down and started to look over the two boys. He could see some mild burns on their hands and a few scraps here and there but most of all he could hear their coughing and knew the boys had taken in a little smoke.

"He's not my dog Mister," The boy responded. "But I sure wish he was. He found us and then went and got the firemen and showed them where we were."

"Yeah," the other boy exclaimed, "He's really some dog, even better than Lassie. If he's a stray I'm sure my Mom and Dad will let me keep him, I can tell them that he'll help keep track of me."

"Well I see a collar around his neck and tags on him," Johnny announced as he carried the third boy over and sat him down, "he must belong to somebody."

Johnny helped Roy get some oxygen on each of the boys, borrowing an extra oxygen tank from the ladder truck to have enough, he then started cleaning up a couple of scrapes to get a better look at them. Every little while he would turn to check on the dog.

It was a large dog, mostly black and looked to be at least partially Labrador. There was a blaze white section on his chest one white paw and several, maybe half a dozen or a few more, John didn't have the time to count, white spots on his body one on his neck a couple on his shoulder the rest on his hind quarters. One foot looked to be deformed slightly like the dog had recovered from some kind of a burn but John wasn't sure nor did he have time to really look the dog over.

"This Dog looks like it could really use a drink of water," Roy commented to a fireman who was hovering around him trying to be of help. The man didn't say anything but quickly found a paper cup of water and proceeded to pour it in his hand for the dog to lap up.

Both paramedics managed to notice how the dog watched everything that was taking place carefully and wondered if he were rescue trained.

"Yap," the dog startled them with a quick bark as he jumped and ran off. John stood and tried to call him back but soon just watched as the dog ran to the battalion Chief who was in command and jumped at him to get his attention before standing on all four paws at his side and giving a point in a direction away from the fire.

John followed the dog's point with his eyes and noticed that sparks from the main fire has floated over and started another patch of dried grass into a small but growing blaze.

"Engine 51, Battalion 16 there's a start behind you get some men on it quickly," Was heard over the PA system and Roy stood, turning his attention away from his patients to see what was going on.

"That is some dog." John replied and both medics turned back to their work.

The three boys and their mother's were taken to the hospital in two different ambulances but their injuries were not bad enough for the paramedics to need to accompany them so they went back to work on putting out the fire and the amazing dog was soon forgotten.


Two hours later the squad backed into the station and two paramedics raced for the shower hoping to be done before the engine returned. Five minutes later the engine backed into it's parking spot and four very tired firemen slowly moved from their seats and started pealing off their sweaty turn out gear.

"Attention all trucks that worked the Alamosa park fire, please check your trucks for a missing dog and report back." Was heard over the radio and everyone first looked at each other like the dispatcher's elevator wasn't making it to all floors.

"Alright men" Captain Hank Stanley shook his head. "You heard the man, check the engine over for a missing dog."

Chet and Marco climbed back up in their seats to take a good look over the hose bed as Mike checked out the front bumper and a compartment there where nozzles and attachments were kept. Hank started toward the tailboard and the spaces there where a dog might rest.

As soon as Hank stepped around the back of the engine he was greeted by a quick bark and a wagging tail. Four firemen soon at his side, the fifth was still in the shower, looked the dog over and smiled.

"LA, this is Engine 51, found your missing dog here." Hank spoke into the handy talkie in his hand. "What do you want us to do with it?"

"10-4 51 Stand by," was the reply from dispatch and one paramedic was cautiously testing the waters to see if the dog would allow him to pet his ears.

"This is the dog that found those kids." John commented as he gained permission to rub the soot covered ears. "Good dog."

"Station 51, stand by for call on the land line," the dispatcher instructed.

"We'll John since your showered why don't you go get him some water while I find out what they want us to do with, is it a him or a her?" Hank instructed.

"It's a him sir." John responded before making the move to follow orders. "Come on boy let's get you some water."

John moved toward the kitchen expecting the dog to follow but the dog stayed on the tail board giving his full attention to Captain Stanley.

Confused by the dog attention toward himself, Hank took a moment before he pointed toward John, "Go on, Go with John and he'll get you something to drink." Hank said then started thinking where he could find something to use as a leash to pull him off the engine until his owner came for him. To his surprise his command was received with a quick bark and the dog jumped off the tail board and followed John who then led him to the kitchen and found the largest bowl he could to fill with water for the dog.

The remaining men looked on in amazement.

"I guess he knows who the Captain is." Chet commented with a smirk.

The dog drank from the bowl as if it was dying of thirst and paid no attention to any of the men that were gathering around it. Even Roy was in the kitchen now informing them that the shower was waiting for the next person. "Where did he come from?"

"It seams that he hitched a ride back on the engine," Mike answered.

By the time the dog had finished off the water in the bowl a giggling captain was coming from his office to inform the rest of the men what the game plan was.

"Well his babysitter is on her way over to get him." Hank started and the men listened because they wanted to know what was so funny. "Seems this fellow is a trained and registered Fire Dog out of Oregon. His master is at a convention in the area and his sister was watching the dog for him while he's attending the lectures. She just happened to be taking the dog for a walk in the park when fire broke out and the dog responded to the call of duty. She was separated from him by the police who were trying to keep the spectators out but watched after she heard that there were boys missing.

The owner just happens to be a friend of the chief's so I said we'd watch him till the lady comes to pick him up. She should be here is about ten minutes."

"So he's trained to do what he did today," John's amazement continued to show.

"Did they happen to tell you the Dog's name?" Roy questioned, "Or do we just keep saying 'Good-boy' till he's picked up."

Hank's grin grew larger and a giggle escaped his lips. "Men, you're not going to believe this but allow me to introduce you to Chester B."

"What!" one two legged Chester B exclaimed with all the facial expressions appropriate to his surprise showing from behind his mustache.

"I kid you not," Hank declared, "I had them repeat it three times to make sure."

After a moment of stunned silence the men of station 51 joined in with their captain's laughter and both Chesters got their share of petting and back slapping.