Ballparks of Love Chapter 1: Let the Road Trip Begin

A/N: Collaborations, they seem to be the in thing right, and now myself and deathlyhallows123 are joining the fun. Deathlyhallows123 had an idea I just couldn't say no to (meaning it involves sports, I can never say no to that) where the twins are their friends send spring break going to baseball games at all five American League East teams (Tampa, Baltimore, Toronto, Boston, and New York). With the S.S. Tipton once again stopping in Miami for spring break, Tampa is the first stop, so let the road trip begin. I hope everyone enjoys chapter 1 of our story.

Summary: The twins, Bailey, Maya, Woody, and Addison take a spring break road trip to the ballparks of the American League East. Collaboration with deathlyhallows123

Disclaimer: We own NOTHING

Spring Break, it meant one thing to high school students, road trips to someplace warm, preferably with a beach. Same goes for the students of Seven Seas High School aboard the S.S. Tipton, even though they spend their days on a cruise ship, stopping at various countries, most of which feature some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Not only that, but the ship stops in Miami for their spring break week, so they don't have to travel very far if they didn't want to.

While most of the students aboard the ship were either staying on the ship in Miami or going somewhere else in the south fairly close, there was a group of six students who were actually traveling north for their spring break.

Being from Boston, Cody & Zack Martin are huge baseball fans and huge Red Sox fans. While they love the other sports teams Boston has to offer, baseball and the Sox are their first love. Back in middle school the twins decided that for their senior year of high school spring break they were going to go to every ballpark in Boston's division for a game, and luckily for them the scheduled worked where they would be able to accomplish this feat.

The twins wouldn't be traveling alone though, Zack had a total crush on one of Seven Seas High's newest student, a Yankees fan from New York named Maya. Zack still couldn't believe he fell for a Yankees fan, but Maya was different than any other girl he had met, and he wasn't going to let that small detail get in the way. Zack invited her since he had this huge crush on her, and because he knew she would say yes since a stop at new Yankee Stadium was in the works. The twins also invited Woody and Addison on the trip, since both their hometown teams would be facing an AL East team during the trip, Woody's Cleveland Indians at Baltimore, and Addison's Chicago White Sox at Tampa Bay. Lastly Cody asked Bailey if she wanted to go as well. While still broken up, the two were currently getting along better than any other time since the break up. Cody also didn't want Bailey to feel left out, plus her home area team, the Kansas City Royals, would be in Toronto when they were there.

While London Tipton was not a sports fan and wouldn't be joining her friends on their spring break road trip, she did love her friends enough to help pay their way when it came to tickets, travel, and staying at a Tipton Hotel in Tampa, Baltimore, and Toronto. Everyone would stay with Maya's partners in New York, and with the twin's mom Carey when in Boston.

The S.S. Tipton docked in Miami on a Friday, and the kids would spend their first two days of break in Miami hanging out before leaving for Tampa Sunday morning. London set it up for them to take a limo up to Tampa from Miami, which was about a four hour drive. They would then sight see in Tampa during the day, as the game was the lone Sunday night game on the schedule. Monday they would fly from Tampa to Baltimore and have the rest of the day to themselves in the city. The game in Baltimore was Tuesday afternoon, and after the game was their flight to Toronto. The Toronto game was Wednesday night, so they could look around the city before the game. Thursday they would fly from Toronto to New York and the rest of Thursday along with the day on Friday they would spent with Maya and her family, with the game in New York Friday night. With the game in Boston they were going to on Saturday afternoon they would take another limo up to Boston after the game Friday, go to the game Saturday afternoon, and then the twins would show them around town the rest of the day, before they flew back to Miami Sunday morning.

After two days of just packing and hanging out in Miami, Sunday morning finally rolled around and the kids were ready for their road trip to begin. They wanted plenty of time to look around Tampa before the game, so they decided on leaving Miami at 8am. Everyone met up in the main lobby of the ship about 7:45am and then left the ship, finding the limo that awaited them at the Port of Miami. Once everyone's stuff was packed up in the limo it was time to head for Tampa.

"I can't believe this road trip in finally here," Cody said as the limo started to leave the port.

"I know broseph, we have been talking about this one for years and years, can't believe the day has finally come that it's happening," Zack said.

"I'm just so excited we get to see my White Sox tonight," Addison said excitedly, as she was already bouncing off the walls, even at this early time in the morning.

"Woody, we told you not to give her any sweets before we got to Tampa," Bailey said as it was very obvious her friend had way too much sugar already in her.

"I tried to, but I just can't say no to that face," Woody said as he turned to Addison, who responded by giving him a big hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Well hopefully it wears off soon, I'm not sure anyone could take any of us bouncing off the walls for four hours in a vehicle thanks to a sugar rush," Maya added.

"Don't worry guys, she didn't have too much," Woody said.

The first half of the trip was spent playing a variety of games. Once the sugar wore out Addison, along with Bailey and Maya took naps while the guys just talked. Once they started to roll into Tampa the guys woke the girls up.

"Wow, no wonder this place has been named one of the best outdoor cities in the country, it's beautiful," Maya said as she looked out one of the windows.

"It's almost as beautiful as you," Zack said back as Maya couldn't help but to smile and giggle at Zack's comment.

"Man and I thought I was cheesy," Cody said softly to Bailey.

"At least he is only cheesy around Maya; you are just cheesy all the time," Bailey responded back with a laugh.

"I never heard you complain about it though," Cody said back with a smile.

"Touché," Bailey said back while mimicking Ben Stiller's character from the movie Dodgeball, which always made Cody laugh. "

"So, you think this trip will finally get them together," Bailey asked softly so Zack and Maya didn't hear them.

"I hope so, I didn't think it would take him this long, I mean it's obvious now that she likes him back," Cody said.

"Maybe he wants to do something special at Yankee Stadium," Bailey said.

"Maybe you are right, before I would have said no way, but now that he likes a Yankee fan I guess anything is possible," Cody said.

Their limo arrived at the Tampa Tipton a little after noon. Since their suite reservations had been set by London they were able to check in whenever they wanted. Zack and Maya were the first to leave the vehicle, followed by Cody and Bailey.

"So, you think they'll finally get together sometime during this trip," Woody asked Addison.

"Oh yeah, it'll happen, I guarantee it," Addison said with a smile as they left the limo. While many may have thought they were talking about Zack and Maya that was not the case.

Once the six got settled into their suite it was time for them to decide how they would spend their day in Tampa.

"Alright guys, it's almost one, and the game is at eight, so that gives us about six hours to look around town before its time to get ready for the game," Cody said. "I say each group of two pick a place to go to for a couple hours, Bailey and I have decided on the historic Ybor City neighborhood just northwest of downtown," Cody add.

The other four thought this was a good idea, so each Zack & Maya and Woody & Addison separated to decide on where they would pick.

"So where do you want to go Maya, your choice," Zack asked.

"Oh you should already know where I want to go," Maya said with a smile.

"How is that, I've never been here," Zack said confused.

"Zack, which team uses Tampa for its spring training, and has a minor league team play in that stadium as well," Maya asked.

"The Yank…..oh no, no way Maya," Zack said.

"Come on Zack, you said it was my choice," Maya said as she started to smile and got her sad puppy dog eyes ready just in case she needed them.

"But Maya I….," Zack started to say before Maya kissed him on the cheek.

"Ok that's fine," Zack said as Maya could only smile that her plan worked.

"Can we go to Raymond James Stadium too, its right across the street from the Yankees place, I need to go in there so I can add it to stadium tour on Facebook," Zack added with a smile.

"I think we can work that out," Maya said as the two made their way back to the group.

"Ok we decided on the aquarium, what about you guys," Addison asked Zack and Maya.

"Yankees spring training facility," Maya said with a smile.

"Zack, how could you agree to such a place," Cody asked he brother.

"Simple, Maya said we could go to the Bucs stadium as well so I could add it to stadium tour," Zack said with a smile, not mentioning the other motivation he received.

Cody just rolled his eyes at his brother as the six left the suite. The stadiums were the closest so that was their first stop. They went to the Yankees spring training stadium first for a tour, and afterwards they took pictures around the place, as Maya was able to talk Zack into being in pictures with her and Yankees related stuff with more kisses to the cheek. Cody could only shake his at his brother while Bailey laughed, while Woody and Addison could only say one word to one another about the situation, whipped. Next was Raymond James Stadium, which was right across the street. Again the group got a tour of the stadium. Afterwards everyone went up to the famous pirate ship in one of the endzones for pictures.

The next stop was the historic Ybor City neighborhood, which featured numerous structures on the National Register of Historic Places list. The group visited many different sites, including the Cigar Museum and Visitor Center and the Ybor City Museum State Park. They had a late lunch/early dinner at the Columbia Restaurant, a Spanish restaurant that was named a Top 50 All-American icon by Nation's Restaurant News magazine. There final stop before the game was the Florida Aquarium. The aquarium had a cool set up, as it was laid out to follow a drop of water from one of Florida's fresh-water springs on its journey to the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Everyone agreed that their favorite thing there was the simulated beach.

Once they were done at the aquarium the six headed back to the Tipton to get ready for the game. Addison was decked out in all White Sox gear; hat, shorts, Paul Konerko jersey t-shirt, and even black and white shoes and a White Sox foam finger. Woody wanted to wear something Indians, but Addison wouldn't let him, which earned him a returned whipped comment from Zack. Bailey only brought one Royals shirt and she was saving it for their game in Toronto, and the twins and Maya decided against their teams colors since both their teams were division rivals with the Tampa Bay Rays.

"Alright let's go White Sox," Addison said happily as the group left the suite.

"If anyone asks we don't know her, she is just following us," Cody said as Zack, Maya, and Bailey all laughed.

"Agreed," Woody said which lead to Addison hitting both Woody and Cody with her foam finger.

The six again piled into the limo, as it headed from Tampa to Tropicana Field, which was just across the bay in St. Petersburg. Once they were dropped off they headed to the entrance and handed their tickets to the lady working the gate. Once in the group headed towards their seats, which thanks to London were right behind home plate.

A/N: Alright everyone that's chapter one, I hope you enjoyed it. Deathlyhallows123 will be in charge of chapter 2, which will feature the first game, and whatever other fun they are able to come up with throughout the chapter. Again I hope everyone enjoyed chapter 1, and let us know what you thought by leaving a review. Thanks again for reading.