You Lost Me


I am done
Smoking gun
We've lost it all
The love is gone

She has won
Now it's no fun
We've lost it all
The love is gone

"I need to know the truth" she turned to look at him though her face didn't seem like she was being tortured by not being sure if he saw or not the ring. "When you broke Jeremy's neck, did you know he was wearing the ring?"

Damon looks uncomfortable because he knows what he has to say to her is tough because he knows the wrong answer might seal the deal of losing her forever but he couldn't try to get back to what they were based on lies. He never lied to her. Actually he didn't like lying at all. His blunt honesty was one of his proud resemblances of when he was a human.

"No… no, I didn't" he finally says and she can see in his face how lost he is but it doesn't make any difference. It does actually but it doesn't change how she feels about it.

She looked away and he tried to justify what wasn't justifiable "Katherine really pissed me off and I snapped… I didn't look at the ring and I don't know what I would have done if he wasn't wearing it" it cost him to say those words, not because he wasn't willing to admit it but because he knew he couldn't fix it but he owed her the truth. "Elena, I'm sorry"

And we had magic
And this is tragic
You couldn't keep your hands to yourself

She looked to his face and although she could see how hard it was for him to say those words and how he clearly didn't know how to deal with what he did, still what he had just said confirmed what she already knew "Thank you for being honest with me. And the answer to your question about our friendship is yes. You have lost me forever" her voice showed how she despised him at that moment and Damon could read it. Especially because he knew she wouldn't react like that if that was just a new resolution.

"You knew that already, didn't you?" he stopped her from getting inside the house. "You used me today"

And we tried
Oh, how we cried
We lost ourselves
The love has died

"You had information about Katherine that I needed to know" she fired back at him. How could he even tell something like that to her after all he did?

"Friends don't manipulate friends" his voice was cold and filled with venom. And then it was him who had despise written all over his face "You and Katherine have a lot more in common than just the looks" he completed and started to walk away.

She looked at his face as the words were said and it was even clearer in his eyes and in how his jaw was tensed up that he truly decried her. It was always so hard to read Damon's emotions because he always kept his walls well up, preventing everyone to see the real man under the façade but in that moment it was crystal clear what he felt for her. At some point she thought he'd throw up if vampires could even do it.

Elena was shocked by that. She didn't think that she was acting like Katherine did when she did what she did. She was only doing what he used to do all the time: using someone to get what she wanted. How he could be offended by her borrowing his own tactics?

And though we tried
You can't deny
We're left as shells
We lost the fight

"And by the way Elena, you just lost me forever" he didn't even turn back to see her face or how she'd react to his words. In that moment he just realized that allowing himself to feel anything had been a bad idea and he wanted nothing more than go back to the way he was before coming to Mystic Falls.

I feel like our world's been infected
And somehow you left me neglected
We've found our lives been changed
Babe, you lost me

Damon didn't look back because he wasn't willing to know anything about her anymore. That was it. Katherine had made damage enough and he wasn't ready to face the disappointment of realizing that maybe Elena wasn't much different. Yeah she didn't try to fool him around while she still was with Stefan like the vampire had done but it didn't change the fact that she used him the same way that Katherine did. At least Katherine allowed him to have something from her too while she sucked all she wanted from him. But Elena was even colder. She didn't want anything to do with him and still she got into that car and played with him as if he was a duck. She made everything on purpose. She probably planned to do it. Stefan could take her there with Alaric any other day but she had agreed to go with them. She knew that if Stefan knew something about Katherine and the probably connection between them he'd tell her but she needed to ensure that she'd get his own output about it too. And it hurt. It hurt because for once he thought he was doing the right thing. Yeah it'll always be Stefan, always saint Stefan but their friendship was precious for him. Elena was precious for him but just like the 1.0 version there was nothing at store for him and he wasn't going to be a fool again. Not even for the woman that changed his whole existence.

Elena stood there in the porch for a little longer as she watched his body merging with the darkness until she couldn't see him anymore. She shouldn't care that Damon had just said her he was done with her. If anything she should be thankful because he was pushy most of the times and it'd be hard for her to get rid of him unless he didn't want to be around her.

But then she remembered about how he threw himself in front of the arrow to save her life. Knowing that he would have his own life taken if it actually hit his heart. And then he gave her the book when she had been nothing but a bitch to him. She knew he was trying to take amends but he should've thought about it before he snapped her brother's neck a week ago. It was still too raw and no matter how much deep in her heart she wanted to rebuild what they've had before Katherine came in town she wasn't ready for that. She didn't even know if she was ever going to be ready for that someday. She knew Katherine got under his skin and she has seen first row what Katherine meant to Damon Salvatore and the impact of her in his life even if he proclaimed his hate for vampire to the four winds. But she could have lost her brother. She could have lost the boy she worked so hard to keep alive when both Vicky and Anna came around him. The boy that she had almost lost when she lied to him and got him compelled and Damon knew it all. He knew how Jeremy was important to her and he did it without a second thought.

She was right. She did the right thing she just wished that she didn't feel like she had just lost someone as important to her as her own brother.

Now I know you're sorry
And we were sweet
But you chose lust when you deceived me
And you'll regret it, but it's too late
How can I ever trust you again?

I feel like our world's been infected
And somehow you left me neglected
We've found our lives been changed
Babe, you lost me

AN: DISCLAIMER: I don't own The Vampire Diaries or any of its characters. I don't own You Lost Me lyrics.

So this is a new project that I may or may not keep going. The turning point? You. I'm really intrigued and absolutely in love with the writing of the new season and I feel like I can't wait eight months to see what they'll do about Delena. I was going to name this fic The Year of Soulmates but then I remembered of this song, by Diva Christina Aguilera and I love it. It's about betrayal and while Damon and Elena weren't in a relationship and they actually couldn't cheat on each other they both now feel like they were betrayed by the other's actions.

So this is about Damon fighting against it and Elena trying to ignore it. It involves a lot of angst and sorrow, maybe even more than the show and unlike my other Delena fic - that's AU and I killed majority of the characters I plan to keep this one really on character. I'd like to explore Damon's twisted side instead of his human side and test him to his limits to know if he can go back to the vampire he was before he met Elena, if he can escape who he became after her if I keep this one going on, he'll try in every possible way to really keep her away from him. And at Elena's side I plan to explore the loss itself. Losing Damon might be the ultimate fact to make her really look inside herself and see where she stands about him. She's so blind in the show about her love for Stefan that she doesn't even bother herself to question Damon's words just before he snapped Jeremy. She says it'll always be Stefan because she doesn't feel like she needs to question if it'll always be Stefan indeed. Damon was yet to fire that flame that would put the very small doubt in her mind and letting her go just did it.

So tell me if it's worth keep it going.


PS.: following chapters won't be as short. This is just the prologue and I couldn't prolong things too much to make it bigger. Also I don't usually include lyrics in my fics. I think it's annoying but I guess I needed this one (that names the fic) just in case you didn't know it =)