A/N: Hey. Another ItaSasu…This is completely different to my other one…Just to warn you some chapters will seem repeated as they are done first in one Point of View and then in another. Just a warning. Oh and this will be a long story (I already have seven or eight chapters and its 41,574 words without the A/N's. So yeah…

Itachi's POV

"Mr. Hiucha, the headmistress is ready to see you know," the receptionist spoke, gesturing towards the door to her right. She smiled at me, mentally telling me to go through the door. I nodded courteously before silently getting to my feet. I hadn't worn a suit in years but seeing as though the job called for it, well it wasn't compulsory to wear a suit but I thought it would be the right thing to do. I pulled the tie up; making sure it was right up to the top button. I checked myself over; I had to give a good impression, after all it is my first day and I have to look smart. I couldn't believe he could find me job this quickly especially because two days ago I was in America working with the 'wrong' crowd. I should be able to hide myself for a while; I highly doubt that they know that I have left the country. I have to admit I am slightly looking forward to this career; I may as well put some good back into my life after all the bad deeds that I have committed. I flicked the dust off my blazer and then walked gracefully with my back straight towards the door. I had always been an elegant person, making everything I did look refined and formal...it was just a habit.

The door was a deep mahogany, perfectly shaped and cut from an expensive piece of wood, this was the least I would expect from this place, after all this is a posh area. Just below my eye level was a gold plaque with the name Madame Tsunade engraved in the metal with precision. It looked rather like a swirled signature. I took a deep breath ready to hold in any emotions that might have tried to find their way out and knocked on the door with the tip of my knuckles.

"Come in," a woman's voice called from the other side, I had to admit the voice was pretty masculine for a woman and I picked up the hint of stress in her busy voice. I took another deep breath before gently pushing the door open revealing the owner of the voice. She was blonde her hair pig-tailed lazily at the back of her head. She had a soft brown eye colour like a hazel nut and some sort of blue diamond shape tattoo on her forehead. She looked no older than thirty but held herself like a wise old woman. She had her arms folded neatly on the wooden desk that matched the door exactly. Her fingers entwined with each other her eyes gawping up at me with a sense of rush and slight excitement. I stood at the doorway. After all I didn't want to be disrespectful. I slowly closed the door behind myself hearing the lock click.

"Take a seat Mr. Hiucha; we have a lot to discuss," she pointed to the pale blue velvet seat that was directly opposite her desk. I moved obediently towards the seat and sat down with elegance pressing my back tightly to the velvet of the seat. I was always told to sit straight.

She held out her hand for me to shake in which I did, for a woman she had a pretty tight grip, firm with a sense of serious strength unlike most women I had met before who had more of a sort delicacy about them.

"I welcome you Mr. Hiucha, I am Tsunade which you probably would have figured out already from the sign on the door presuming you can read of course," she smiled; I didn't think she would be the joke-a-tive type.

"It's a pleasure Tsunade, call me Riki," I let go of her hand to see her blush slightly.

"Oh, such a charmer you are," she shifted her attention to the draw in her desk which she slid open and pulled out a stack of paper, some of which were in neat black folder. She laid the pile on the desk and then glided them over to me with her hands so they were now in my reach. I glanced at the top sheet quickly and then picked it up.

"This is your class Riki, it's a small class of sophomores only twelve but as you may already know, these students are what we call the 'less capable' and struggle to learn. But I think if they get the right teacher I'm sure we can build them up to their full potential. I do have to warn you though some of them are pretty badly behaved, take a quick look. I have the photograph of the student next to the name, the photos were taken last year so they might have changed a bit since then, hopefully not too drastically," Tsunade explained, she seemed enthusiastic about me taking over. I liked that enthusiasm.

I held the sheet up and started reading through the names:

Aburame Shino, he had dark hair and a high necked coat on not to mention his small, rounded sunglasses. Most of his face was impossible to see and I had to try and guess what he would look like behind all the blockages he was obvious to be a mysterious sort of guy. At least if he came in wearing all that I would be able to tell straight away who it was.

Akiminchi Chouji, light haired, very rounded face with red swirl patterns on his cheeks. He was eating a packet of crisps on the picture, I'm guessing that would mean he was always eating, or maybe eating was the only way to get him to smile.

Haruno Sakura, she had bright bubblegum pink hair and green eyes, she was waving to the camera in her picture with one of those seemingly innocent smiles that was actually hiding something dark behind. She looked like one of those typical female teenagers that only thought about one thing in life: BOYS.

Hyuuga Hinata, short dark hair and very light eyes. I could see the anxiousness in her face that she was trying to cover with her hands, however she was laughing and her eyes were not looking at the camera directly probably saying that something or someone was making her laugh next to the camera, definitely a quiet one.

Hyuuga Neji, same coloured hair but longer and the same eyes as Hinata, he and Hinata are cousins. He was slightly pouting a smile which didn't suit him at all, the top half of his face was frowning it actually made him look like one of those typical evil villains from action movies that just smirked when they were thinking of an evil plan to take over the world. Even though I highly doubted that he was thinking of taking over the world he was most likely just scheming a plan against someone he didn't like.

Inuzuka Kiba, he wearing a heavy coat raincoat with red triangular marks on his cheeks. Somehow he resembled a dog, he was looking upwards to something above his head, wait was that a chew toy? He looked like he was begging for it...actually I think he was begging for it...hmmm better stay clear of him, most likely had dog issues.

Nara Shikamaru, dark hair in a spiky ponytail, a glazed tired look in his eyes. I couldn't tell if he was about to fall asleep or he was just too lazy to smile. Either way I couldn't judge him yet until I knew the proper facts for all I knew there could be a suitable reason why, hn he reminds me of someone who has a sleeping disorder.

Rock Lee, dark bowl cut and very bushy eyebrows – wearing a green spandex suit? Jeez all I could say about him was no sense in fashion or anything to do with looks for that matter. Has he never heard of plucking or getting your haircut at a hairdressers, seriously? He had a very large smile on his face which was undeniably real, yet at the same time it was a dimwits smile suggesting that he wasn't too bright at all. He had the white-ist teeth I had ever seen ever, I would give him that...maybe his parent were dentists.

Sabaku-no-Gaara, this one had no picture next to the name meaning that I didn't know what he would look like, so there were three reasons for this, either he was too shy to have his picture taken, he wasn't in when it was done or he completely refused to have it done. For me the best option would have been two that way he was less likely to be a nervous wreck or Mr. Attitude.

Uchiha Sasuke…Sasuke?

My eyes widened at the sheet, the name hit me like a ton of bricks that had just fallen from a ten story building. Out of all the schools in Konoha I got a job in Sasuke's and anyway since when was he in lower sets, he's always been very intellectual in fact he was always top of his class. Great...he's going to recognize me instantly, what am I going to do? I told him I never wanted to see him again, what is he even going to think of me? DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! Kakashi probably did this on purpose he's been wanting me to see Sasuke for ages now, he kept telling me how much he needed me and that I should be there for him. The problem was trying to get out of the Akatsuki is like trying to get out of a giant ten foot hedge maze...nearly impossible and only worth trying if you had no other choice.

I frowned, Kami now I was worried…I hadn't seen him in years and I knew that deep down I really wanted to see him again. After all he's still my Otouto and no matter how much it stabbed me in the heart to say or even think this but I still loved him and I never wanted to leave him in the first place but I had no choice.

"Riki are you okay?" Tsunade sliced through my line of concentration dragging me violently back to reality, which right now felt like a giant hole that had no end. I had to think of something to say that had nothing to do with what I was just thinking.

"Erm…why don't Sasuke and Gaara have photographs?" I asked quickly pulling myself together before I let anything slip, for the first time in years I couldn't think of what to say my mind had just blanked out. This never happens to me; I thought I had gotten him out of my mind, I've had four years to do so and yet he still sits there dormant. I couldn't stop my thoughts about Sasuke flooding back into my head like an angry tidal wave.

"They both refused to have their photo's taken," she narrowed her eyes; I think she suspected something; I looked at her blankly trying to weave her suspicion out. This probably had an opposite affect. She looked at me with her deeply thought eyes trying to see through my now cracked mask.

"Gaara has red hair and Sasuke has black you will know which one's which," she buried her doubt and I mentally sighed, if she found out about me the word would spread quickly and the Akatsuki had inside members that were currently in Japan and most likely not far from here.

I quickly shifted my eyes to the rest of the names, Uzamaki Naruto and Yamanaka Ino. Both blondes, the male was smiling cheesily gesturing the peace sign with his fingers and the female blondes face strangely reminded me of the other girl with the pink hair, they looked nothing alike but the face they were pulling was nearly the same that it was pretty daunting. My eyes quickly darted back to Sasuke's name hoping that it would disappear into the paper like it was never there in the first place. Trying to concentrate on other things was becoming increasingly harder.

I felt a headache coming on and I hadn't had a headache since I left Konoha, my heart was racing about meeting Sasuke. This could end up really bad and after what I did to him there was no way in hell that he was going to be happy about seeing me again and if he tells anyone about me of who I really am, they'll find me and that will be only putting everyone else around me in danger…again. I wonder what would happen if I just quit now, oh like that wouldn't arouse any suspicion.

Erm why are you quitting?

Because I didn't realize my brother was in the class oh and by the way my name isn't Riki Hiucha it's Itachi Uchiha and by the way now that I've told you I'm gonna have to leave because now I'm going to have some serious psychopaths chasing me, so bye.

Seriously that would fuck everything up I couldn't quit now besides this would be the last place they would come to look for me they probably wouldn't think I would be stupid enough to go back to my home town and put everyone that I know life at risk. If I can keep quiet about who I am maybe I can use this to my advantage they would never suspect it. Yeah that seems like a good idea.

"Earth to Riki," Tsunade waved her hand in front of my face snapping me out of my thoughts, geez I gotta stop doing that.

"Oh sorry I was just thinking about how I was going to control the class," I lied. Tsunade was getting more suspicious by the second and I wouldn't be surprised if she actually fired me right at this moment, already thinking that I was insane.

She seized a sheet of paper from her desk and handed it to me.

"Well this will help then, their last homeroom teacher Iruka wrote this during his year here, we have all the students on there and what they are typically like and the best ways to handle them. If you stick to the sheet you will hopefully be fine with them. They all have different personalities so you'll have to get to know them each individually," she exclaimed waiting for me to look. I started reading, seriously who took the time to do this, to study these kids like they were some sort of lab experiments. What am I saying? I should really be thankful this will make my job easier if I know what they are like before I even get there.


Aburame Shino

Notes: Shino is not very good at socializing with other students and often brings bugs to school with him, other students find him generally disturbing and they don't like bugs. DO NOT seat him next to any girls because there will be mayhem and they will disrupt other classrooms. Shino prefers you not do any experiments that concern bugs and usually works quietly in the class. He is not very disruptive so you won't need to worry about him too much. Another thing don't kill bugs within his presence because he will get annoyed and I found that out the hard way.

Akiminchi Chouji

Notes: Chouji has self-confidence problems and eats; he generally loves food, so DO NOT attempt to take food away from him. It is best to seat him near Shikamaru because they get along pretty well. He is also quiet and eats during class work assignment never give him anything important because he will get food on it. Most of the students are used to his eating habits now but every so often he might have a little fight but Chouji is actually a pacifist and won't ever start fight. He loves cooking and excels in it and everyone loves his cooking so don't be afraid if he offers you anything.

Haruno Sakura

Notes: A general girly girl with major male obsession problems, particularly with Sasuke, is enemies with Ino. DO NOT seat her with Ino or Sasuke otherwise there will be major jealousy issues and a very unhappy Sasuke. Sakura will start a fight about anything when it comes to Ino. She likes diary writing and story writing. So English is her favourite lesson but sadly all of her stories are romantic and the characters always resemble her and her crush.

Hyuuga Hinata

Notes: Hinata is very quiet and nervous and is most likely one of the shyest people you will ever meet, DO NOT ask her to come to the front otherwise she will have a panic attack and possibly faint in front of the whole class. Best seated near Naruto, he gives her confidence she always does her work properly and likes to read silently in class. She generally likes the rest of the class and will often try and stop fights from happening. Hinata is very quick at figuring things out and can easily see through people's 'masks'.

Hyuuga Neji

Notes: Neji is what other students like to call a 'teachers pet' and will probably suck up to you he has a serious superiority complex and thinks he's best however he also likes to start arguments with fellow classmates; he has a strong dislike for Hinata. DO NOT seat him next to Hinata or any easily rivalled students these include: Gaara and is a perfectionist and will keep everything in order and if you're not careful he does like to snoop around and spread rumours, so make sure you keep everything to yourself otherwise you may find that your secret has spread through the school within a matter of days.

Inuzuka Kiba

Notes: Kiba is another clown, not as disruptive as Naruto but if Naruto starts off jokes he is guaranteed to laugh and this sets him off, he also has a personality disorder and often thinks he's a dog. DO NOT seat him next to Naruto otherwise you'll never hear the end of it. He is easily distracted by dog toys so if you carry around with you no matter how immature it sounds it will help with his concentration. He loves talking about animals and dreams to becoming a vet one day and will constantly go on about it.

Nara Shikamaru

Notes: Shikamaru is a narcoleptic and often daydreams during class, so often doesn't listen to the teacher, he may also fall asleep during lessons. DO NOT attempt to wake him up, he is usually pretty friendly but if woken he will disrupt the whole class against you for the rest of the day. Best seated next to Chouji they are good friends. Shikamaru is actually one of the most intelligent people in the whole school but with his problem he can't be put into a regular class sadly. You might be surprised on how good his work actually is. He is a strategist and likes to play games like chess when he's in the mood. He is unbeaten and may offer you a game, try and accept if possible.

Rock Lee

Notes: Lee is dyslexic and has problems understanding so he isn't doing very well in most subjects, he is good mannered and is a perfectionist and will try over and over again to try and get something right. DO NOT say he is not doing very well and do not seat him next to Sakura, he has a major crush on her. Lee's father Gai works as the class's PE teacher which Lee looks up too dearly. Never mock his looks ever Lee takes that to serious offense. He also likes to use the word 'youthful' a lot so beware it might eventually get on your nerves.


Notes: Gaara has serious anger issues and often walks out of classroom that is if he has actually shown up to the lesson in the first place. Leaving Gaara alone is the best way to deal with him. He will do his work if you give to him. DO NOT chase after him when he leaves the classroom because he often wants to cool down. Gaara is a big fan of PE, especially dodge ball and likes to get into fights as often as possible especially when they include his friends. Gaara speaks his mind and is not afraid to tell you what he really thinks of you. Be thankful when Gaara is in class because he likes the quiet and because most of the students are 'scared' of him they will be better behaved than when he is not in class.

Uchiha Sasuke

Notes: Sasuke is a serious bi-polar so be cautious of his temper, he can go from very calm to very agitated in a matter of minutes and he can become very destructive and self destructive. He is often listening to music and drawing, leaving him alone is the best option; well he will probably ignore you anyway. DO NOT take his sketch book off him ever, he WILL get violent. Keep an eye on him if he walks out of the classroom. Best seated next to Naruto, he keeps him sane. He likes art it is the only lesson except PE that he puts any effort into. He never does homework and usually doesn't do class work. Again he often gets into fights and seems to be hiding a lot. It's quite a shame really he used to be one of the best students in the school but his grades are decreasing drastically, his attitude seems to get worse everyday with the lack of attention to his work.

Uzamaki Naruto

Notes: Naruto is hyperactive and fidgety he won't sit still for very long (usually it's about 2 minute's tops). He is the class-joker and will make your life hell if you can't control him, movement activities are the best for him. DO NOT give in to Naruto's wise cracks it will only make him want to annoy you even more. He is best seated next to Hinata and Sasuke. He seems to be the only person that Sasuke seems to open up to; you can always count on him to cheer everyone up. He has a very short concentration span, so he doesn't keep to one task. He is very talkative and will just about talk to anyone so don't be surprised if he starts a conversation with you. (By the way the conversation will most likely be on Ramen just to give you the heads up)

Yamanaka Ino

Notes: Another general girly girl, she is bitchier than Sakura and will start a fight with her constantly if you're not careful. She also has obsession issues with Sasuke. DO NOT seat her next to Sakura or Sasuke that would seriously annoy Sakura and Sasuke. She is into fashion related subjects like textiles and spends a lot of her free time in the girl's toilets finishing her makeup. Ino is a flirt by the way and will manage to flirt with everyone including you if she gets the chance she will probably compliment you on everything, do not give her any response whatsoever except for thanks.

Oh great I've got a creepy bug boy, a kid who eats his feelings, two bitches that are both obsessed with MY brother, a shy mute, a suck up, a kid with an identity crisis, a narcoleptic, a dyslexic mental patient (not to mention his poor taste in fashion), a kid with severe anger issues, a hyperactive knucklehead and my emo brother. I am going to do so well…NOT!

I closely read over what they had said about Sasuke, when did he turn bi-polar? Self destructive? When did this all happen? He wasn't like this when I was around…this wasn't because I left was it? I wouldn't have meant for that to happen to him. I had to know what he had been doing. I took my eyes of the sheet to look at Tsunade, how was I going to ask without gaining anymore suspicion. I knew that would be hard but this was important.

"It says self destructive in one of the kids notes," I pretended to look for the name again to give the impression I didn't know who he was. "His names Sasuke. Is there anything in particular I should know, maybe what to keep him away from?" I asked keeping my tone light.

"Well you know, he's the typical type, cuts wrists and sometimes arms so to be kept away from anything sharp whenever possible, he doesn't do it in front of other people so during class he should be safe but make sure when he leaves the class he doesn't have anything sharp on him, also like its says on the notes if he walks out of class make sure you follow him because that was the time we first found out about his 'problem.' He last 'cut' himself when he walked out of the classroom to the toilets," she explained professionally, she gave no emotion away in her voice or facial expression.

Sasuke had been cutting himself? Since when did he get into that habit, it couldn't have just been me, I couldn't drive him to that, could I? How many times has he done it? Why didn't mum and dad stop him? In what other ways has he changed?

"So anyway I'm sure you can handle him, he is usually pretty quiet and he's not very disruptive I would worry more about Naruto for that, I know it doesn't say it in his notes but he has recently been diagnosed with ADHD so don't get too mad at him when he fidgets," she added taking my mind of Sasuke I was just going to have to wait to see him and just hope that his reaction is good...who am I kidding of course he's gonna freak out when he see's me.

I looked at my watch it was half past eight, school started in half an hour and I had to set up everything yet and prepare myself for the shock that I'm going to receive with Sasuke. I had to teach most of the classes to these kids because they couldn't bet put into sets from their 'low' ability. I opened the folder to the timetable I had them for the first three lessons which were always English, Maths and Science I didn't have them fourth but then I had them for fifth period, Drama of course one of the worst lessons to teach for me especially because half the time I find showing emotion nearly impossible. My father had always told me that showing feeling was a weakness especially sadness or fear, he said they were the worst and if I did show them he would slap me. So I got used to not using them even though sometimes they just slipped out. Underneath the timetable was my first lesson plans. We were doing short story writing in English, basic maths and I mean really basic like timetable basic. Science was definitely going to be a pain we are going to be using Bunsen burners which I hope that Sasuke doesn't like to burn himself otherwise that is going to cause major problems. They were going to be doing there own pieces in drama and I really didn't want to know what they would come up with. Judging by the notes they were probably be pretty violent and possibly rude. This was going to be a long day and I knew that. All I could think about was seeing Sasuke and his reaction to me…I'm just hoping it's not going to go bad.

"Sasuke, glad to see you're in"


"Calm down"


"Whoa your names Itachi!"


"Please Sasuke..."

Oh this is going to go so well, I'm not in the mood for a chasing him down a hallway or seeing him self harming. I've seen enough violence in my life never mind seeing any come from my Otouto.

"Riki I would head to the classroom now, the students will be turning up in about five minutes, bearing in mind most of them will probably be late anyway and one or two of them might not turn up," Tsunade stood showing me to the door. I stood up courteously I wasn't going to panic and rush around like any normal person would. I clutched all my papers within my arms and Tsunade opened the door for me.

"I wish you good luck…you're gonna need it," she waved snickering to herself. She was right I was going to need luck very badly but probably not for the reasons that she was expecting, I knew I would be pretty capable at controlling the class…it's just Sasuke he would be my only problem.

My room was 203, it was a light brown wooden door, and it already had my name carved into the silver plaque on the wood. Wow these guys worked quickly they only knew I was coming yesterday.

Mr. Hiucha, I still hate the idea of using a false name I don't even know how long it will last before someone figures it out, and so far there is only one person that knows right now and that is Kakashi. He was the one that helped me out with this job seeing though he works here too and soon Sasuke will know. I know Kakashi will keep it quiet but Sasuke, I highly doubted that.

I unlocked the door with the key that Tsunade gave me. The room was plain, cream walls and a wooden floor. I was actually expecting it to be a mess because the students would probably trash the place but it wasn't. The desks were set out in a square shape along the room with my desk in the middle with a white board behind. I laid the papers on my desk and sat down smartly waiting for my 'students' to turn up. I had to make up the seating plan but I wanted to wait until everyone was here first.

The bell went, I had left the door open for the students to arrive I wasn't keen on the idea of them lining up outside, it was better if they were in my view. One by one they began piling in. I took on last look at the sheet of paper with their pictures and memorized each one, I was always good at memorising things and with only twelve names to remember (well eleven because I already knew Sasuke) it was fairly easy.

The one called Neji was first, he had his arms crossed he didn't look very pleased. Without a word he strolled up to my desk.

"I'm guessing you are our homeroom teacher huh?" he asked boldly gripping onto the handle of his bag, he reminded me of someone posh turning up to a meeting with a briefcase.

I nodded standing up, this guy was actually on time, oh yeah he is the suck up. I had to be careful how I handled him because I knew that sometimes they can be very manipulative.

"I want you to line up against the wall and wait for everyone else," I ordered strictly, I was telling him who was boss just to make sure I had no competition. He nodded just as a blonde kid rushed in and pulled down Neji's pants revealing his green boxer shorts. Neji squealed undeniably like a girl, covering his pride up with his hands. That was Naruto; he laughed loudly pointing at Neji's red face. I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose. These kids are all at least fifteen years old and they still acted like this. I knew this was going to be a problem, being a suck up meant that Neji was going to get picked on by a lot of students.

"I'm gonna get you Naruto!" Neji squealed pulling his pants back up, he actually sounded like his voice hadn't broken. Another laugh well a bark of a laugh came through the door. Kiba, he was eating dog treats. He ran up to Naruto and high-fived him.

"Good one Naruto!" He beamed, shoving another bone-shaped treat in his mouth. I was wondering if they were even safe for human consumption but I guessed that he had been eating them for a while now so I presumed they were pretty harmless.

"Line up by the board, "I demanded keeping my voice calm by stern. All three of them did what they were told and I made sure that they weren't standing next to each other. Neji's cheeks were still flushed and Naruto and Kiba continued to snigger at him. The next student came in, Lee.

"Oh yes another youthful homeroom teacher!" He stuck his thumbs up at me and smiled with a chink from his white tooth that shone particularly bright compared to the rest. I slapped myself on the forehead. I pointed to the board and Lee obediently stood next to the board smiling at everyone else. He was too cheerful, that made me feel more depressed than I already was. I hated seeing people so cheerful for no reason it really bugged me, maybe it was because I was hardly ever that cheerful, if I had ever been that cheerful I'm not even sure.

Next up the girls, Sakura and Ino were pushing themselves through the door at the same time, squeezing trying to get past each other in constant fits of rage. They were already pulling each others hair and they hadn't even made it into the classroom yet. I had never seen so much rivalry in my entire life.

"I was here first!" Ino yelled screaming down Sakura's ear, she yelled back ragging at Ino's ponytail.


"Actually youthful ladies I was here first!" Lee did a superman pose, with both hands on either hip again with glinting tooth.

"No fair Lee I was here before you woof!" Kiba barked chucking a dog treat at his head. It bounced off with a clonk, I was half expecting for Lee to pounce on him but he never thankfully, he just stared at the dog treat on the floor blankly, I had a feeling he would be staring at that for a good few minutes and then possibly say 'ouch.'

"No I beat all of you here as usual, idiots," Neji had to input his own words didn't he just for everyone else to start arguing. I stepped in.

"Actually I was the first here and anyway it doesn't really matter as long as you are here on time," I folded my arms, "now please just line up against the board and wait, you really don't want to see me get angry I can tell you that you really won't like it."

They were silent for a moment, I watched Hinata, Shino, Shikamaru and Chouji make there way into the classroom, all of them getting the message of standing next to the board. Hinata stood next to Naruto; Shino looked out the window at the small spider that was making its way up the windowsill. Chouji was eating what looked like pizza, I had no idea why he would have that for breakfast but then again I wasn't his parent. Shikamaru had slid down to the floor and I assumed that he had fallen asleep. The only two left were Gaara and Sasuke. I wouldn't be surprised if Gaara didn't turn up at all but Sasuke…

Five minutes late the whole class was back into its normal rampage of noise and then the red head made his way into the classroom glaring at everyone else in the class. Instantly everyone went quiet, it was like the air was sucked from the room, I couldn't even hear any of them breathe it was that quiet.

"You must be Gaara," I said, he nodded narrowing his eyes refraining from looking at me I could already tell that he didn't want to be here, his jaw was clenched and his fingers tightly wrapped into a fist as he made his way to the crowd.

I turned to the rest of the class, "has anyone seen Sasuke?"

They all shook their heads silently, I wasn't sure if that was because Gaara was standing there, he definitely seemed like the sort of guy that people were afraid of and with anger issues of course it would all make sense. I heaved; well I couldn't wait for him any longer.

I had to sort out the seating plan, there were a lot of spare desks and chairs in the room which meant that some of the one's that wanted to sit by themselves could. I made sure that Gaara, Shino and Neji were all sitting by themselves I wanted Neji the furthest away possible from me which I knew he wasn't very happy about but didn't dare to say anything. The seat near the right side from my desk, nearest to me of course would be Sasuke's besides I had to keep an eye on him more than anyone else in the class. Next to him was Naruto, I knew they were good friends and next to him Hinata and then Kiba. I left a few spaces after that. Lee sat next to Ino then Chouji and Shikamaru and then Sakura on the end. The classroom seemed pretty bare, it was big enough for at least thirty teenagers but less than half the class was filled. They all seemed okay with where I had put them but I knew that the quietness wouldn't last. I had to admit that it helped to have Gaara in the class; everyone seemed a lot quieter than they were when they first came in.

Everyone sat down ready and I stood up towards the whiteboard and wrote my name across in bold letters so everyone could read it. I turned to everyone, I was worried about Sasuke and wondering why he hadn't turned up, but I had to keep that to myself.

"Welcome class, I am Mr. Hiucha, you may call me Hiucha sensei if you like I don't mind either," damn I really hated this name. Kiba raised his hand I nodded at him to speak.

"Hey what is your first name?" He asked smiling at the class.

"Well Kiba that is none of your business is it, but I will tell you that it is Riki," I placed the whiteboard pen on my desk. Everyone seemed to be interested that I had answered their question, most teachers didn't like their pupils knowing their first name but it didn't really matter because that wasn't my first name anyway so technically they didn't know it whatsoever.

"Anymore questions before we start today's first lesson which is English?" I asked folding my arms waiting for the class.

"Hey how old are you? You look too young to be a teacher," Naruto shouted standing up out of his seat. The class nodded in agreement of his question, then I had eleven eager faces looking at me waiting for me to say something.

"Naruto you are supposed to raise your hand when you have a question," I stated, rolling my eyes at him. He is an attention seeker.

"But sir you didn't tell us that," Naruto joked, hoping that I would snap at him.

"Well Naruto I was hoping that by now you would know the trick that the three year olds seemingly can grasp faster than you, maybe the head teacher was correct maybe you do have the mental age of a three-year-old" I sighed. The class sniggered softly.

Naruto sat down quietly; I'm guessing he wasn't expecting that from me.

"And yes I am old enough to teach I'm twenty-one," I answered as Ino squealed clapping her hands together.

"OH MY GOD! That is soooo cute!" she pouted, Sakura glared daggers at her. Typical.

"Ino's got a crush!" Naruto shouted raging with laughter, I knew it wouldn't take long for him to start shouting again, he set most of the class in hysterics except for Neji, Gaara and Ino who were not amused whatsoever. I wasn't waiting for the next response, I slammed my fists on my desks and everyone instantly shut themselves up.

"Now that I've got your attention," I kept my voice calm which was rather easy to do for me. All eleven faces looked at me, I saw Naruto gulp.

"Well we're fifteen minutes late starting the lesson, so I think it's best to start it now," I added walking over to a stack of paper, Naruto raised his hand this time.

"Yes Naruto what is it?" I asked seizing the paper, which I started handing out to everyone.

"Erm...Hiucha sensei don't you need to a register or somethin first?" Naruto scratched the back of his neck with a slight nervous smile. This time I think he was intending to be helpful.

"I can do it in a minute there is only twelve of you so it's kinda easy to tell whose here," I gave Naruto a piece of paper.

"Yeah but there's only eleven of us here," Neji interrupted.

"Your point is Neji?" I asked, he has definitely got a stick up his ass and I knew that this was going to get on my nerves, I could deal with jokers and jerks but stuck ups, no way.

"Well you have to give Sasuke a late mark and a detention if he turns up," he said cheekily, now he was telling me what to do. There was no way in hell I was going to let a student tell me what to do it's none of their concern.

"I don't have to do anything Neji and if you don't shut up I'll give you a detention for being disrespectful to the teacher by trying to tell them what to do," I replied slyly, this shut up Neji who just pouted. I had to admit I was concerned about Sasuke not turning up, he could just be ill or something I don't know that but I always thought that parent were supposed to ring the school or send in a note but I haven't heard anything. Well it was only fifteen minutes into school, I don't know.

"Okay we're doing short story writing today, I want you to write a short story about something that has happened to you in your life and then we will read them to the class, I thought that would be a good start to the day," I explained, at least this way the could be quiet for a little while.

"Oh yes I love youthful story writing, I'm going to write about my awesome youthful dad!" Lee exclaimed to the whole class who just sighed.

"Okay then get started, you have twenty minutes and then I want to see what you have written okay," I ran my fingers through my ponytail that was draped over my shoulder and sat on the desk, I was surprised to see that they were all doing what I had asked them, I knew this wouldn't last but I may as well enjoy the peace and quiet while I could.

"Erm...Hiucha sensei...I've finished..." a small voice called from the classroom, Hinata had her hand slightly raised in the air, I could tell she was really nervous her hand was shaking slightly. I walked over it had only been seven minutes. Hinata held her work up towards me; I was impressed by the amount to read. Naruto was speaking out loud to himself, I wanted to smirk he hadn't written anything yet and was chewing his pencil like it was a piece of meat. I started to read through her work.

"Sasuke you're in I didn't think you were gonna turn up!" I heard Naruto shout, my heart skipped a beat, he had mentioned his name, I quickly placed Hinata's work on the desk and told her that it was really good, she smiled. I wasn't sure what to do...I wanted to turn round but my legs wouldn't let me. I kept telling myself to move and I knew in a split second everything was going to change.

"Hey Sasuke, sensei saved you a place next to me!" Naruto shouted, that was it I had to turn I couldn't hold off any longer.

He looked different, was that even Sasuke? He still had black hair with his raven spikes that had the tint of a midnight blue colour. They had grown a bit and there was a lot more spikes, they looked messy but it was like they were intended to be messy. His dark eyes were plastered with heavy black eyeliner making his dark eyes balls of ebony which made his skin look exactly like a porcelain dolls. I noticed the lip piercings he now had, two jet black rings on either side of his bottom lip. He had a leather spiked collar around his slim ivory neck wearing a black hoodie that had white skulls printed on the sides with dark black ripped skinny jeans and black and midnight blue converses. This was not how I remembered him; he was a lot taller now, still not my height but catching up rapidly – wait... when did he become so...attractive?

I held my breath looking at him, he seriously had grown, he was fifteen already and it seemed like only yesterday he was that small boy that I used to give piggy-back rides to. The rucksack he was holding slid through his fingers and collided with the floor with a thud, his eyes widened in pure and utter shock. I watched what was left of the colour in his face fade into just colourless white; in fact I was worried that he would have just passed out.

"You're late Sasuke," I said, the whole class in absolute stillness.