Sweet 16

Chapter 3: Surprising Date

Yang was standing there, waiting for Julia to make her first move. "Ladies first.", he said, grinning. He always had a tactic for being attacked. At least for sword fights. This battle would be a quick one, thanks to his plan.

"Mature before beauty.", the lion girl said instead of attacking. Apparently she had her plans as well. She grinned at Yang in the same way that he grinned at her. And as Yang eyed her closely he felt like fainting. This girl had stolen his heart in a record of 0,01 seconds, just after she had crushed into him. She was different than other girls, Yang could tell. She wasn't into make-up or fancy clothing. She wasn't always polite and acting cute. She wore simple clothing and no make-up or jewelry. She was rude and sassy. And she was attacking him now.

She was attacking him! "Gah! No fair! I was spacing out, Jule!" Had he just given her a weird nickname?

"Jule? Oh, you're dead now!", she yelled and ran towards Yang, her sword tightly in her hands, her dragon following her quickly. She rammed the sword into Yang's side, unexpected from the blue rabbit. But she didn't push hard and she didn't use the sharp side of her sword, so Yang didn't get hurt. There would be a bruise, still. "Give up?", the girl asked.

"As if! I didn't even get to hurt you!", Yang replied, jumping into the air, ready to hurt Julia in the way she had hurt him. After all, he didn't want this battle to be bloody. But before he could hurt her, the girl stepped out of the way and slammed the not-dangerous side of her sword into Yang's back.

This battle continued for a long time, the sound of sword hitting against each other and name-calling was heard from the backyard of the dojo for a while. After what seemed like hours, the two rivals stood in front of each other, panting and sweating. "Give up?", Yang asked under his breath.

"No way...", Julia panted. The blue boy glanced at his opponent. She held her upper body up with her hands on her knees, showing Yang the inside of her top without realizing it. A strong blush appeared on the male one's face as he couldn't rip his gaze away from the sight. The lion then looked at him and quickly noticed where he way staring. So she walked up to him and smacked him across his face, knocking the blue one unconscious.

Hours later...

The boy started to regain consciousness and found that he was on the couch in the living room. As he glanced around, he felt how his cheek burned in pain and actually every bone of his body hurt. That girl had really worn him out. He noticed his father talking to Julia, as both of them seemed to get along really well. Yang was mad at no one caring about him being unconscious, but quickly shrugged it off.

Yo then realized that his son was awake and smiled at him. "Hello, Yang, did you sleep well?", he mocked. His son being beat up by a younger girl was nothing he saw very often. Or any time at all. He discovered that the girl Yang had fought against was younger through his conversation with her.

"Younger...?", Yang groaned. "What id she even doing here?", he asked annoyed. He didn't want to be seen defeated by a girl. Especially not by the one he had a crush on and was planning to get to be his girlfriend at some point.

"Yang! Don't be so rude! She was kindly enough not to let you lie in the backyard and just leave. She brought you inside and explained to me what happened and I have to say, Yang, I don't approve.", the father shook his head.

Yang was shocked. That girl hadn't told his father about him staring at her bosom, had she? Wouldn't it be embarrassing for her as well? "What exactly did she tell you? How I got unconscious? Or how we fought?", the questioned just poured out of the boy.

"Everything.", Julia replied instead of Master Yo and smirked at her opponent. "I explained especially much in detail how and why I knocked you out. And even though I had a good reason to do so, I'm still sorry. I didn't think you would fall unconscious immediately, I thought you'd stand it and stay up a little longer.", the girl shrugged apologizing, but having the hint of a mocking tone in her voice. She then turned to the panda next to her. "Excuse me. Can I use your shower? I've got an important appointment in half an hour and I can't go there all sweaty.",she asked kindly.

"Sure. Yang will show you where it is."

"Oh, come on! Every freaking bone in my body hurts! Can't you or Yin show her?", the boy complained.

"Yin can't show her, because she's out once again and I can't show her because I'm too lazy. And be nice to her. She waited here until you were awake to make sure that the pain and damage she caused you wasn't too much. She actually cared.", the aged panda explained, leaving the room with a cup of coffee.

Yang got up, his face showing pain. "That was some hard time you gave me... Even though I feel like I'm going to die, I'm impressed and happy to have found someone that doesn't hate sword fighting... Follow me. Do you need some new clothing for after the shower?", he asked, trying to smile kindly, but the pain had the control over his body and his expression. So no kind smile towards the girl of his dreams.

"If you have some girl clothes in my size I wouldn't say no.", Julia responded. "Thanks for asking. You know when I ran into you in that furniture shop, I didn't expect you to be nice. I actually thought you were a pervert like everyone else who isn't a girl seems to be. You know how they all think: Meet, have one date, have sex, never call. But from what your father told me about you I can tell that you are different. I may be a complete lunatic, but I'm not stupid.", the girl explained, while following Yang out of the room.

The blue bunny was surprised by that statement. Lunatic? "First of all, my father talked about me...?"

"Yes. He told me about your family, WooFoo, your past girlfriends and I really have to admit that my first thoughts about you were wrong."

The boy gulped. "My... girlfriends...? He had to tell you about that, didn't he?", the blue one whined. "

Julia smiled and chuckled warmly. "Don't worry, he was trying not to embarrass you too much. Also, what he told me about them and their relationships with you made you seem even nicer, because he told me what they did and how they behaved and I have to say they're a bunch of bitches. And you trying to be with them, trying to understand them and love them... it kind of makes you seem even... nicer and really caring." She turned her gaze to the ground, a slight blush appearing on her face. Or was it just Yang's imagination trying to make him a fool?

"Really? Wow... thanks... No one's ever said anything that nice to me before... ", he saw the girl just nodding friendly as if saying 'don't mention it'. "Well, here's the bathroom. I'm gonna get you some of my sisters clothing. You can already shower. Make yourself at home and use any soap or shampoo you like. Oh and you can use the blue towel, it's mine. My sister doesn't like people she doesn't know to use her towel, which is understandable I guess.", the boy gave the instructions.

"Okay, thanks.", Julia smiled and disappeared into the bathroom.

Yang walked to his and his sister's room, the sweet lion girl messing with his thoughts, invading his whole mind. She was so friendly and warm and Yang wondered why. Before she had been all rude to him. Was it just because she had though that he was a perverted boy like all the others, before she got to know him better? Or was there any other reason? Did she blush a few moments ago? And if she did, why? Was she maybe attracted to Yang? Questions over questions, yet no answers. The bunny felt that it was too early to ask her out on a date, after all they knew each other for only two days. Yet, it seemed like they have known each other for a long time.

The rabbit realized now that he was already standing in the bedroom, in front of his sister's opened wardrobe. He looked through the clothing and thought of things he couldn't give Julia, because Yin would make sure to rip his head off for it. "Not that top... and not this shirt... Hey, those jeans might... oh, Yin loves those too much..." This way he was never going to find anything.

"May I ask what the hell you're doing?"

A familiar voice asked from the doorway, making Yang freeze and turn around. There was a glare on his twin's face. She loved him and he knew she did but messing with Yin's stuff was like committing suicide. "Oh, H-hi, Sis! I thought you were... out! Master Yo said that... hehehe..." Yang made a really nervous laughter.

The pink girl sighed, went to her wardrobe and closed it, pushing her brother away a little. "Now tell me what in god's name do you want at my wardrobe, I've told you around a hundred times not to touch any of my stuff without asking!", she said, anger in her voice.

The blue rabbit sighed a little. "Well... let me explain. You know that really cute girl I met yesterday and went to look for today? Well, I think she decided to look me up. While I was practicing my sword's fighting, she was suddenly on top of the dojo wall, asking me for a little battle. You know me, I couldn't refuse. So we fought and it appeared that we were equally as strong, even though I think I took more hits that she did. Anyways, we fought until we were both exhausted, but neither of us willing to give up. She propped her upper body up on her knees, showing me her chest, but not realizing. I'm not a perv, but I couldn't stop staring at her. She noticed and smacked me with her hand across my face, knocking me unconscious. So hours later I woke up in the living room and found out that she was still here. She asked to use out shower and Dad told her it was fine. So I was searching through your wardrobe for clothing that fits her and that you don't love too much.", he explained.

Yin giggled and the giggles turned into laughter, confusing Yang. "You just could have said 'I need it for Julia' I was there when you were fighting, I saw the fight!" She laughed. "We also talked, turns out that me feeling like I knew her before was right. We used to play together when we were little kids. She and I.", the girl told her brother, opening her wardrobe and reaching inside for a cute outfit. "There you go."

Yang took the outfit, feeling like he was in the wrong movie. "You know her?"

"Yes.", Yin smiled. "I used to call her Julie and we were playing with dolls as little girls. She was the one you used to call 'Straw-hair'.", the teenager giggled while taking out some clothing for herself.

"Oh, I think I remember her now. Does she remember me?"

"Yeah. She told me that she didn't think you'd turn out the way you did. She is positively surprised. Hey, which top looks better to the jeans jacket? The black one with the white butterflies or the red one?" , the girl asked, holding two tops in front of Yang, her gaze was questioning.

The twin brother looked at both of them and then at the jeans jacket. "Take the red one and wear a long necklace over it or something. Oh, by the way, are you going out again? Dad said you already were out." , the boy asked.

"Thanks and yes I'm going to go out again. The guy I was supposed to meet a couple of hours ago called me over my cellphone, telling me that his sister went missing and he had no idea where she was. He wanted to look for her first, but he promised he'd come now, he's gonna be here to pick me up. I just met him over the internet. I commented on a beautiful sunset picture he took and we kind of got wrapped into a conversation. He seems like a really nice guy. Nicer than the other one's." Yin explained.

"You and your guys. Well, I'm gonna bring those clothes to Julia. Have fun at your date and oh you know. Be careful. " He kissed his sister's forehead sweetly. "Especially with guys from the internet." He smiled at her and left the room.

The rabbit girl got dressed in the other outfit, sighing. She still hadn't regained her memory of the rest of last night. All she knew was that they could've made out and she wouldn't remember. The girl was worried. What if they made out or something? She had been tired and a little dizzy, so it could've happened. If that was the case she couldn't go on another date with another guy. But maybe Yuck told her that he actually hated her from the bottom of his heart. She didn't know. After asking them if they could be friends her memory stopped. And the worst part was she didn't even know why she didn't remember anything. Yuck could have knocked her unconscious, she wouldn't know, someone could have given her drugs that make her lose her memory, she wouldn't know, she could have been drunk and she wouldn't know. She was just clueless.

On her way out of the dojo, Yin grabbed her favorite purse and checked her look with a last look into the mirror. She had explained the guy from the internet what she looked like, so he'd find her. She knew that doing that wasn't safe at all, but after finding out how nice he was the pink girl just had to meet him. She left her home through the front door and went strictly to the movies. That's where she and her date said they'd meet now. So Yin waited in front of the movies. Five minutes. Ten minutes. Fifteen minutes. She looked around. Where was her date?

Suddenly someone tapped her on her should, causing the rabbit to turn around. "N-no way... Justin?" Yin screamed in excitement. In front of her was a lion boy, smiling friendly. On his shoulder was a blue dragon with yellow wings, looking curiously at the happy girl in front of him. "What the hell are you doing here! Gosh, it's been so long since I've seen you for the last time! How are you?"

"Geez, Yin, I never knew you were this enthusiastic about meeting me." The boy chuckled. "I'm your date! By the way, when you explained to me what you looked like I actually kinda thought it was you. Also because of your name. I think it was very interesting when I told you my name and you told me that you used to know a Justin when you were a kid, hehe.", Justin said, mocking the other teenager a little.

"Come on, there are so many Justins out there in the world. How the hell was I supposed to know it was you? Anyways, this is sort of a weird coincidence. Yang met Julia just yesterday while we were shopping for furniture with our Dad. She's right now at our house taking a shower, so you shouldn't be this worried.", yin smiled, giving her friend a reassuring nod.

Relief flooded the feelings of the lion boy. "Really? What a relief! And a very interesting coincidence, indeed. I can imagine that you met her yesterday, she dragged me to that shop after bragging for weeks about wanting to have a new couch. So, being the guy I am, I went with her there, but she seemed to have forgotten me, because suddenly she was gone and I didn't see her since. But if she's with you I can be sure she's fine... Yang didn't turn into a pervert, did he?"

"Not at all. He's one of the few guys who don't give a damn about large breasts or a sexy ass. All he cares about are the inner values of a person. I never thought he'd become like that.", Yin smiled proudly of her good hearted brother, then an idea came to her mind. "Hey, forget the movies, we didn't see each other in so long, we should rather go to my place and catch up!"

"Good idea. Then I can also tell Julia not to leave me somewhere alone next time."

With that the two childhood friends left the movies and went to the dojo.

At the dojo...

"So, what kind of appointment is that you're going to attend to?", Yang asked while leaning onto the side of the doorway of the bathroom with his shoulder, while the pretty lion girl, who was already wearing his sister's clothing, dried her hair with his towel.

"Even though that shouldn't concern you, Yang, it's actually not an appointment, I just have to go home. I left my brother kind of behind and well, he must be worried crazy already. I only said it was an urgent appointment so you would let me use your shower for sure. Just a tiny, tiny lie. Hehe... sorry.", she apologized, yet there was a mocking tone in her voice, making the blue rabbit unsure if she was being serious about the apology or not.

He heard the sound of the front door shutting. "Meh, I guess it's fine. But you could've just said that you wanted to. Anyways, I think I just heard the front door. I'll go check who it is, can't be Yin, she's on a date after all." He left to check on the intruder. Can't be one of those lousy enemies of his, they would just burst in, wrecking the wall for the umpteenth time. And who would have to clean up the mess? Yang and Yin. As he reached the font door he was rather surprised. "Yin? You're home and... do I know you?"

Yin snickered a little. "Yes, you know him. This is Justin, Julia's brother. He's actually my date. Can you believe it? We decided that instead of watching a movie it'd be way better to catch up. Is Julia still there?", the pink bunny explained exited.

"Justin! I knew I know you, hehe!" the rabbit said and added mumbling "and not only because you look freakishly much like your sister..."

Justin smiled widely. "Glad you remember me, after all I used to tease you a lot, didn't I?"

"I recall that I was the one teasing you.", Yang said crossing his arms in front of his chest playfully. "Anyways, should I get Julia? She's still in the bathroom drying her hair from the shower."

"Sure, get her, I'll get some snacks." , yin said and left smiling to the kitchen. She couldn't believe that she actually met her childhood friends. They used to be so close. Yin didn't even remember why they stopped being that good friends. As the pink rabbit reached out for some cookies on the cupboard a voice surprised her.

"Hi there."

I regret nothing!

I know I didn't update in a while but my exuses: EXAMS and I lost interest in YYY. In fact, this might even be my last fanfic for this section.

I'm too lazy to answer all the comments now * yawn* and it's too late for that now.

R&R if you feel like it.

EDIT: Found this after 4 days un-uploaded in my document-file, lol