Chapter 12: Cabin Escape


Coming too Will noticed a few things straight away;

One, the bed he was laying on wasn't as comfortable as the bed he shared with Erak.

Two, he had a headache and needed to go to the bathroom.

Three, he was tied up.

Keeping his eyes closed and his breathing steady, Will tried to identify or at least locate the general area of where his assailant was located. When he heard nothing outside of the normal noises of the woods; he decided to take a peak. Peaking one eye open, the first thing he saw was large wooden logs. Turning over he noticed the room looked very similar to how the cabin he and Evanlyn had stayed in, but still different enough he knew he wasn't in the same cabin. Plus it was much smaller.


Retreating to him rooms, Erak was happy to note that despite missing dinner, he would still get to be coming 'home' to his sweet little Will. He would readily admit he had a very big soft spot for his lover.

"Honey~ I'm home!"

When the expectant comeback wasn't voiced, Erak became nervous. Will was ALWAYS back by this time of night. Checking the bathroom just in case, Erak was not surprised when he didn't find Will there. Quickly leaving their rooms he rushed to Gilan and Rhea's room, but still kelpt the forethought to send a messenger for Borsa and Halt. Banging on their door, Erak was three breaths away from just blasting the door open when Gilan finally decided to answer.

"What's going on! We were fucking trying to sleep!" a rather pissed Gilan opened the door. He hoped it wasn't Horace come to complain about Erak and Will again! Seeing a serious Erak on the other side of his threshold, Gilan felt a small sense of dread settle in his stomach.

"Will's missing"

The simple statement prompted a number of that –had he not been so serious– any other time would have had Erak in stiches. But now wasn't the time, he had a Ranger to find. Fifteen minutes later the others had arrived, Halt had even brought Horace along.

"What's going on? The lad said something had happened to Will" Halt just wanted to get right into it. He'd lost Will once and had no intention of losing him again.

"He's missing. We'll be searching the compound and the outlying port first. Hopefully he's just gotten lost somewhere close." While everyone wished this was the case, they all knew the possibility of this being the correct assumption. Regardless, they would still look and hope for the best.


Will had awakened shortly after dawn… well, at least as soon as the damn sun decided to shoot it's doom rays through the open window and BLIND him. Nevertheless, he was up. Once he could finally see again, Will noticed a full plate of bread and condiments along with a glass of flavoured water waiting for him on the table next to the bed. Deciding to chance it considering he was already tied up and hungry, Will ate everything but the pickles. Watching as a male walked in, Will couldn't help feeling as if he should know him from somewhere...

"Ranger Will. Stand." His captor, one of two additional parts of his assigned guard, was stroking his hair and urging him to stand; though the chains didn't allow for much room, just enough to get to the bathroom.

Weary brown eyes stared at his would be kidnapper, "Why should I?"

"Because no King should have to bow to a lowly commoner, now get up." The Captor pressed, clearly holding onto his anger. Will knew he shouldn't be pressing his luck so early in the game. Will rolled over.

The next thing Will was aware of was a smack across his face, the Captor hitting him solidly, "When are you going to figure it out?" The Captor demanded; clearly peeved.

Will only stared, nursing his abused cheek.

"I don't need to take what I already have." The Captor informed him, "I am not a desperate man. I can wait for you to brake" Gorlog knows the brat was worth the effort, not only for his pleasuring skills, but because he was the best young archer he had ever seen. Even from other lands.

"Why'd you kidnap me?" Good, Will still had enough spirit to protest, a small but good sign.

"I will not obey a weak Oberjarl who makes concessions to the Araluen. I hurt you, I threaten you and those you care about, and Erak will rise to the challenge and lose. You get the extra training, and I claim the position of a King worth serving," His Captor explained; proud of his master plan.

"But are you? If you were then instead of Erak you would have been made Oberjarl."

Another smack, "I haven't lost yet. I'm still here, battered and bruised as we are, but we are still alive. I will not let you and Erak win, not with help so close to at hand."

"Help?" Will whispered. This loony had help? Depending on how far reaching this went, this situation could lead to a civil war in Skandia!

"Yes, and not coming from where you may think." The Captor started stroking his hair again, the touch gentle despite the hits, but not possessive like Erak's; like how a master would pat their pet.

"Who?" Asked without much enthusiasm, hope had been squashed out of him a while ago. It's been three days since his capture.

"You are telling me you honestly haven't noticed?" The Captor enticed, trying to provoke some kind of reaction from the stubborn Ranger.

"What am I supposed to notice anything when I can't even lift my head to the window?" Will protested gruffly, annoying the Captor, Will could still get mad. The Captor smirked, an evil looking expression crossing his face, "Who is the one that stares when all others avert their eyes? Who is the one who interferes when you are moments away from breaking? Who is the one that endures punishment after punishment while trying to keep sane?"

"Are you trying to tell me the slaves and not the sailors are helping you?" Will was feeling lost again, but the Captor didn't miss the switch from singular to plural, so Will had accepted his words as truth; he wasn't a one man show. Very, very good sign, trust was easily broken when the mind was already fragile. He just smirked in answer.

"Doesn't matter, Erak will come!"

"Are you sure about that? It's been three days" and your already starting to weaken.

"Probably," Will responded, shrugging; he didn't want to seem too confidant in his lover.

"You are basing your hope of rescue on a probably?" Captor groused, slightly indignant. Was the Ranger stupid?…HE WAS MESSING WITH HIM!

If Will was going to play that game, the Captor had no problem following his lead, "Better than giving up I guess, I can't help but think Erak's timing is suspicious. He pulls one of his stunts at around the same time I was starting to…endear myself to the elder captains on the council" Will may have been tired out from fighting these chains, but he can still cause damage. 'He knows something, what I don't know, but his actions bear watching.'

How would they help? Will pondered. How could three Captains decide who became Oberjarl when every captain's vote counted as one? Regardless of how many ships they had command of.

"…He isn't particularly fond of Erak either," The Captor continued, having missed the start of the idiots rant. "Do you really think a person like Biju likes bowing down to an Oberjarl on a power trip? The Captains are just as trapped here as we are, their chains are not visible like ours, but they are still there." So this guy wasn't a captain? But could still become Oberjarl? "…and why would he follow Erak in the first place if he hates him so much?" the Captor grumbled, and with every bit of emotion shown, Will's hope grew; if he was too busy ranting, then he was distracted from acting before Erak was ready.

He quirked an eyebrow, "Biju is not a natural fan of Erak I will admit, but following Erak lets Biju indulge his battle lusts. If there is anything deeper, you would have to ask him and survive the asking, but that is just a lowly Rangers view on him." Will informed him from his observations on Captain Biju. Not his or Erak's most favourite of Captains. Hmm though…he really needed to find out this nutters name…

"So what do I call you?"

The Captor blinked, "Huh?"

"Seems rude to call you Captor all the time. If Erak doesn't come for me or can't find me, we are going to be stuck together for a long time, if l manage to get out of here anyway. You might as well have a name." Will felt a fleeting touch of amusement at his flustered Captor, but it soon dispersed to be replaced with annoyance; he got captured by THIS guy?

"I don't have one," He declared arrogantly.

Will thought for a few moments, "What about Junichi?"

"Obedient one? You're kidding right?" The Captor glared and bristled in irritation. He was the one in charge thank you very much!

"You want me to be the Oberjarl," Will started to explain quickly, he didn't want to be hit again; he still had a concussion from the last one, "And everyone else seems to expect a big bad captain to be the one controlling you. What they don't know, you can use against them, so it would fit." He finished with a slight shrug. Hopefully the idiot bought it, and didn't catch on to the fact he wanted to let off some steam by subtly insulting him.

The Captor stared down at the Ranger, thinking over what he said, a vicious grin bloomed across his face, "I knew you weren't broken yet. All right, I will accept the name, but don't let it go to your head. I am still your superior, don't ever forget that."

Will gave him an odd look, "Why would I forget? I'm the one who suggested it be used as a cover."

Junichi suddenly tensed, "Bastards!" As soon as the words left him, Will watched as Junichi leaped out the cabin window. After a while, when Junichi didn't back through the window, Will decided he may as well take a little nap.


They had searched for days everywhere they, and even others, could think of. Erak had even gone to the cabin Will and the princess had stayed at. A full two days and night had passed during their search. All they had found was the horse Will had used to make his way to the Drunken Dog. Erak was immediately suspicious that Horace was the culprit, but the bartender had confirmed that Horace had indeed waited and had a drink, but Will had never shown.



Startling awake, Will looked to the entrance to find Borsa and Rhea lying on the floor in a daze, on top of what was once the door of the cabin. Watching as Erak dashed in, swords blazing. Will was so relieved he felt like fluffy goo melting into the mattress.



Will had never been so glad to be crushed in a bear hug, but after a second he had to push Erak back, he still didn't know if they were safe from Junichi just yet.

"Is he dead? Sandy blond hair, brown eyes, big as an ox and twice as ugly?"

"Yea, he attacked us as we were on our way here, tried going into a battle frenzy but couldn't maintain any control. Erak killed him without even batting an eyelash." Replied Captain Rhea, looking relieved and happy to see Will again, almost unharmed and all.

"He was the second mate on the Flying Duche to Captain Finj. He was the Captain all the sailors originally thought was going to become the Oberjarl." Explained Borsa; trust him to know everyone and their business in Skandia. It was a very welcome familiarity to Will after his ordeal.


Watching as the cargo was being loaded onto Rhea's ship, Erak kept a tight hold of Will, arms wrapped tight. While Erak was sad and a bit cranky to see Will go, he was placated by the fact that he and Gilan would be returning in at the beginning of autumn.


A/N: Story will be posted on my AO3 profile. Hope everyone enjoyed the story.