Title: Timorous

E/O challenge word: stumble

Word count: 100 per Word

Summary: Yellow Fever tag. So after Sam switched them from the 4th floor to the 1st floor, they still had to move all their stuff to the new room.

A/N: Yellow Fever is one of my fave episodes specifically for Dean's canon OOC behavior and most especially for the Eye of the Tiger outtake at the end.

Musketeer challenge word: Timid. BarbaraGer and MeAzrael and I have an add'l challenge word each week that we include. It was my turn to pick a word this week and this one brought Yellow Fever to mind for me. My second word choice...tumble! I kid not! LOL! Can't wait to see what you crazy, creative girls come up with!

- Timorous -

Sam was out of his element as he watched his brother stumble to an abrupt stop.

Dean hovered outside the elevator as Sam held the door. "It's not safe."

Thus far Sam had been amused, even irritated by Dean's increasing anxiety.

Dean shifted, timid in the face of expected scorn.

He looked so uncertain, so unnerved and suddenly so damn young and wide-eyed that it softened something within Sam.

Almost shamed him as he recalled how patient his brother had always been with him.

"Come on," he said as he placed an arm around Dean's shoulders. "Let's take the stairs."

So Yay! to the new episode. No spoilers here - just wanted to say I LIKED. Not everyone did - but I did. Loving it.
