Sokka woke up to a hand poking his side forcefully.

"Aang," he growled without looking, "I swear if you're waking me up this early to watch the sunrise again I'll –"

"It isn't Aang," a familiar voice that made his heart jump whispered into his ear. Sokka practically fell out of bed, jamming his thumb and hitting his elbow on the floor. He looked up to see a smirking firebender standing over him with an oddly soft expression in his eyes.

And no shirt on.

Ah, was all Sokka could think as he clumsily stood up, trying to keep his eyes off those ivory muscles with little success.

"I did want to show you something, though," continued Zuko, his smirk disappearing into a nervous line, "but if you really don't want to get up, that's fine."

"No!" Exclaimed Sokka, fumbling to slip on some pants, "I will definitely come! Just let me . . ."

He started to tie the sash around his hips, but he was still half-asleep and his fingers were awkward and heavy. Zuko sighed. "Let me help you."

Sokka was sure his heart actually stopped when Zuko's oh-so-talented fingers gripped the fabric and tied the knot – so tantalizingly close to Sokka's most sensitive parts – in a perfect bond. Sokka trembled and saw Zuko's mouth moving, but he couldn't really focus on words at the moment.

"Sokka?" Zuko was getting worried that he was sleepwalking. All Sokka did was stand there and look at Zuko with this expression that, frankly, set Zuko's nerves on fire. He wanted so much to lean in and kiss those incredible lips, but he held himself back. Barely. That could wait until he saw the surprise.

"C'mon," Zuko said, grabbing his hand and walking him, like a sleepy child, out of the house. Sokka seemed to come out of his haze as the cool early-morning wind hit him.

"Zuko, where are we going?"

Zuko didn't answer. He just kept walking, enjoying the warmth of Sokka's hand against his own. A smile twitched at his lips as they walked nearer to the place. It was about a mile from the house, a small cave on the beach that seawater flowed into and tall rocks stood like guards.

"A cave?" Sokka asked, curious.

Zuko nodded, glancing at the small strip of pink on the horizon. "Just in time, Sokka. I used to come down here every morning when we stayed here. Come," he said, letting go of Sokka's hand to climb over the grotto rocks.

Sokka followed, unaware that Zuko was keeping an eye on him the entre time they crawled and jumped over the craggy boulders. They reached a large, flat-topped rock that was situated in front of the mouth of the cave.

Zuko leaped onto the top, then crouched down and extended his arm to Sokka. He checked his footing then jumped, grabbing Zuko's hand and swinging onto the rock. The sun started to peek over the waves.

"Here it comes," Zuko whispered, looking intently into the dark cave. Sokka was very aware of how close the other boy's body was to his; he could feel Zuko's heartbeat, strong and calm, and he hoped Zuko couldn't feel his skipping like a scared rabbit.

The sun came out, and like the cave on fire.

Or so it seemed to Sokka. What he didn't see before were the stalactites of beautiful crystal hanging from the cave's ceiling and embedded in its inner walls. The sun hit them with such a golden brilliance they looked like tiny lighthouses sending their glow out into the air. They even reflected the light onto the waves below, making the glow bounce off the waves and sending flickering streams of luminosity dancing on the cave walls and the two figures watching them.

Sokka's mouth hung open, speechless. He leaned back into Zuko, only to feel Zuko's impossibly warm hands on his arms, turning him around so they were facing each other.

"Zuko, what –"

He was effectively silenced by the older boy crushing his lips against his, darting his tongue in and out, drawing out moans from both of them. Sokka felt the world around them light on fire, as bright as the cave behind them. He gripped Zuko's shoulders and pressed himself harder against him, rubbing their chests together. It felt light electricity between their bare skin, and soon they had to break away panting and holding on to each other, amber staring into sapphire.

"Sokka, I know you used to love Yue, and I know Suki was special, but . . . could you– could you make some room in your heart for me? I've never felt this way, and I don't know what all my feelings are yet, but I know that you're . . . t-the most important person I've ever –"

Sokka kissed him fiercely before pulling away and replying, "I love you, too."

Zuko's face lit up a glowing red and he thought his heart might burst. He pushed Sokka back gently onto the rock and said in-between kisses on his chest, "Need (kiss) you (suck) now. (bite) Can't (lick) wait."

Sokka was soon moaning and writhing under him as he quickly undid Sokka's and his own sash, pulling off both their pants. Sokka's eyes went huge when he saw the size of Zuko's, er, manhood.

Zuko dipped his head, but Sokka stopped him. Zuko looked at him, his lust-filled gaze a little angry at the delay. Sokka blushed.

"Um, I want to, you know, try it, maybe?"

Zuko smiled and sat up, his rock-hard dick bobbing with him as he spread his legs. "If you're sure."

Sokka nodded, anxious about doing it right. He wanted to make Zuko feel like he had that night, but could he do it right?

He got on his knees and lowered to Zuko's lap, sitting on his heels as he slightly bent over to touch him. Zuko cursed the first moment Sokka grabbed his length. He experimented by slowly rubbing his hand up and down, feeling the smooth but still wrinkled skin. He loved how Zuko's back arched against his touch, and could see that he was fighting back moans and curses, so he added his other hand and grinded.

Zuko jolted, cursing and grabbing Sokka's hair.

"For the love of gods, just do it Sokka! I'm going insane!"

Sokka smiled for a moment, enjoying the fact he could make the mighty Zuko fall to his knees, before completely stuffing his mouth.

Zuko yelled and curse and tangled his fingers in Sokka's thick hair, resisting the urge to buck into Sokka's mouth. Since Sokka couldn't get all of Zuko in his mouth, he used his hands to grind his base while swirling his tongue around Zuko's head and sucking him as hard as he could.

"S-Sokka, I'm going to . . . oh, deity," Zuko moaned, arching his back and throwing back his head.

Sokka remembered what Zuko had done to him to send him off the edge and made a final attempt, taking Zuko into his throat and swallowing.

Zuko yelled, being more verbal in his climax than Sokka, screaming out a senseless babble of words as he came in Sokka's mouth.

Sokka's eyes watered and he choked as he fought to swallow it down, some of it coughing on his lips. He wiped his lips and watched Zuko's face in after glow; relaxed, totally oblivious to the world around them, and beautiful. He opened his eyes and stared at Sokka.

"Your turn," he whispered, tackling him playfully and hovering above him on all-fours. He nipped at Sokka's ear before entwining their tongues again, than licking his way down to Sokka's throbbing organ. He stopped in front of it and blew on it, making Sokka flinch.

Then, to his amazement, Zuko went past it. What is he –

He yelped as he felt a tongue where he's never felt a tongue before. Zuko was running his hot tongue on and around Sokka's virgin hole, massaging his thighs and cheeks. He stopped licking, to Sokka's disappointment, and stuck his fingers in his mouth, sucking and licking them until they were thoroughly wet. Sokka watched with wide eyes as he pressed one to his entrance and slowly pushed.

Sokka arched off the ground and shuddered at Zuko's fiery finger pushing inside him, wiggling and curling against his walls. He winced at the pain with a yelp. Zuko stopped and looked at him with concern.

"Are you okay?"

" . . . Y-yeah, you can go on . . . oh . . ."

Zuko started to rub Sokka's cock vigorously to help distract him from a second and third finger being added, making him moan as he scissored his entrance and started thrusting. After a few minutes, Sokka reached up and put his hands on Zuko's shoulder.

"Okay, I'm ready." His voice was shaking, he had been holding himself back.

"Are you sure?"

Sokka moaned. "Just do it, Zuko! I want . . . I want you . . . inside me."

Zuko felt himself throb and almost didn't realize it when he pressed himself inside of Sokka. Both of them groaned and Sokka whimpered as Zuko sent a thrust inside him. Zuko tried to stop but it was so damn tight. That's all he could think of when he started pounding into Sokka in frenzy, wanting more and more of him. Sokka yelled and cried out in rhythm with the thrusts and started moving his hips to meet with Zuko's pelvis in a new angle, earning a guttural curse and an increase on speed from Zuko.

Sokka felt Zuko's cock jump inside him as he came; Sokka, unable to speak, erupted on Zuko's chest and stomach. They collapsed on each other, seeing stars and white spots and feeling dizzy.

The dancing light reflections from earlier disappeared as the sun moved up, its rays now unable to meet the cave's crystals.

Sokka and Zuko both watched the waves, catching their breath. Then Zuko said one simple thing that made Sokka go crazy.

"You taste delicious."