A/N: How long has it been? …I don't know, but I'm sorry! :l

Previously on The New Kid…

"I am so, so s-sorry." Stephanie began to weep. "Logan, there is something that I need to tell you."…..

"Me and Jett—"

"Oh, God no. I can't believe you." Kendall stood up quickly from the couch and looked at James with a look of disgust. "How could…oh forget it." Kendall began to make his way toward the staircase when James caught his arm….

Kendall sobbed into his chest. "I w-wanna know how this h-happened."

James sighed. "I'll tell you everything."

"What is it Stephanie…what do you need to tell me?" Logan nervously rubbed his sweaty thumb across his cell phone.

"Please know Logan…I didn't know that you had it this hard and that I am so sorry." Stephanie's voice sounded desperate.

"Mhm, just tell me." Logan spoke quickly.

"Carlos and I…well, we never actually had sex." Logan's eyes bulged out of his head as he heard the bittersweet news. Why bittersweet? Well, he had broken up with Carlos and had told him so many horrible things for no reason at all. But, there was no chance that it was Carlos' kid and he was still a virgin.

"But wait…why would Carlos lie?" he asked suspiciously. " Why did you lie?"

She sighed. "Well, Carlos isn't very …how do I put this…educated in sex. He thought because we were both naked that it was sex—"


"Logan, Logan! Calm down. Or I will hang up this phone."

"Sorry…so why'd you lie?"

Another sigh was heard. "I didn't want to raise this baby alone...and…"She stopped, it was evident that Stephanie was crying. "…the other guy that I slept with…doesn't even care about me. He told me to abort it…he said…"She sobbed. "He said he would rather have any other girl in the world bear his child because he thinks I'm a dirty, good for nothing sl-slut."

"Oh my gosh…Stephanie, I'm sorry."

"You should hate me, I would if I were you." She was sniffling loudly.

"No, I don't hate you. Everyone makes bad choices…Do your parents know?" Logan was genuinely concerned.

"My mom does…I don't want to tell my dad. He'll kick me out…." They were both silent for a while.

"You know, this isn't all bad…"


"Just wait till you have that beautiful child…you're going to hold it in your arms and immediately feel that connection. You're going to feel that love. That baby is yours, you're going to carry it for nine months. Not that scumbag…it's your baby. And when he or she gets older…they are going to think about everything their mommy has done for them. They will love you, no matter what. And that love…it will keep you going."

"Thank you, Logan. I needed that." Stephanie did not want to break down crying on the phone, so she changed the subject. "You know what you should be doing?"


"Getting your man back!"

"Right! Um, well… I hope everything goes okay with you."



"He basically forced himself on me. I hate myself for being so naïve and trusting the guy in the first place…Kendall, I'm just…so sorry." James' hazel eyes looked tired as he stared at Kendall.

Kendal bit his lip inquisitively. "S-so, why'd you kiss him in the first place? You should've seen that as a red flag. Y-you should've…" Kendall licked his lips and paused."…you should've come home…to me."

"I know. It was the stupidest thing I've ever done in my life. I don't know why or how I could do that to you…." He sighed. " Kendall, I'm in love with you." James swept his bangs out of his face and shyly looked down at his lap.

The blonde gasped and looked at his boyfriend. He felt like his heart was going to leap out of his chest. Butterflies invaded his stomach. The moment just felt so surreal."J-James…I, really?" His voice cracked on the last word.

"Yes. Really." It was barely a whisper. The brunette was frightened for his life at that moment. What if Kendall wasn't in love with him? Was this the wrong moment? Would he lose him? He looked up to see those green eyes still filled with tears but a smile replaced Kendall's frown.

"I'm in love with you too. And I thought I was going to lose you…to Jett."

"Never, ever would I leave you…for anyone." James' tone was serious as he looked lovingly at the blonde boy. Kendall's face immediately brightened and he pounced onto his boyfriend causing him to let out a high pitch shriek.

Carlos sloshed through the rain pouting. "No one wants me…or needs me. Not Kendall, not Logan…no one." He stopped walking and looked around, realizing that he had passed his house. "Fuck." He said through gritted teeth as he turned around and walked back toward his house. "Why was I walking in that direction…" He said to aloud to himself. Then it hit him, that's where Logan's house was. But why was he walking to Logan's house? He hadn't walked over there in forever. He sighed and looked back just in time for someone to run straight into him and knock him down, falling on top of him.

"Oh gosh, my head." He groaned, putting a hand to his head.

The boy on top of him spoke very quickly. "My fault…so sorry, I was tryna…Carlos?" Carlos squinted to see the culprit. Logan.

"Logie?" He cleared his throat. "Um, Logan.. I mean." Logan pulled the dark haired boy up to his feet and dusted him off.

"Oh, Carlos I'm sorry… I was just on my way to see you." He pulled Carlos into a hug. The Latino was confused and did not hug back.

"Logan.. I thought you hated me." He said as he gently untangled himself from the pale boy's grip. Logan sighed.

"Carlos, I never meant anything I said about hating you. God…I think I'm in love with you."

Carlos hiccuped from his nervousness and quickly covered his mouth. Logan chuckled at his cuteness. "Sorry…" Carlos whispered removing his hands from his mouth and biting his lip. "But… Logan why are you telling me this now…what about Stephanie's baby."

"There was never a chance of you being the dad, Carlos. You actually have to have sex for that to happen." Carlos opened his mouth to speak but Logan cut him off. " Being naked doesn't count."

"So, I'm still a pure innocent virgin?" Carlos smiled happily as he ran and wrapped his arms around Logan's neck. He stopped for a second and looked at Logan. "You will take me back, right?"

"I'd be stupid if I didn't." Logan pressed his lips to Carlos' for a quick second.



"Why is it that we always fight, or make up, in the rain?"

Logan laughed loudly and entwined his fingers with his lover's. "I have no clue…but we should get out of this rain. I wouldn't want you to get sick." Carlos blushed and pressed a kiss to Logan's cheek.

"Oh, Logie…by the way…I'm in love with you too." Although it was awkward, Logan looked at Carlos with such love.

4 years later

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Dear Sophie! Happy Birthday to you!" Everyone clapped as Carlos, Logan, James, and Kendall serenaded four-year old Sophie. They were at Chuck E Cheese celebrating Stephanie's daughter's birthday.

"Thank you guys for coming. Sophie just adores all four of you." Stephanie smiled brightly. "She won't stop asking about you, Logan." Logan smiled his signature side smile. Just then they heard a high pitch girly screech as the adorable little girl ran toward Logan and hugged his leg. The boys all 'awwed' and Stephanie giggled. "I told ya." Logan picked up the little girl.

"How you doing Miss Sophie?"

"Excellent La-hogan!"Logan chuckled. Carlos had taught Sophie to call Logan, 'La-hogan'. The brown-eyed girl looked at Stephanie. "Mommy! Mommy! Did you bring my book! I wanna show La-hogan that I can read it now."

"It's in your bag, sweetie." Sophie wriggled out of Logan's arms, so he put her down. She grabbed his hand and led him away from the others. Stephanie watched as Carlos looked at Logan, so lovingly, so happy. James had dragged Kendall over to get pizza so it was just Stephanie and Carlos. "You really love him, don't you?" Stephanie smiled as Carlos looked shyly down at his feet.

"Yeah, I do. I wanna be with him forever." He smiled as he watched the little girl read a book excitedly to Logan.

"He's a great guy. Y'know…he saved Sophie."

Carlos furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"When my dad found out…he wanted me to abort her…" Stephanie licked her lips. "But I held my ground because of something that Logan told me. He gave me wisdom, and hope. If he hadn't said what he did, I would've let my dad control me…and I wouldn't have had that beautiful little girl."

Carlos squeezed Stephanie's hand. "That little girl is an angel." Just then, Sophie came running to Stephanie.

"Mommy! I read the book! La-hogan liked it!"

"Good job Sophie! Mommy loves her smart little girl."

"Oh! Mommy! Mommy! Can I tell Uncle Carlos and La-hogan what my name means!" Stephanie laughed.

"She's been reading my baby books." She said smiling at the two boys.

"Mommy! Stop taking my attention!"

The boys chuckled. "Oh, sorry sweetie! Tell them."

"My name means wisdom!" Carlos smiled, immediately understanding the reason for Sophie's name. "Mommy! I wanna go play in the ball pits!" Sophie ran off, Stephanie chasing after her.

"I adore that child." Logan smiled at Carlos.

"I adore you." Carlos kissed Logan's cheek. "And I always will."


A/N:Did you like it? I hope so! I almost didn't finish it! But anyways, please review! And tell me whatchoo think!


Kendall: Hey, Mrs. Diamond. Me, Carlos and Hortense are here to see James.

Brooke: I don't like the name Hortense. Call him Logan from now on.