no beta and I wanted something tragic and Izumi and Ed have such a lovely relationship

I own nothing I know sad day

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Izumi looked down at the pile of dirt in front of her. God she always hated this place. Anger an sadness boiled inside her. "You know you'er a real idiot." Her hands formed fist at her sides. "And a jackass at that." She hated this feeling. Nothing had hurt this bad since she had lost her son and assumed she had killed him again when she did that stupid transmutation. "After all those lessons I gave you and your brother, this is what you end up doing? I thought you were better than that." Pain chewed inside her, but this was a different then her normal pain, this was worse and she wanted to cry it was so bad.

"You're inconsiderate," She knew she might have seemed insane to anyone else but she felt she had to do this. "Leaving your brother all alone. He's miserable now all because you had to go and be noble and give yourself up so he could be safe. That couldn't have been the only option, you were always able to think of another, a way out. But now look at you." Izumi bit her lip as the strong wind blew. "You couldn't even do it, what you told everyone you would. You couldn't get Alphone's body back and now he's stuck like that and you're not even here to help him! How does that make you feel?"

Izumi wipped her hand across her face though no tears came out. "You know I didn't believe them..."

"You lying bastard! What the hell?"

"When they told me you had died, it was unreal. I had never thought that you would go so soon."

Izumi punched Colonel Mustang across her yard. He landed on the ground staring emotionlessly at the house wife. "Why the hell would you say something like that?" Izumi cried at him.

"It wasn't until I saw Alphonse sitting in the back of their car did I finally see it was true." Izumi fought back the tears. "I've never seen anyone's head so low."

Izumi stared at the metal boy sitting in the car. Then it click. It was all true. One of her greatest fears had become a reality. Izumi let out a large cry as she fell to her knees. Sig put his arms on his wife's shoulders.

"I've seen a lot of horrible things in my years but this..." She shook her head. "I'm dissapoi-" No, she shouldn't and couldn't say that in front of his grave, in front of him.

She looked back towards the little house in the distance then back at the grave. She knew she should go. "One more thing Edward," She paused. "Where ever you are, weither it's with the God you don't believe in, Ishvala, reincarnation, or whatever other crap there is, just make sure you watch over your brother, Alphonse."

Izumi read the stone one last time and said her final words, "Goodbye, my son."

Edward Elric


State Alchemist

Beloved Friend, Son, Student, and Brorther

Can you say rushed? yes it's kind of bad but it's just a drabble sort of thing

ps I would love reviews

