Chapter 5

Ryou put the last dish into the sink, letting out a small sigh that today's work was finally done. It had been 3 days since he had told Bakura how he felt and the all mighty king of thieves admitted he felt the same. During those 3 days, Bakura had managed to steal a kiss from the light each time he so much as glimpsed the boy. Not that Ryou was complaining. He loved the attention and the feel and the taste and… well he just loved all of it. A small blush crept across his cheeks as did a smile as Ryou remembered the way Bakura made him feel.

As if on cue, Ryou was suddenly spun around and as his eyes adjusted on Bakura's silver locks just as said dark's lips were placed against Ryou's and he melted into the other. As nice as it would be to have a warning, Ryou adored the way his darker half would pull away, a small smirk across his face. Ryou blushed faintly. "Y-You know one of these days you could give me some warning."

Bakura's smirk only winded as he leaned down, tipping Ryou's chin up slightly so their noses were touching. "And you could stop tasting so bloody good so I won't be tempted to do this so often." The thief stole another kiss before letting the light go and walking off into the living room. Ryou huffed but couldn't help but giggle. Yes, giggle. Something he hadn't done in God only knew how long. But, since Bakura had returned his feelings, it was all Ryou felt like doing. It felt as if nothing could bring him down from his high and the boy wondered if the former tomb robber felt the same.

Ryou flipped the kitchen light off before making his way into the living room. His eyes looked the thief once over, taking in the slightly built body covered in the same milky pale skin that matched Ryou's own. Silver hair as always stuck out every which way and fell to his shoulders that were covered by a half way buttoned shirt. Dark eyes that were focused on the TV with an almost bored expression then turned to look over at Ryou. Seeing his light blush slightly, Bakura grinned. "Enjoying the view Hikari?" He chuckled as Ryou mumbled incoherently and glanced away. "Well I surely am. Are you aware that you managed to spill water down your shirt?"

Ryou looked at him, blinking, then down at his now almost see-through white shirt and blushed more. He must have splashed himself with water more times then he assumed he had. How could he not have noticed that sooner? Cursing his ignorance Ryou didn't notice Bakura was now standing in front of him, an amused grin across his almost devilish face. "You know you'll catch a cold if you stay in that wet shirt much longer." This got Ryou's attention and he snapped back to Bakura just as the thief let his fingers trail down the light's arms and to the end of his shirt.

"Y-Yami…" Ryou stuttered quietly as he felt the fabric lift up and over his head and Bakura removed his shirt. He felt his cheeks flush and looked down in an attempt to hide his face with his bangs. This however proved to be a wasted effort as Bakura tipped his chin up once more and placed a finger on his lights nose. Then, grinning at the boys reddened cheeks, lowered his head, the tip of his own nose resting against his finger.

"Well if you didn't demand it be so cold in here, I wouldn't have to worry about you catching a chill."

"W-Won't being sh-shirtless do the s-same?" The light couldn't tear his eyes away from Bakura's dark orbs. Even if he had wanted to, he doubted he could. The thief seemed to have that effect on people and Ryou half wondered if that was what made him so good at stealing and talking himself out of trouble. Did everyone view Bakura as hypnotizing as Ryou did? The light frowned slightly at the idea to which Bakura noticed.

"Hikari?" He purred slightly, bringing his other hand up to push a few strands of white hair behind Ryou's ear. When mocha eyes blinked at him in realization, Bakura chuckled slightly. "Where did you doze off to?"

Ryou couldn't help but smile. "I was just thinking about… why you're so good at stealing."

Bakura raised a silver brow, moving his hand so their noses were touching and he placed a feather light kiss on Ryou's lips. "You were? And what did you come up with?" The former tomb robber spoke softly, moving his lips away from Ryou's to stare into the light's eyes.

"W-Well…" Ryou blushed lightly, but kept a smile on his face. "I think it's your eyes that let you get away with so much."

"My eyes?" Bakura couldn't help but grin. If Ryou thought HIS eyes let him get away with anything, Ra only knew what his Hikari could get away with if he used his own. "And how do they work to my advantage, hm?"

"Mmhm." The smaller boy closed his eyes as Bakura tilted his head to the side and kissed down his neck to his bare shoulder. "T-They are mesmerizing and-" Ryou bit his lip to hold back a moan when Bakura began nipping lightly and the thief's hand fell on Ryou's hips to pull the boy closer against himself. At this Ryou did let out a quiet whimper of pleasure, completely forgetting his train of thought.

Bakura grinned and mumbled against his Hikari's pale skin. "And?" He pressed on, moving his lips to start sucking at the base of Ryou's collarbone. The teen shivered and the hands that were resting on Bakura's shoulders were now digging themselves into silver locks of hair.

"A-and…" Ryou breathed out, milk chocolate eyes closing tightly. Bakura was making it hard to focus on anything other than that mouth that was making him go crazy. Ryou felt himself whine when Bakura pulled his lips away, smirk across his face as usual.

"You already said that Ryou." Trailing his hands along the light's sides, Bakura's thief trained fingers brushed against the denim around Ryou's waist, slowly moving towards the fly. "Finish if you wish to continue…" Dark brown eyes looked down at Ryou with amusement at how easily the boy was falling into his touches. "Mesmerizing and…?"

Chocolate orbs opened slightly to look up at Bakura. It was getting rather hard to stay focused on anything as his mind was demanding for those lips to be placed back on his own. "Intoxicating… Breathtaking… Stunning…" Pale arms wrapped around Bakura's neck as Ryou thought of everything the older male made him think. "Amazing, Gorgeous, Fabulous, Take your pick."

Bakura chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "Fabulous? I think that one is a little out of place, however," The darker male smirked, placing a hand on Ryou's cheek. Ra this boy had no idea the affect he had on the thief! "I do believe I asked about my eyes. Not your own."

Ryou blinked at him confused and opened his mouth to ask for an explanation, but Bakura cut him off by pressing their lips together. A breathy moan escaped the smaller boy as Bakura took advantage by pushing his tongue into Ryou's mouth. The teen pushed himself against the thief more, trying to get closer. Oh how he wanted more than anything to have Bakura as close as possible. And as if reading his mind, Bakura tightened his hold on the boy's waist, tongue sweeping over every aspect of Ryou's mouth as if he was trying to memorize himself with the layout.

"Mm Ryou…" Bakura muttered when he pulled away slightly, breathe falling over Ryou's lips. The light quickly took another breath then reattached their lips. He pushed himself up on his toes in an attempt to kiss Bakura more forcefully. The thief couldn't help but grin at how desperate his light was but was more the happy to oblige the attention he craved. After all. One could only go so long living with someone like Ryou before hormones took the better of you and you ravished the boy. A low growl left his throat at the idea and Bakura pushed the light up against the wall.

Ryou whimpered when Bakura's hot lips left his but leaned his head back when he started kissing and sucking down his neck. "B-Bakura…!" Bakura hoisted the light up, keeping his hands under Ryou's thighs as the boy obediently wrapped his legs around the thief's waist. Ryou's pale fingers tangled themselves in fistfuls of silver hair as he realized just how hot he was getting, shirt off even. He thought about pulling Bakura's shirt off as well –what he wouldn't give to run his hands up and down Bakura's toned chest- when Bakura bit down more forceful on Ryou's collarbone and sucked, earning a breathy moan out of the boy.

Bakura sucked more on the boy's neck enjoying every single sound Ryou made. It was absolutely delicious! He moved his tongue around, nipping harder to make sure Ryou would have a mark before letting up and kissing back up to the light's mouth. Ryou all but melted against him, moaning softly as Bakura's tongue found his own and the muscles fought for dominance. A battle Ryou knew he would lose but still tried. Bakura let out another low growl and forced his way into Ryou's mouth. Ra if there was ever such a word to describe the way Ryou tasted, Bakura didn't know it. The former tomb robber cursed himself for not trying him sooner. What the hell had possessed him to wait so bloody long?

Ryou pulled away slightly, lips parted as he panted. Bakura took this as a prime time to abuse the light's lower lip and he nibbled on it then ran his tongue across. The boy shivered and Bakura couldn't take it. Ryou was going to be his and he didn't give a damn anymore. Grunting, Bakura shifted and pushed his hips forward so Ryou was pressed against the wall and he could move his hands. "Ra you're going to drive me insane!" Bakura growled darkly into Ryou's ear then nipped on his earlobe. The teen let out a slight yelp but closed his eyes loving the feel. It was short lived however when skilled hands had made short work of the button and fly to his jeans.

Mocha hues were snapped open, panic slowly rising. Ryou stiffened, his hold onto the silver strands of hair unmoving. Bakura noticed this and nuzzled his nose against Ryou's neck. "Relax Hikari…" He purred softly, running his fingers up Ryou's abdomen to calm him. "I won't hurt you…"

It took a few seconds, but Ryou tilted his head and pressed his lips back against Bakura's. He really wasn't too sure why he was suddenly so hesitant. He knew what Bakura had wanted the moment he pulled his shirt off. Just, being faced with the reality that Bakura was about to… to…-

A loud moan broke Ryou's train of thought as Bakura's way to skilled fingers moved under his boxers and stroked him. The thief ran his tongue over his lips as Ryou panted lightly against him. There was no way this boy was getting out of this now. Bakura was much turned on to let him go. His own jeans were getting way to tight now and he winced when Ryou tossed his head back, letting one of those to-fucking-cute moans go past his lips. It wasn't possible for Ryou to not look hot was it?

Suddenly Bakura moved his hand out of Ryou's pants, earning him a confused yet lustful glance from the boy. The thief had to grin at this. He planted a kiss Ryou's soft lips and as usual, Ryou melted against him. The boy was practically begging for Bakura to take him then and there! Stumbling slightly, Bakura moved his hands under Ryou to hold him up and made his way upstairs. He wanted to ravish the boy in the middle of the entry hall but thanks to those damn morals he somehow decided to respect, he was going to move this little party to his bedroom. Besides. He really didn't want to hurt the light and what he needed… Well he just happened to have it in his nightstand.

Ryou's arms wound themselves around Bakura's neck as he was carried upstairs, Bakura almost tumbling over a few times being too caught up in the kiss. He didn't even care where he was being lead, as long as the Yami didn't remove his mouth, Ryou would have been fine where ever. Bakura turned sideways when he felt Ryou slipping and pressed the boy's back against the doorframe. The light took the hint and removed his legs from around Bakura's waist to stand on his own feet just in time for Bakura to thrust his tongue back into the teen's mouth. Ryou tangled his hands in Bakura's wild mane while the older male let his hands roam their way around Ryou's slim little body. His fingers ghosted all around, not wanting to leave a single spot untouched.

Ryou let out another one of those unbearable moans when he thrust his tongue against the light's that had Bakura quickly snapping his head back in a hiss. "Fuck-! Ryou!" He moved his hands away from the light, trying to rid himself of the overly tight denim prison he felt stuck in. At the lack of contact, Ryou's eyes opened enough to see his dark fumbling with his pants. The light swallowed, but untangled his fingers from the silver strands of hair and moved down to Bakura's waist. Dark eyes looked him over as pale fingers made short work of the belt buckle then worked their way onto the button. Damn this boy was even more eager then he assumed he was!

Almost shuttering at the freedom he now had, Bakura grabbed Ryou's chin and jerked him into another rough kiss and guided the boy towards his unmade bed. The light fell back, mewling in pleasure when Bakura crouched down and ran his tongue over Ryou's lower lip. Glazy milk chocolate eyes shut while Bakura lightly pushed the light further on the bed and started pulling down the jeans that were hiding Ryou's legs form him. When the materiel hit the floor and thief-like fingers started moving up his bare skin, Ryou's cheeks turned about three different shades of red and he kissed Bakura back with more passion. Bakura lightly pushed the teen on his back and kept their lips connected.

With a muttered curse here and there, the thief pulled back and starred down at the form in front of him. Ryou was staring up at him with lust filled chocolate eyes and his abused lips were parted slightly with his breath being quicker. Gods it turned Bakura on to have the boy under him look so damn attractive and want Bakura to ravish him. "Why did you stop…?" Ryou's voice was shaky and Bakura could tell he was trying his hardest to keep the desperate tone away.

Bakura chuckled, running a hand through the white strands of Ryou's hair. When he closed his eyes at the touch, Bakura lowered his head and whispered into his lips. "I was admiring what's about to be mine..."

Shivering, Ryou looked up into dark brown orbs. "I was already yours Yami…"

"Well then we're about to seal that." Bakura grinned at reattached their lips instantly letting out a growl at the way Ryou melted into him. Tongue clashing against tongue, the two moved up the bed more for better access. Ryou's hands fell to Bakura's chest where feather light touches ran down but turned into scratches as the thief grinded their midsections together. The teen let out one of those unbearably hot moans and fumbled with the buttons on Bakura's red shirt. Why hadn't he taken the damn thing off earlier? Growling at the lack of thinking on his part, Bakura quickly pulled the fabric off and threw it to the ground not giving a care where it landed. All he wanted was this panting boy under him and he was pretty damn sure Ryou wanted the same.

Having Bakura's chest pressed against his was amazing. The way the dark tasted was even better! How turned on he was by Bakura right now was unbelievable. God why was Bakura so good at making him loose his mind? Pale fingers scratched themselves down a toned back while Bakura gave his lighter half's mouth a break and explore the rest of the delicious body. Ryou panted and watched with half lidded eyes as the Yami kissed down his chest and dipped his tongue into Ryou's navel. The light moaned and snapped his eyes shut as the dark purred against him, hands running down Ryou's sides.

Bakura's lips continued its trail down the slender boy's body and he couldn't help but smirk at how unable Ryou was to contain himself. The boy was tossing his head panting, squirming, and letting out those unbearably hot moans. Oh if he only knew Bakura hadn't even yet begun… Clever fingers slipped under the waist line of Ryou's boxers and the material was quickly discarded to the floor with the rest of the useless clothing. Running his tongue over his lips, Bakura took in Ryou fully with dark hungry eyes. Ryou's flushed face glanced down at him and open his mouth to speak but all that came out was a loud moan as Bakura's own mouth took in his length.

His breath hitched and doe eyes instantly snapped shut as Bakura's hot mouth took him in and it took all or Ryou's strength not release then and there! God Bakura felt like… He… Words were now rendered useless in Ryou's mind so he couldn't compare. Bakura was doing wicked things with his tongue and that made thinking rather difficult.

Amused by the Hikari's response, Bakura relaxed his throat so he could let more of Ryou into his mouth. "Uhn! B-Bakura!" The thief simply smirked to himself, bobbing his head up and down and running his tongue along the bottom of Ryou's length. Ryou bucked his hips up, white hair tangling as his head jerked back and forth and he all but made his own lip bleed trying to stifle his all to adorable moans. Slender hands gripped Bakura's hair as he pinned the boy's hips down and the thief let Ryou, for once, have some control. After all, this was for Ryou's sake. It would be his turn in a minute…

"Ba-Bakura~!" Ryou managed to moan out in between pants of pleasure and other little erotic sounds. There was no way in seven hells such an Angel could make such sexy little noises! Smirking, Bakura moved back up the lights body and placed his lips against Ryou's who was cut off mid whimper. "Why-Why did you stop again?"

"You were getting to close love." Bakura purred into the lights ear, nipping at it. "Can't have you going on ahead without me now can we?" Ryou just starred up at him, milk chocolate eyes so full of lust and love it made Bakura's head swim! Seriously, how had he managed to live with the boy and not ravish him sooner? Then he could have been able to do this whenever he damn well pleased!

Placing a kiss on the light's nose, Bakura reached over and fumbled through the drawer in his nightstand tell a little bottle met his hand. Grinning, he pulled it out and planted his lips against Ryou's soft ones again. Ryou noticed what Bakura dug out and though his face heated up, his hands instinctively ran down Bakura's side's and tried to tug off the jeans that were undone around Bakura's waist best he could from his laying down position. Bakura growled low and pulled away from the kiss, jerking his pants and boxers off and tossing them to the floor then crushing his lips against Ryou's again. His tongue begged for entrance and Ryou hungrily granted it, fingers curling in Bakura's silvery locks.

The thief growled in his throat, hands roaming around the light's chest. He broke the kiss with a small whine of protest from Ryou who was getting just the slightest bit annoyed with one kind of attention then Bakura jumping to another. Chuckling at this, Bakura petted white hair back from a sweat stained face, kissing Ryou's forehead. "Patience is a virtue my Hikari."

"L-Like your one to talk." Ryou huffed, body hot and demanding for Bakura.

Bakura had to grin. "Ah? What's this? Sweet little polite Ryou has forgotten his manners. Perhaps I shouldn't continue. Wouldn't want to ruin such a pure little boy, oh Hikari of mine."

Ryou glared as best he could with his flushed face and panting breaths. "I swear if you do I won't dare let you do this again oh Yami of mine!"

"Threatening with sex now are we?" Bakura laughed, lips pressing against Ryou's soft creamy throat. "Perhaps I truly am I bad influence over you…" Bakura moved his hand towards Ryou's entrance. The boy under him shuddered but kept his eyes glued to the dark. "Gods you're delectable..." He purred, sliding in a digit and swallowing the moan Ryou let out. The boy was unable to stay completely still as Bakura pulled it out, adding a second digit then a third and thrusting them in and out. Ryou's mewls of pleasure increased and Bakura ate them up. Tongues shortly battled one another; a war that was short lived as Bakura reclaimed dominance as usual.

Bakura pulled his fingers out slowly, Ryou whimpering in protest but not able to complain with Bakura's lips pressed against his own. "Are you sure you want this Ryou?" Bakura whispered against Ryou's slightly swollen lips, dark eyes locking with Ryou's soft ones.

"Y-Yes…" Satisfied when he didn't see any hesitance in Ryou's eyes, Bakura pulled back and grabbed the bottle he had set on the nightstand. He poured a generous amount of lube into his hand. Ryou watched him, eyes taking in Bakura for the first time. The thief couldn't help but notice his lights gaping face. Grinning to himself, he started slicking himself up and hissed a bit as the cold lubricant coated his cock. He then lifted Ryou's pale slender legs over his shoulder and lined himself up, locking eyes with Ryou one final time. "Please… I need you." Ryou's hands wrapped around Bakura's shoulders and the thief bit down on the boy's collar bone as he pushed himself inside.

Ryou threw his head back, pain etching his ivory features. His grip on Bakura's shoulders tightened and he dug his nails into the thief's back. Bakura hissed, taking a minute for Ryou to relax. He muttered sweet nothings, running his fingers through snowy white hair. When the boy seemed to loosen up, Bakura slowly pulled out then thrust back in, earning a moan from the lips of the teen under him. Yes it still hurt, but pleasure was starting to boil up and Ryou clung to that, forcing his hands away from Bakura's back and down to the sheets where he could grip them and not cause harm.

Bakura's thrusts sped up, his teeth gritting as the boy under him moaned and panted. Ra it was such a turn on! No sooner had he started and Bakura was already closing in on his release! He reached a skilled hand around and pumped Ryou in time with his thrusts. Ryou mewled in pleasure, eyes snapping open for a mila-second but quickly closing, panting growing louder. "Ba-Baku-Bakura!" Ryou managed to choke out, all sign of pain having left long ago and being replaced with raw pleasure as Bakura hit his prostate. And with the Yami's hand timing with his thrusts-!

Ryou bit it back as long as he could but he was officially pushed to his limit. His arms wound themselves around Bakura's broad shoulders again, hands gripping the males silvery locks as he yelled out his name and let himself go. The dark above him growled, thrusting once more and going as far as he could then hit his release as well.

Completely spent, Ryou's mocha hues shut as his lips were parted and his lungs tried to even out his breathing pattern. Bakura who was also having a rather difficult time catching his breath pulled out and fell down beside the light. His arms wrapped themselves around the thin boy as he pulled Ryou closer and nuzzled his nose into the fluffy white hair. "Ra that was amazing…" He muttered, sleep trying to win him over.

Blushing a little, Ryou smiled and nestled himself against Bakura's chest. "You weren't so bad yourself."

Bakura let out a sleepy chuckle, kissing the top of his loves hair. He was too tired to fire back with a logical retort so he decided he'd let the boy have it when he woke up more. Gods knew they would be doing this again when he woke up. Ryou had no choice now. Grinning to himself, Bakura yawned and started drifting off to sleep.

"Bakura…?" The former tomb robber simply grunted. "…I love you…" Ryou's voice was quiet and he didn't really know why he felt the need to tell Bakura, but he did.

"I know you do." He tilted Ryou's chin up towards himself. "…And I love you too." Bakura placed a small kiss on the lights lips, then pulled away to nuzzle his nose back into the cotton silky hair. "Now stop talking and go to sleep so we can do this again in the morning." Ryou giggled and pecked Bakura's cheek but curled up against the male. Maybe Malik had been onto something when he made Ryou confess how he felt. Sure the next few days were a living embarrassing nightmare, but the payoff way out weighted all of the 'trauma'. Mentally making a reminder to thank Malik, Ryou let sleep overtake him.

Note: And there you have it Batches and Germs! My very first 'legit' lemon. …_ Don't hate me if it sucks. Sorry it took so long to post by the way. I had midterms and English papers to write, oh and a new story I started! So stay tuned for that. Anywho~! Please ignore any errors as this was ALSO written at 5am and 'corrected' at 6am the next day. But I really hope you at least somewhat enjoyed it and don't hate me too much for all the OOC and the bad Lemon… Love you all who review/reviewed! :D