The sky was dark and the air was cold, biting into everyone who walked outside and nibbled at exposed flesh. It nibbled at a man who was standing just outside an abandoned subway terminal His hair was dyed back to its original colour, black, and he destroyed his life of fame. It was all over, back to being in reality and a normal sorcerer. The man went back inside and joined the others at the table who were all silent for the longest time.

It was a month after Purity had passed away, she was buried in the local cemetery and Drake Stone would visit it almost every single day. He felt an unbearable weight on his shoulders every time he went there and always left after ten minutes. He looked at the older sorcerer beside him and then looked back at the table.

"Everything still there?" Blathazar asked, his voice shook and it was dry.

"Yeah," Drake said.


After the funeral Veronica had magically grown a bundle of flowers around Purity's gravestone, Dave had placed a protective spell on Purity's stone and ground where she was buried so that it would be protected. Balthazar had engraved a bird onto her gravestone and Drake had properly blessed her. He blessed her that she would find everything she wanted in the afterlife, that she would be reunited with friends, family and loved ones and she would be able to find peace forever.

"I'll be back," Drake said, he got up and was ready to leave when Balthazar grabbed his wrist.



Balthazar looked at him, he was worried. The boy had been alone for a long time and Balthazar was worried about him.

"Purity left something for you," Balthazar said.

Drake looked at Balthazar with a curious look until he produced an enveloped paper that had his name on it.

"It's from Purity."

Drake took the paper and then stuffed it in his own jacket.

"I'll be back."

Drake had gone from the abandoned terminal and went to an abandoned building. There he placed defensive spells over the building before sitting down in the middle of the cold floor and opened the letter:

Drake Stone,

If you get this, I will be gone. I had read Balthazar's Incantus to try and find a cure for my curse, I realized the reason why there was no cure was because there wasn't suppose to be. The spell was used in the Middle Ages as a form of torture on prisoners and then they were executed. Do not fret over this Drake, please is my choice to do whatever I must do. I do hope everything is okay, I knew that this day would come though, that my death would come soon. I will never forget you Drake Stone.

Remember back in 1995, the first time I saw you, you were scared like me. We weren't much different from each other when we first met. Sure we didn't know each other but we were the same. After I would sometimes remember your face, I would remember every feature of you and it just wouldn't leave my mind. My mind was clouded then, by everyone else's pain and my own of losing everything I loved.

Despite everything I now realize that my mind was clear about one thing, that was you. I will never forget any of you and I will hope that you all find peace after I am gone.

Your forever love

Nessa 'Purity' Crell

Drake read the letter a few times before placing it down on his lap. She remembered him, when she was young she would sometimes see his face in her mind. Drake started to fold the letter until he fashioned it into a plane. A perfect paper airplane.

"I will never forget you either Purity," Drake said, "I will never forget your face. But as you want, I will move on and I will continue to live my life under your name."

Drake stood and then threw the plane as hard as he could into the air and watched it fly in the wind.

Back at the terminal, Balthazar walked outside, Veronica told him that he should look for Drake for she worried about him. Balthazar was ready to walk when something tapped him on the shoulder, Balthazar looked and then down to the ground and saw it. A perfect paper airplane.

A/N: Thanxs to everyone who had read and reviewed my story 'Purity's Host' I really appreciate it. Spitfire47