Chapter 4

Monday I woke up from a pretty steamy dream about none other than…Eli. I grabbed my Bible and started to read hoping it would shoo away my bad thoughts. It helped a little but not enough. I got out of bed took a shower and got ready in the outfit I had bought on Saturday. AS I put the boots on I heard the doorbell ring. I ran down the stairs and opened the door to find as very excited Alli on the other side.

"Let's finish this look." She said letting herself in. She ran up the stairs before I even closed the front door. I followed her up and found her in my room unpacking her make-up.

"You seem a little more excited about this then I am." I commented laughing.

"It's not every day that I get to treat my best friend like my own personal Barbie doll." She replied with a Cheshire cat smile.

"Whatever," I replied rolling my eyes, "just don't make me look like Bianca."

"It would take a lot more than make-up to turn you into Bianca," Alli said, "You'd need at least four STD's." We both cracked up laughing. "Ok, now sit down and let me do my magic." Alli said pushing me into the chair.

"Ok." I complied. First, she applied foundation to "even out my skin tone." Then, she applied a little bit of eye shadow and then a layer over that. Then, she put mascara on. She finished with a little lip gloss.

"Ok, you're done." Alli said turning me around to look in the mirror. I looked totally different. My eyes were smoky and my lips had a bit of shine to it. I almost didn't recognize myself.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed, "I look amazing."

"I know." Alli smiled with pride, "Eli won't know what to do with himself." I looked at the clock and it was 7:00. School started in ten minutes.

"We better get to school." I said getting my stuff together and following Alli down the stairs.

"Bye mom, see you after school." I screamed rushing out the door before she could see my outfit. I knew she wouldn't approve of it. Alli shut the door behind her and we started to walk to school.

"So what do you think his face is gonna look like when he sees you?" Alli asked as we passed The Dot.

"I don't know," I answered truthfully, "he's hard to read most of the time."

"Well it's time to see," Alli said winking as we walked up to the school, "you better call or text me with the deets." Alli walked into the school. I saw Adam talking to Eli by Morty but Eli wasn't facing me. I smiled and waved at Adam as I walked over and Adam's jaw dropped.

"What are you staring at?" I heard Eli ask as I walked up to them. Adam couldn't talk he just pointed at me and Eli turned around. As soon as he saw me his expression mirrored Adam's but his eyes were different. While Adam's looked shocked, Eli's had an emotion I knew well and was excited to see again. Lust.

"You know it's rude to stare." I said smirking.

"You look amazing." Adam exclaimed but Eli still just stared at me. Hid eyes were roaming over my body over and over and I started to feel a little self-conscious. It took all my energy not to blush.

"I'm gonna leave you two alone." Adam said walking into the school quickly.

"Like what you see?" I asked I didn't know where the new confidence came from but I kinda liked it.

"You know you didn't have to dress up for me." Eli said a mischievous smirk playing on his face.

"Who said this was for you," I said with my own smirk, "maybe it's for some other guy." Before I knew it he had turned me around and pinned me to Morty. I let out a small squeak. His eyes were now dark and an emotion flashed that I didn't recognize.

"What was that?" I asked with a hint of fear in my voice. He didn't respond. Then suddenly I felt his lips crash to mine. This kiss wasn't like the other one. It was urgent, needy, and possessive. Like he was trying to mark his territory. He bit my lip slightly and I moaned into his mouth and he smirked against my lips. He licked my lip begging for entrance and I happily obliged. As our tongues wove together as I my hands tangled into his hair. We broke away for air but his mouth quickly latched to my neck. He kissed his way to the point where my neck meets my shoulder, he bit down and I moaned in pleasure. He then captured my lips again in a kiss just as hungry and possessive then the last. He was marking his "territory." I know I should feel upset that he considered me territory but I felt excited. Finally, we pulled apart for air but he stayed close.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Eli asked sincerely.

"You already marked me," I said feeling the newly formed hickey, "so yes I will be your girlfriend." A smile spread across his face. He pushed off Morty and put his arm around my shoulders and I hooked my hand into his belt loop.

"Now everyone knows you're mine." Eli said with a smirk as we walked into school.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." I responded smiling up at him and holding him tighter to me. We got stares and whispers all day but I didn't care because I had my gothic, death obsessed, sexy, mysterious boyfriend and that's all I needed.