A Broken Spirit

By XxSailorWinchesterXx

Well here it is. The long awaited final chapter. I'm sorry that it's taken so long to update, but yeah, schools been pretty hectic. Anyway I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has ever reviewed this story. Thank you so much, and this final chapter is dedicated to you. And it's an extra long one too. I hope that you have enjoyed reading this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Enjoy! For the last time

I do not own Sailor Moon or any of its characters.

Am I dead? If this is death it's really peaceful. Usagi thought as she slowly opened her eyes and was rewarded with the sight of clear blue skies. Puzzled and slightly dazed she turned her head to the side and saw only green grassy fields, covered in flowers. This is nice, I feel so calm. She thought contently as she sat up, noticing that she was wearing her white dress similar to her princess gown and was also surprised to hear the sounds of laughing. Other people? She thought surprised but then mentally slapped herself. Of corse there are other people. This is heaven, you're not the first person to make it into heaven. I think. She corrected herself, remembering that she didn't even know if this was heaven or just a dream.Looking around Usagi began to recognise her surroundings. It was the same place that her parents used to take her and Shingo camping. I wonder if mum and dad are here. Standing up Usagi began to walk down the hill. She loved the feel of the grass between her toes and couldn't help but smile at the breeze that carried the smell of flowers on it. The sound of laughter was getting louder and Usagi began to run towards it, her curiosity now at it's peak.

"Hello? Who's there?" She yelled and stoped dead when she saw who the laughter was coming from. Tears began to form in her eyes as she saw her mother and father sitting on a picnic rug, with Shingo kicking a football near by.

"Mum! Dad!" Usagi yelled happily, her voice cracking. Hearing someone call their names, Usagi's parents looked up and were ecstatic to see their daughter.

"Usagi!" Her mother yelled and ran over to her crying daughter. When the two came to each other Usagi pulled her mother in a fierce hug.

"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry mum!" Usagi cried as she clung to her mothers' frame. "I never meant for you guys to get hurt. It was all my fault. I'm sorry. Please forgive me,"

"Shh. It's okay. None of this is your fault." Ikuko said softly as she kissed her daughter on the cheek. "None of this is your fault. Calm down."

Usagi gave a small nod and looked up at her mothers face. "Am I dead?" She asked and wait for a reply, but instead only got a sad look. Ikuko, gave Usagi a sad smile.

"I must be an awful person to be glad that you're here with us."

"What? No, mum. Your one of the most caring people I know. I'm here by my own doing. No one elses." Usagi argued then pulled out of her mothers hug. "I tried so hard to avenge you." She said looked at Shingo and her father who had come over to her. "I did it. I beat her. I just wish I could have been there when you….." Tear began to sting her eyes as once again the guilt came spreading over her like a tidal wave.

"Usagi, you couldn't have saved us. Don't blame yourself." Kenji said truthfully as he embraced his daughter. "Even you have your limits."

Usagi shook her head. "No. You died because of me. If I protected you more, told you who I was…"

"You'd have been putting us in more danger." Kenji interjected.

"We're so proud of you sweetie. You've done so much for this planet." Ikuko said proudly as she placed her hand on her daughters shoulders. "And to think, my biggest concern for you was passing your maths exam."

Usagi couldn't help the smile that broke out on her face at her mothers last comment. It felt good that she was able to smile after so long. While she was with her family she felt as though nothing could get her down.

"Yeah meatball head, you could've told me you were Sailor Moon. I could've been your totally tough sidekick." Shingo said, cracking his knuckles for emphasise.

"Yeah, that would totally happen." Usagi said roiling her eyes. "Besides I already have enough scouts yo last me a lifetime." Usagi looked over to her mother and noticed she was crying. "Mum, why are you crying?"

Ikuko wiped her eyes and gave a sad smile. "You're so grown up Usagi. Saving the world, being a princess and having a prince."

Usagi blushed at the mention of her prince.

"I wonder how much of you is my daughter and not Queen Serenity's." Ikuko finished sadly.

Usagi understood her mothers words. After all it wasn't that long ago that she was thinking that herself. "I'll always be you're Usagi. I always have been. I'm not Princess Serenity. She's gone and your daughter, Usagi, is the one left."

Kenji gave a small chuckle. "Just the kind of response I would expect from a princess." He said wrapping his arms around her. "I guess we raised you well."

"You did the best." Usagi said loving the feeling of all her family being together again.

"We saw it you know." Shingo said, grabbing Usagi's attention.

"What?" Usagi asked curiously. "What did you see?"

"Everything." Shingo said simple as he fidgeted with his clothes. " Like how you went off at Sailor Pluto for erasing everyone's memories."

Usagi, despite knowing that she should be mad at the mention of it, could feel no anger in her body. "I know. I'm sorry she did that. I was so angry with her."

"Was?" Kenji, interjected.

"Yeah was. I mean no use being angry now. I have you guys that's the main thing."

"Anyway.." Shingo said impatiently, "As is was saying. We could see everything up here. You totally kicked Beryl's ass! Way to go!"

Usagi blushed at the mention of it. "It wasn't all me Shingo, the other scouts and Mamo-chan helped too."

At the mention of Mamo-chan's name, Usagi suddenly felt a wall of pain come crashing down on her. He was gone. She'd never see him again. I can't believe that I'll never hold him again. And Chibiusa! Oh god now she'll never be born. He must hate me! Usagi thought sadly. Ikuko could guess the thoughts that were going on inside her daughter's head and pulled her away from her father and brother.

"Mum?" Usagi asked, wondering why her mum was pulling her aside. "What's the matter are you okay?"

"Are you?" Ikuko retorted raising an eyebrow. "I know that you're thinking about hit Usa. You're my daughter, please talk to me."

Usagi looked at her mother and decided that she owed it to her to tell her the truth.

"I'm just thinking about Mamo-chan and how I've destroyed his life. Now because of me, he'll never have the future he wanted." Usagi explained sadly.


Her mothers guess shocked Usagi. How did she know about her future daughter from the 30th century?

"How did you?" Usagi asked.

"Usagi." Ikuko smiled. "Once you die you basically figure out everything." She answered. Usagi thought about that and figure that it made sense enough in logic. I mean once you were dead, what really surprised you?

"Besides." Ikuko continued. "You didn't destroy Mamo-chans future. He'll still have everything he wants." Ikuko smiled at Usagi hurt and shocked reaction and knew she needed to further explain. "It's not your time to be here Usa. You still have so much to live for. This was just a quick stop on your way home."

Usagi shook her head. She didn't want to believe that she was going to lose them again. "I don't want to lose you. I don't want to leave you, dad or Shingo." Usagi said desperately and hugged her mother.

"You have to Usa. This isn't where you're meant to be. You should be down there, protecting the earth with your prince an scouts and fighting for a better future." Ikuko said, tears falling from her eyes. She was having to let her daughter go again. "I want you alive Usa. Not here. What happened to us was tragic. But you survived and that's how it's meant to be."

Usagi didn't want to believe it. She wanted to be with her family, she wanted to spend all her time with them. "I can't. I won't."

"What about Mamo-chan? He needs you. You need him. Think about Chibiusa. This is also for her." Ikuko pleaded, hoping to talk mother to mother. Chibiusa. Usagi thought sadly and realised how selfish he was being. By staying here she was deny that pink haired princess life.

Pulling away from her mother Usagi looked up and dried her eyes. "I know. I have to go." She said and motioned her brother and father to come over. When they came over Usagi gave each a long hug, and in Shingo's case also a light punch on the arm.

"I'm sorry." Usagi said once more.

"Usagi I want you to forgive yourself. It wasn't your fault." Kenji said, using his parenting for the first time since she arrived. Usagi laughed and gave a small nod.

"Also Usa." Ikuko said, getting her daughters attention. "I want you to forgive that Pluto woman. She meant well."

Usagi nodded but didn't know if deep down she would be able to forgive her. Though she hoped that one day she might.

"I love you all so much. And I wish that I could stay here with you guys forever, but I can't. I have to go back and still fight." Usagi said, showing her princess side for the first time in front of her family.

"And we don't want to see you back here for a long long time." Shingo jokes, causing everyone to laugh. Usagi took one final look at her family and knew this is how she'd always remember them. Happy and carefree. A tear rolled down her cheek and she felt a pulling sensation tugging at her body. Her head felt light and she could feel herself fading away from her family.

"I love you." She said before her world went dark and she was alone again.

Usagi's head throbbed and she felt as though her arms and legs weighed a tonne. Opening her eyes Usagi looked around her and realised that she was asleep on Mamoru's bed in his apartment. She tried to sit up but felt something heavy resting on her stomach, looking down she noticed that Mamoru had fallen asleep on her. Smiling she ran her hand through his thick black hair and chucked as he slightly stirred. Deciding to let him sleep Usagi closed her eyes and tried to do the same thing, but however hard she tried her mind kept returning to the memory of her last meeting with her parents. She knew that it wasn't a dream. She still felt warm from where her parents and brother had hugged her and hoped that this feeling never left her.

She didn't know what time it was, but she figure early morning as the sun leaked through the blinds and caused Mamoru to stir awake.

"Morning sleepy head." Usagi said cheerfully, as she saw Mamoru open his eyes. "Sleep well?"

Mamoru's head shot up at the sound of his angels beautiful voice. "Am I dreaming?" he said as he sat up and moved closer to Usagi.

"If you are you have really boring dreams." Usagi jokes, surprised at her sudden change in mood. "I missed you." She said seriously as she sat up and jumped into her princes arms. Mamoru happily embraced his princess and kissed her on the lips. "I thought you'd never wake up. God I was so scared that you'd left me here." He admitted then kissed her again.

Usagi loved the feeling of kissing Mamoru, she'd missed him so much. "I almost did." She admitted then pulled apart from him. "How long was I dead?"

Mamoru flinched at how plainly she said it. "A few days. Ami scanned you with her computer and it couldn't find any signs of life. But I knew part of you was still hanging on. Still fighting to get back." Mamoru explained and moved a stray piece of hair from her face. "I knew that you'd come back."

Usagi smiled and rested her head in his chest. "I was with my parents and brother. In heaven." She said softly, causing Mamoru to look at her sadly.


"I know that you must think I'm crazy. But I was really there. That's why it took me so long to come back. I wanted to stay with them so badly, but, I couldn't I need to come back to you." Usagi explained, trying her best not to sound crazy.

After everything they'd been though, she thought that he would believe her when she said she's been to heaven.

"Usagi I don't doubt you. I'm just sorry you had to leave them. I know how much that must have hurt." Mamoru said softly and kissed her on the head. "What did they say."

"That they don't hate me, or blame me for their deaths." Usagi answered and pictured them carefree and happy. "They were at peace." Closing her eyes Usagi rested her head back against Mamoru's chest. Their at peace.

"Are you sure you're up to this Usagi. I think you should go back home and get some more rest." Said a concerned Mamoru for the seventh time in the last twenty minutes.

Usagi rolled her eyes and weaved her arm through his, "Mamoru I'm fine. The crystal's healing me as we speak. I really need to do this."

Mamoru nodded but still wasn't a hundred percent convinced. In his opinion Usagi still looked to pale and would benefit from some more sleep. As the couple approached the temple Usagi couldn't help but feel kinda nervous. Today would be the first day since her fight with Beryl that she would see all the scouts, and no doubt they were going to let her have it.


Usagi looked up at the sound of her name being yelled at a pitch that just didn't seem possible for a human to produce. Before she could even react, she was pulled into a bone crushing hug by Minako, who was crying and saying sorry over and over.

"Minako, please." Usagi gasped as she tried to wiggle out of her friends grasp. "I need to breath."

Minako pulled back and laughed. "Sorry. I just..i needed to know that you were real."

Usagi smiled and laughed. "I'm real enough. Now come on lets get inside. I bet that Haruka can't wait to tear into me."

Usagi stood and looked at all the faces in front of her. Some smiling, some not so much.

"Okay well, thanks for coming on such short notice." Usagi began, fidgeting with her top. "I really need to talk to you."

"And we have a few things to say to you." Haruka piped up, glaring at Usagi. Usagi nodded and wasn't surprised that Haruka was the first to speak up.

"Okay well, I guess I really wanted to apologise for my behaviour-"

"Usagi don't. You don't need to explain we understand." Ami interrupted.

Usagi shook her head and held up her hand for Ami to stop. "No you don't. And if we don't resolve this now nothing's ever going to change." Taking a deep breath Usagi prepared herself for what she was about to say now and the arguing and debating that was sure to follow. "As of this moment. I Princess Serenity, princess of the silver millennium and future queen of Crystal Tokyo, leader of the sailor scouts, release you from your duties as protectors of Princess Serenity and Sailor Moon."

Sure enough, everyone started to argue the point. Usagi stood tall and could barely make out who was saying what.

"Are you crazy?"

"You're kidding right?"

"No friggin way!"

"Are you sure that your feeling better?"

"What the hell are you thinking?"

"That's our job."

Usagi unfazed, lifted her hand once again to halt the talking (well screaming).

"This is my choice. And I'm sick of having to watch the people I love throw themselves in front of me. I hate seeing it happen. You may not like my decsion, but I expect you to respect it."

"That's fucking crap." Haruka growled, her eyes glued to Usagi. "You can't just expect us to go along with this. We need to protect you it's our job-"

"Ex job." Usagi corrected.

"And honour!" Haruka continued. "We all love you Usagi and want to protect you, just as you do us."

"Haruka's right. We can't just sit back and watch you die Usagi. You wouldn't do that if it was us." Rei joined in. "Like it or not. We're each others strength and weakness. We all love each other and would die for one another."

Usagi felt herself tearing up and felt Mamoru wrap his arm around her.

"I can't have anyone else die for me." Usagi said as best she could, her voice cracking slightly. Damn it Usagi don't cry be strong.

Usako, it's okay. You can cry. Please don't bottle this up. She heard Mamoru say though their bond. Usagi looked up at him and nodded.

"Please, just be more careful. Please promise me that." She begged and watched as each scout nodded.

"Like you can talk." Makoto joked walked up to Usagi and giving her a slap on the back. "Running off to fight Beryl by yourself. Take your own advice would ya."

Usagi blushed. "Sorry about that. I was alittle crazy at the time. All I could think about was revenge. I'm glad it's over now though."

Mamoru gave Usagi a slight squeeze. "It's okay Usako, just no more crazy stunts alright."

Usagi nodded and gave Mamoru a quick peck on the cheek. Looking at all the face of her friends Usagi remembered that there was one more thing that needed to be taken care of. Detaching herself from Mamoru she walked over to where Setsuna was standing.

"Can I talk to you outside?" Usagi asked the scout of Pluto, her voice betraying no emotion at all.

"Of course princess." Setsuna said and followed Usagi outside, closing the door behind them. Leaving the others to wonder what was going to happen.

Usagi looked at the Scout of time. Her eyes taking in her ageless face and beautiful long green hair. "I hated you for what you did." She said truthfully. "Part of me wanted to send you back to the gate of time so I'd never have to see you again."

Setsuna stood their and listened to her friend. She was hurt, but knew that she deserved it. "I don't blame you." She replied, then was surprised to feel Usagi wrap her arms around her and pull her into a hug.

"But I can't hate you. Never, I love you Setsuna and I know that you did what you did only cause you thought you were doing the right thing. I'm just sorry it's taken me awhile to realise this." Usagi sobbed, as she admitted what she was feeling. "Thank you for leaving Naru untouched."

Setsuna rubbed Usagi's back as she cried. "I'm sorry that I hurt you Usagi. But I needed to do it. If I didn't it would have caused many problems to the time stream."

"I understand that now." Usagi said as she pulled away from Setsuna. "I just needed my mum to help me get there. I think that she really liked you." Usagi said, laughing slightly at the last part. Setsuna smiled and was relieved to see her princess and friend acting like herself again.

"I'm glad that you were able to see your family once more Usagi. Remember them as they were there. Happy. Don't dwell on the negatives." Setsuna said wisely earning another smile from her friend. As the two walked back inside the other girls and Mamoru were glad to see that the two were back on good terms.

Are you okay Usako?Mamoru asked as he saw Usagi crying again.

No. Not yet. Usagi answered though the bond as she walked over to Mamoru and wrapped her arms around him. But I think I'll get there, with your help. I love you Mamo-chan.

I love you Usako.

The End

Well that's it. This is the end of this story. Thank you once again to everyone who reviewed. It was your reviews that kept me writing. I hope that this chapter lived up to your expectations. Endings are hard. Anyone can start a story, but endings are always hard. I know that I won't be able to please all of you, but I hope that I at least please some. Thank you all so much

Till next time, XxSailorWinchesterXx