A/N- Hey everyone! This is my first story fic, and it was fun to write! Thank you to everyone who commented on my two song fics! You guys are the best! R&R!


Re-Married Chapter 1

"YOU WHAT?" Cody and Bailey simultainusly yelled.

"Sorry kids, but the S.S. Tipton was not pleased with the results of the Marriges Project." Ms. Tutwiller shot a look at London. "So I'm afraid that you'll have to continue it, with your same partners-"

"WHAT?" screamed Bailey and Cody, so loud that London covered her ears.

"-and this time I hope you won't completely destroy it.

"Ms. Tutwiller," began Bailey in a sensible voice.

"You just can't make us be partners, " Cody continued.

"It will cause problems," Bailey continued on impulse.

"And we both want to do good on the project," Cody added.

"But we won't be able to do that if we're partners." Bailey finished.

The two became aware that everyone was staring at them, because of the speech they had just given. Out of the blue they had thought up a speech for Ms. Tutwiller, made good points, and said it like they'd rehersed a million times. They must have both been thinking exactly the same thing!

"Um…." Said Ms. Tutwiller at a lose for words. "Sorry kids….it's the school boards rules….I can't ignore them. And to be frank, you should do excellent on the project if you can do that everyday. Are you reading each other's thoughts?"

"Of course not!" they said together. Cody growled, and Bailey rolled her eyes.

"Yeah…..uh please sit down." Ms. Tutwiller instructed.

The two complied, though rater angrily.

"Now kids, let me give the project details…."