My Second Request, this one by non-user Pawnshop Frank. Business is starting to bloom…

Before I begin though, I'd like to say something. If you post a review, don't just say "I have an Idea do blahblahblah vs blahblah", actually post a review of the previous fight and then suggest something, that's what the reviews are for. If you do that, chances are I'll get better ;)

One more thing, try to keep it one request at a time please.

Gigan FW vs MechaGodzilla 74

Gigan and MechaGodzilla stared at each other from across the barren desert. Gigan emitted an eerie metallic shriek, pointing a scythe like claw at the Robot Godzilla look-alike menacingly. MechaGodzilla released a digital wail in defiance, twirling his space titanium hands and aiming his finger based missiles at the Cyborg.

The warring races of the Insectoid Nebulans and the Ape like Simeons had put their monsters on this battlefield as a show of power. Whoever lost would have nothing to stop the other from totally annihilating their masters. Neither race could afford to lose.

MechaGodzilla shot his missile fingers at Gigan, the Projectiles were fast, but Gigan was faster, the Cyborg easily avoided the missiles by flying over them, missing their target and detonating against a rock formation behind.

Hovering above the ground, Gigan fired a bright crimson beam of light from his single visor-eye. The beam shattered into many shards of light upon impact on The mechanical monster's metal chassis, each one detonating into red fire. Gigan chirped in evil glee, but stopped when the smoke cleared and MechaGodzilla stood completely unfazed, his metal armour gleaming in the hot desert sun. A Bright Rainbow coloured beam erupted from MechaGodzilla's cold lifeless orange eyes, which Gigan was too stunned to dodge. The attack struck him in the chest and sent the bird/reptile/robot hybrid reeling, finally crashing to the ground.

Gigan quickly recovered, getting up to face his mechanical foe. With an angry cry, Gigan shot another blast of Crimson light at MechaGodzilla. The beam shattered, the shards exploded, MechaGodzilla remained unharmed, its space-titanium armour plating resisting Gigan's alien energy. A small port opened up on MechaGodzilla's abdomen, revealing a cannon, A blast of Orange electricity ruptured from it, hitting Gigan too quickly for the Cyborg to react. The beam of energy hit Gigan square in the stomach, once again sending the Cyborg to the sandy floor in a cloud of dust.

Gigan again gave an angry metallic shriek. His long ranged attacks seemed to not be working, so it was time for some close combat. In a flash, Gigan was up of the floor and in the air, the Buzz saw on his stomach started to whirr into life as Gigan rocketed towards The Robot. MechaGodzilla aimed his hand, about to fire his missiles, but Gigan outran it before it could fire, The diamond alloy of the Buzz saw cut through the Space Titanium, severing MechaGodzilla's hand. Gigan landed behind the robot, then turned his head and glanced at his handiwork. The Nebulan Cyborg began to laugh evilly as the broken hand of his foe toppled to the floor.

His laughing was halted when MechaGodzilla's head swivelled in place and shot an eye beam at him. The Cyborg was prepared this time, and quick to dodge as he took to the sky. Gigan ascended, then with graceful malevolence, pivoted and dived straight for MechaGodzilla. The Robot itself would have taken to the air as well, but Gigan was too quick, ramming the Mechanized Godzilla headfirst and sending it toppling like a stone tower. MechaGodzilla lost all balance, but Gigan contorted his crimson wings for perfect balance and managed to land directly atop the Robotic Titan. Gigan's added weight brought even more sound to the deafening thud when MechaGodzilla hit the floor in a cloud of dust.

Gigan started to slash at MechaGodzilla's chassis with his scythe like claws, each swipe drawing sparks. MechaGodzilla struggled, but his stiff movements were no match for Gigan's physical power and dexterity. Finally, Gigan slashed at MechaGodzilla's eyes, shattering them completely and taking the dulling the eerie glow that came from them. MechaGodzilla cried, but his digital wails were of no use as Gigan gradually began to tear through his armour.

Finally, MechaGodzilla blasted a stream of pure flame from his open mouth, the jet of fire engulfed Gigan's head and neck, causing the cyborg to recoil in pain with a painful shriek. Gigan leapt from MechaGodzilla, allowing the robot time to get up and stabilize itself.

With a shake of his burnt head, Gigan turned angrily, ready to destroy his opponent. MechaGodzilla fired his laser from what used to be his eyes. Because of that damage, the beam was unfocused and erupted in the form of several bolts of light. The unpredictable blasts showered upon Gigan, who was lost in a cloud of dust.

When the cloud cleared, Gigan had disappeared. Its mission accomplished, MechaGodzilla fired his rocket boosters, preparing to take flight…

The pronged end of Gigan's tail grasped MechaGodzilla's head and in one swift motion, ripped it clean off. Gigan flung it into a sand dune, where it disappeared into the hill of golden sand.

Before Gigan could even realize his victory, he looked down at the sparking head of MechaGodzilla. In place of a head, MechaGodzilla's bionic control system stood there, sparking with alien energy. A powerful yellow blast rocketed into Gigan, tearing it out of the sky and onto the ground.

Before MechaGodzilla could strike again, the fallen Gigan aimed a final blast of red light from his eye at the round metal object where MechaGodzilla's head had been. The unprotected brain of his opponent blew up in the shower of crimson shards as the exploded, leaving MechaGodzilla with nothing left but a lifeless body. What used to be MechaGodzilla stood there rather comically then toppled onto its belly, its stiff unmovable tail hanging in the air.

Gigan was on his own belly, his Buzz saw digging into the sand. Gigan turned his head to see his damage, his crimson wings had been burnt into nothing by MechaGodzilla's final attack, The pronged metal end of his tail had been blasted to pieces and beneath him, Gigan could feel the horrid burns on his head and stomach. The cyborg let out an eerie cry of final victory, then the light in his visor flickered into nothing and he let unconsciousness claim him, ready to wait for his Nebulan masters so they could repair him and set him upon the pesky but now defenceless Simeons so he could destroy them once and for all.

Conclusion: Winner- Gigan FW

Another story finished. I decided to make the Nebulans and Simeons at war for the intrest, as they are both alien species with a monster at their command. I gave Gigan the victory because it happens that he is my favourite monster ;)

A note for PawnShop frank, I'll try to get your other idea finished, but don't think it will be appearing anytime soon, only one request per review please.