Disclaimer: I do not own anything from FMA or from the creators of it.

A Heart Dressed in Wicked


Those terrible deep lavender eyes captured my soul the very first time they connected with my own eyes. They flashed in an ungodly and surreal way and I knew from then on the life I had previously was gone. I would never return to it. Something inside me clicked on then, in-tuning me to its voice, a hushed tone that said ,

'Fight or flight. . . . fight or flight. . . fight or flight. . . . . . fight or flight . . . .'

The tone was so quiet though, barely audible, as if it was a terrible sin and very forbidden. I knew that either of these choices would end disastrously, so I chose the more logic of the two for now. I stared straight into his eyes, this devious murderer. It made me feel brave although soon any traces of feelings would be gone along with my sanity.

There in his eyes though, beneath all the evil and immorality and vengeance I saw a small light. A seed of sorts. A small seedling that only needed to be watered and bathed with sunlight to grow. A suddenly thought raced through my mind.

'You love him.'

My heart beat erratically and my breathing increased becoming raspy. My blood levels rose and I felt my body pulsing and I wondering faintly if my body was killing itself. Yet I couldn't not break free from the gaze of this beautiful monster in front of me. In fact I couldn't do it at all, he had to. A small breeze, chilly from the beginning winter air, brushed past and moved his deep black locks about his face much like a funeral veil. It made such a deep contrast against his pale deathly white skin that when he turned to the female, to that horridly seductive demoness he came with, that one could see how pallid and thin his skin appeared.

Love this monster? How could my body, my mind, my heart and soul . . .whatever it was that did, how could it do this to me? To the memory of my life, of my sisters and family. To the love we had and the life we shared and love and lives we would have had later.

What cruel sadistic world was this?

I blinked and upon reopening my eyes I found myself on the partially frozen ground, looking out towards the two Dark Angels. The female was talking, his face was towards her so I couldn't see if he talked as well. It was almost as if I were deaf, the only things I could hear was my too fast beating heart and the rough thrusts of air that tried to go in and out of my lungs. I couldn't move, what was wrong with my body now?

I looked back to them, noticed his attention on me, I finally was able to reach out, my fingers slowly moving along the dirt only for him to scoff and kick dirt on my body. His androgynous mouth moved with words but they fell upon deaf ears, I still was unable to hear.

This was the terrible stricken creature I was in love with, this killer, hellish fiend whom brutally massacred my sister her child and husband and done away with my other to God knows where. I wanted to panic, i wanted to get up and run, but i couldn't. I felt ashamed of myself. The world went dark and my last thoughts were grief stricken. The only thing my heart could think was of that seed hidden in his eyes . . .

First FMA fic, I'm known for writing long chapters however. I LOVE and ADORE reviews and alerts 3 especially critiques. I'm also working on another fic, so I'll be alternating between them. Hope to see people liking this one too.