Author's Note:

*dies from lack of creativity*

Oh btw (not really a spoiler), since Gallica becomes relatively stable in Book 10 this kinda links to it in a way. Go me for guessing Flanagan's thought processes.

Some of the random advisers have been borrowed from my other stories.

Also Liliane's personality from the second chapter has differed. I assume she had to have some assertive-ness for a meeting, but here you see what she's more naturally like.

Chapter Two:

|| Trusting Instincts ||


Duncan entered the room with little fanfare.

His advisers rose to greet him as protocol demanded, but apart from that, it was a relatively simple meeting.

"You may sit." He ordered as he took a seat at his desk, so he faced everyone in the room.

The room consisted of Lord Anthony, Lady Pauline (who happened to have been at Castle Araluen on business), Ranger Crowley, Ranger Geldon, Sir Richard, Lord Berran and Lord Peter as well as a senior scribe who was there to write down the ideas that flew about the room and hopefully the final outcome.

"Now, to discuss the matter at hand: Gallica." He announced.

Richard let a fist fall to the table.

"If what the Princess says is true, then we have a fight on her hands, for sure. The question is; where shall it be?"

Berran, who was a rather shrewd man, had a good idea for politics. He coughed and drew the attention towards him.

"Either way, we would be deposing a foreign leader and replacing him. To go to war on another country's land could spark conflict between the countries surrounding Gallica." He made eye contact with Richard. "Politically, it would be much wiser to let them come here and then deal with it."

Geldon shook his head. "If this Lord Theodore is uniting the Kingdom, we could be well-matched or even outnumbered on our land. It would be a much better choice to engage him as soon as we can, while he still has to gather warlords. There will be many who will resist him to keep their own power; we can use that to our advantage."

Duncan nodded his assent, after taking in all the opinions voiced. "Peter," he voiced and turned towards the Diplomatic Service Head. "What do you think?"

Peter tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Berran and Geldon both make good points. However, we have treaties between Toscana, Arrida and Skandia, and they keep the smaller countries in order. I doubt if we helped Gallica, under the Princess' banner, we would cause trouble. And we can always call in help from our treaties."

Lady Pauline nodded. "I agree, however Toscana and Arrida are locked in a feud at the moment, I doubt they would be able to help. However the Skandians are our allies and can be hired as mercenaries, we could use their allegiance and the promise of money from Gallica's treasury as a means for extra men." She said quietly.

"Lord Anthony?"

The Chamberlain raised his eyebrows. He was used for formality and such, rarely called on for tactical advice. "I believe Princess Liliane's existence is justified, your majesty and that her claims for war match our reports," was all he could say, feeling out of place amongst the meeting.

Duncan made a small 'hmm' noise as he absorbed the various comments.

"Crowley?" The King asked at length.

The Ranger, having hung back as everyone else had their turn, stepped forward with an incline of his head.

"I agree with Lord Peter and Lady Pauline, their assumptions are logical. I also believe that Liliane's story holds true, Lord Theodore must underestimate her use or disregard her entirely if she has escaped. I also think Richard has a point; we're going to war anyway if Theodore wants to attack Araluen. We just need to find the best tactical advantage for us."

Silence descended.

"Does everyone here agree that we shall go to war against Gallica?" King Duncan asked after everyone had grown quiet.

Everyone nodded in reply.

He sighed. "We seem to enjoy being mixed up in other country's affairs." Duncan rubbed his temples. "Right, Lord Anthony, please take the final documents to the Court of Nobles and have them see it. I know I can announce war on my own, but I'd like their opinions too."

It was something to be said about Duncan's trust. His advisers, noble or not, were held above the pompous Lords and Ladies that resided at Castle Araluen.

"I shall call you all back when I have a verdict. You may leave."

Liliane heard knocking at her chamber door, and bid the person to enter.

Bastien entered with an incline of his head. "My lady, you have a visitor." He told her in Gallican.

"Oh?" She replied, still in their native tongue.

The captain moved to the side to let another warrior through.

He was tall and well built, clearly a great athlete with his grace and movement. At his hip was a sword, obviously not for decoration, although he wore simple linen clothes.

"Greetings, your highness." He told her in Araluen, bowing politely.

As he looked down, Liliane flicked a glance towards her captain. He remained stoic and still and she figured if Bastien let him in, he had a reason.

"Oh, none of that." She replied in Araluen, but still unable to mask her heavy accent. "I'm out of my country and dethroned, I don't feel like a Princess." She confessed.

The knight rose, smiling slightly. He had startling blue eyes, she noticed. "If you say so, my lady." He answered, opting for a less formal title. He was also rather handsome.

"What brings you to my chambers..." she trailed off, biting her lip as she realised he hadn't gotten his name.

"Sir Horace, Champion to Princess Cassandra." He offered.

"Champion? What are you doing here then?" She asked in her surprise.

Horace looked amused but straightened and let his arms clasp behind his back. "The Princess Cassandra has invited you for a tour of the castle, if you would like to join her."

Liliane smiled. "That sounds wonderful; may I bring Bastien with me?"

Horace nodded. "Of course, she'll arrive within an hour to see you."

The Princess nodded and resisted the urge to courtesy.

With his message delivered, Horace excused himself and left the room.

Liliane was left facing her captain as well as a few of her Gallican maids.

"He seemed nice." She voiced.

Just as he said, the Crown Princess arrived an hour later to escort the Gallican Princess around the castle grounds.

Liliane hurried out of her chambers, conscious that she would keep the Princess waiting as she took her time.

As one of her door guards opened the door, she stepped out with Bastien in tow.

While she wore a rather tight fitting dress that wasn't too frilly or formal, (and the current fashion in Gallica), compared to Princess Cassandra she felt overdressed.

Cassie merely wore a simple but elegant green dress, to match the warm weather. Her growing blonde hair was let loose around her beautiful face. Her expression was neutral as Liliane approached her.

Both Princesses acknowledged each other with formality, although Liliane deliberately curtseyed deeper to show her inferiority.

"Princess Liliane." Cassie's voice wasn't as girly as Liliane imagined. If anything, it was almost boyish.

"Crown Princess Cassandra." She replied, smiling slightly to try and ease the awkwardness.

Despite Cassie's initial distrust of her, Horace had told her that the royal was much humbler than first seen and clearly out of her depth at Castle Araluen. This had softened the Crown Princess', since she felt better knowing she wasn't trying to befriend another pompous idiot.

"If you come with me, I'll show you around my home." Cassie voiced, her bright green eyes reflecting no ill-intent.

Feeling reassured, Liliane walked up to her so they stood side by side.

"Right, we'll go this way." Cassie announced and led them off down a hall that Liliane couldn't recognise.

The Gallican Princess looked sceptically as only the knight Horace followed them, with the exception of Bastien. Brought up in a home filled with danger, even before Liliane had been kept under scrutiny, she had guards follow her everywhere for safety.

"You don't take guards with you?" She asked politely.

Cassie gave her a sideways glance, as if gauging Liliane's concept of self-preservation or simple curiosity. She decided to go with the latter.

"Castle Araluen is heavily guarded; it's very hard for anyone to get in without someone noticing." The Princess smiled privately as she looked on ahead. "Besides, if someone did manage to get in here, they would be hard pressed to get past Horace."

Looking back, Liliane saw the slightest twitch of a smile on the knight's face.

'Either she's overconfident, or she's telling the truth.' She thought.

By the end of the tour, which lasted a good few hours, Cassie showed them the way back to Liliane's chambers.

The two Princesses regarded each other with much better attitudes.

Cassie realised Liliane was used to feeling scared and insecure, especially around men, while Liliane thought she could trust Cassandra and even quietly admired her.

"I thank you for that, you highness." Liliane told the other girl with sincerity.

"No problem. And you can call me Cassandra if you like."

The Araluen Princess looked at Horace, who made a point to remind her of the time.

"I'm sorry," she apologised, "but I've got to meet with my father this afternoon. I'll see you at dinner then?"

Liliane nodded. "Yes, and many thanks again."

Cassie resisted the urge to giggle at Liliane's insistent humbling words and instead nodded in reply.

Horace followed obediently, although he came to her side now that they were alone and calmly walked beside her.

"So what do you think of her?" He asked innocently.

Cassie hid the smile that was threatening to come across her face.

"She seems nice." She answered neutrally.

Horace let out a laugh as she bit her tongue, refusing to say anything else.


And no, Cassie and Horace aren't together. They're obviously close trusted friends and hopefully as I get along there will be romantic tension :) Will and Alyss will come in soon, but luckily they will be together so no stress there.

The 'nice' stuff may or may not stop. I like running joke-things, and so does Flanagan. I shall see.

- Mae.