This is my first fanfic, so don't be too harsh! this story will probably follow the movie more closely than the book. Later chapters will be longer, I promise:) PLEASE R&R!

Disclaimer: I do not own Little White Horse or The Secret of Moonacre... sadly:(

Chapter One:

The curse was broken. All was well, everyone happy. For the first time in my life I felt I was where I belonged. I had made many wonderful friends and endured a great adventure. I never wished to leave my new home. But Ms. Heliotrope had other plans in mind…

She fled the manor promptly the next morning, thinking she had at last come to her senses. "My dear Maria," she said. "I have been quite foggy as of late. Yes, why else would I agree to let you do such rash things? Oh my, we must leave at once."

"No!" I was not about to leave the valley, nor my friends. I couldn't leave Robin, anyone but him. My feelings were so tangled when it came to him, but in a way I loved.

"Darling, I'm sorry, but this is not in your best interest. You must come with me." She scowled. "All this magic is, well, unhealthy."

"Ms. Heliotrope, you may do what you like, but you can't make me come with you."

Ms. Heliotrope looked very hurt. "You wont come with me? Even though I left my home to accompany you?" she sniveled. Instantly I felt a wave of remorse. How could I have been so unfeeling? She did come all the way to Moonacre just to keep me safe. I held my head in my hands. "Don't say anything yet. Please see reason, Maria. Think it over."

With that my companion smiled sadly and strode down the corridor. Abruptly, she stopped and turned. "I am off to inform Mr. Benjamin of my decision. Hopefully we can come to an agreement." She opened the door and was gone.