Yeah, the last chapter. D: Enjoy. ^^


The next day, everything was quiet, no whistle blew. Wait? No whistle? Canada opened his eyes, sat up and looked around. Where was Callethy? All there was were the other countries sleeping peacefully, except Lithuania, he couldn't sleep due to America's snoring. Canada got out of bed and grabbed his clothes, but before he left to get changed he kissed Russia's head gently. He saw the smile spread across Russia's face. I don't care if people think you're evil, you're sweet to me. Canada smiled softly.

He then headed for the change room and got dressed. He wanted to find Callethy, what if something happened to her? Once he left the change room he was spotted by Lithuania who, was just trying to wake up the lazy America.

"Oh, Canada. Why are you dressed sp early?" He asked.

"I wanted to go out and find Callethy, she hasn't tried to wake us up yet"

Lithuania straightened himself and realization came to his face expression.

"You're right, it's strange..."

"Looking for me boys?" Came Callethy's voice.

Canada and Lithuania glanced over to where she stood. It appeared that she just walked in seeing as she just closed the door behind her.

"Oh, there you are" Canada said.

"Yes, here I am, what do you need?"

"Um, I wanted to know, why you didn't wake us up like you usually do"

"What you mean like this?" Callethy took out her whistle, and a megaphone this time.

Canada's jaw dropped as did Lithuania's, they both quickly covered their ears before she blew the whistle through the megaphone, making a piercing loud shriek that mad almost everyone scream and jump out of bed.

"...Yes, like that..." Canada sighed.

"Aiyaaaah! Did you have to use a megaphone!" China complained as he lifted himself off the ground.

"Yes..." Callethy walked in between the two rows of countries and stood at attention herself, "LOVERS! ATTENTION!"

Everyone either stumbled, slouched, or just plain walked to their positions, then stood at attention.

"Today is your final day here! Therefore I shall give you your last test! It is a difficult one and only two people have ever succeeded in doing this, and that would be my daughters..."

"Those poor girls" America joked.

"If you get this right, your points will mean nothing and you automatically win!"

"What's our test?" Ukraine asked excitedly.

"You have to!"

Everyone was anxious about doing this one last test, this meant that whoever won would rule the world for a while and they wouldn't be invaded for a year. It was a good prize for any country. But there were some countries that could abuse this prize, which worried everyone.

"Spell my name right..."

Everyone blinked.

"What!" England shouted in rage, "You git! This whole time we just had to spell your name right?"

"YES! Now are you gonna spell it! Or are you gonna stay another few weeks with Pervy Mc molest pants over there!"

"Mon dieu!"

England glared at France then sighed deeply.

"Alright, um... K-"



A couple people giggled at England's sad attempt, but now they knew it wasn't K, it was C.

Callethy pointed at the next person which was France.

"Your turn"

"Alright~ hmm, C-a-l-a"



Again people giggled, only louder this time. It was stupid to do this, but it was also quite fun.

Callethy pointed at Canada next.

"Your turn"

Canada had no idea how to spell her name, it was going to be hard. This was not a name in any country, not that he's heard of anyway.

"Um... C-a-l-...e?"



The countries then went from giggling to full out laughing now. Canada felt the embarrassment overwhelming him as his face turned red. He shuffled his feet sheepishly and looked at the floor shyly.

Then he felt Russia's hand pat his head.

"It's ok Matvey, I'll try to get it for you"

Canada looked up at Russia and smiled softly.

"Thank you" He said.

Russia kissed Canada's cheek then looked at Callethy, ready to answer.

"Alright, go ahead Russia" She said.



"Aha!" Russia laughed with everyone, and Canada joined in.

Callethy pointed at America.

"Your turn"

"OK! C-a-l-l-a-"



This time even England laughed at America's failed attempt.

"Your turn!" Callethy said as she pointed at Lithuania.

"U-um... C-a-l-l-e...t-h..."

He was so close, he almost finished the word, everyone thought for sure he would get her name right.



Everyone aw'd at Lithuania's attempt. He was so close to. Of course no one would mind if Lithuania ruled the world, then again he was paired with America so most people were a little nervous about a hamburger infested world. Callethy pointed at China next.

"Your turn"



"R-Really aru!" China's face lit up with joy.

"Aniki~" South Korea said as he glomped his partner.

China didn't mind this time, since he actually won this whole love camp thing. He just hugged back.

"Wait a minute..." Estonia said.


"Doesn't this make love camp kind of pointless? I mean, all we had to do was spell her name to win"

"It wasn't pointless" Callethy said, "I put you through all those love tests and what did you learn from it!"

Everyone looked at each other before looking back at her.

"To trust" Canada said.

"To protect" America continued.

"and to help!" South Korea shouted still in his joyful state.

"YES! I'm glad you figured that out, unlike my last crew" Callethy said as she pointed at a pile of skulls and skeletons in the corner.

Everyone's eyes grew, now they were a little nervous about being around Callethy.

"Haha, just kidding, those are just Halloween decorations"

"How come I've never seen that there before?" Canada asked.


After everyone had eaten, Callethy called their leaders to prepare a flight for them to head home.

Canada and Russia sat together as they watched everyone do their own thing, whether it was South Korea chasing China, or America boating to Lithuania, or just watching various people talk, they sat there, simply watching . They were probably the only ones who had fallen in love during their entire time there at love camp. It didn't bother them too much, because at least a few people learned how to care and not hate, or at least not as much as they did before.

"Ivan?" Canada said.


"I guess... that this means we have to go back to our countries and, well, go back to our normal lives, eh?"

"...Da... but you know"


Russia looked at Canada with a gentle smile on his face.

"Countries can always get married"

Canada blushed, surprised that Russia would say this, and so soon.

"A-Are you suggesting, w-we, get married?"


Canada smiled back, he hugged Russia tightly too happy to care about what everyone else was doing anymore. Russia wrapped his arms around Canada into a hug.

"Da, I will" Canada said, a tear appearing in his eye.

"Thank you Matvey, thank you for loving me"

"Thank you for loving me too," Canada whispered, but loud enough for Russia to hear, "I-I never thought something like this could happen to me"

"Or me"

Canada looked up at Russia with a gentle smile; he leaned in close to Russia's face and kissed his lips softly, and Russia kissed back. Though, they did not see America, Lithuania, and Russia's sisters watching them from afar.

"I never thought that Mr. Russia would be happy like this" Lithuania said.

"Yeah, I guess I have to get used to him dating my brother" America replied.

"It must be hard for you, America"

"Mhm, but when it comes to my brother, he's about as stubborn as France when it comes to love. Must be his inner French"

"But isn't this great? Little Ivan and Matthew are in love with each other. I think it's adorable, my best friend and my brother" Ukraine giggled.

At least one of the sisters approved, Belarus only glared at Canada as she had to watch her own brother kiss someone other than her. She couldn't just attack now, she knew everyone could stop her easily.

She clenched the knife in her hand and narrowed her eyes more, the longer she stared.

"Alright guys! Time to go back home!" Callethy shouted as she waved her arms to get their attention, "Plane's here!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing and headed for the plane. Canada held Russia's hand as the two walked together. I suppose, everyone turned out for the best. We even learned how to respect each other better. Canada looked at Callethy, It was Callethy's idea to start love camp, and I must say, that it was a great idea. Everyone should attend love camp. Then maybe, the world would know less pain.

I hope to see this place again, but for now I'll focus on Ivan.

Ivan, we'll never be lonely again.

Love Camp


Ok, tis nothing special really. :U This is pretty much how the roleplay ended, yeah I know, most of the roleplays me and my sister/ friends do are on crack so. XD Sorry if it seems a bit rushed, I was excited to finally finish it, but I tried to keep it slow. ^^0 Anyway it's not exactly how the roleplay went, cause if it was, this story would be a whle lot shorter trust me. XD I just added a lot of stuff. I hope you liked it, oh and Christmas is coming soon so I hope you guys get everything you wanted. Merry almost Christmas. ^^