Title: Rebuild of Sailor Moon
By Terra Tenshi and Chrissy Sky
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Mamoru/Motoki
Secondary: Rei/Usagi
Others: Reika/Ami, Kunzite/Zoicite, plus others.
Summary: Strange things are happening in Tokyo. Mamoru and his friends find themselves in the middle of it as he searches for the meaning behind his strange dreams.

Notes: We expand heavily on Mamoru's background, education, and home life, taking cues and making an amalgamation of things in the anime, manga, and PGSM. Stalker is, in part, inspired by our cat Maggie.


Betrayal. Pain. The smell of burnt flesh.

A rushing sound in his ears, then a harsh cold. The moon aglow.

Dancers in the ballroom. Masks, laughter. Smooth, diaphanous silk.

Screams, blood. Tried to protect her. Failure. Loss.

A stranger wearing his lover's face.


A voice. "The mystical silver crystal… Please!"

When he woke, all Mamoru remembered were those words. But he got up in the morning, every morning, and went to school. He spent time with his friends and his family.

He pretended that he did not dress up at night and rob jewelry stores and private exhibits across all of Tokyo.

He was just on his way to the Crown ice cream parlor when something collided with his head. It was more surprising than anything.

Chiba Mamoru picked up the offending object. It was a wad of paper. Unfolding it revealed to be some poor girl's woefully low test score. He looked around for its owner.

A girl was walking in the other direction, two long pigtails trailing in her wake.


She whirled around, blushing prettily when she saw him. "Oh, I'm so sorry!"

Mamoru blinked as he stared into wide, innocent eyes. There was something familiar about those blue eyes but he didn't know why.

He offered the crumpled test paper back. "Just try and be more careful next time, alright?"

She nodded, her long pigtails getting all over the place. They sprouted from two buns on either side of her head. "I will!" She took the crumpled paper and stuffed it into her skirt pocket. "I was just so upset about the grade I got and didn't think about what I was doing." Smiling sheepishly, she bonked herself on the head lightly.

Mamoru smiled politely. "It's alright." He wondered how anyone could be so open with someone they didn't even know. Those eyes were completely guileless.

Then she looked down, saw the books he was carrying. "Gen-genetic…?"

"Genetic Screening in Modern Medicine."

"Wow, you're really smart! You must be in college, right? That's so cool... I wish I was smart and pretty like Sailor V, then I wouldn't get bad grades and mama wouldn't lock me outta the house."

Mamoru nodded slowly, taking in the flood of information. "I am in college actually, at KO. Your mother locks you out of the house for bad grades?"

She blushed. "It's not as bad as it sounds! She always lets me back in. It's because I'm such a crybaby..."

He felt the strange impulse to comfort her. This was not like him at all, speaking so much to a perfect stranger. "I think I'd cry too if I was locked out of my house." Briefly, he contemplated child services, but thought the girl might have been exaggerating too.


He nodded, hesitating. "I was headed to the Crown Fruit Parlor. May I buy you a drink before you go home?" He hoped this wouldn't be misunderstood. It wasn't his intention to hit on her. It was only that she was sweet, leaving him with a warm feeling in his chest. That strange familiarity.

She beamed as enthusiastically as a child. "Sure! I mean, you may, thank you."

Mamoru couldn't help but smiling a little. He was strongly reminded of his younger sister.

When he was very young, Mamoru had been in a car crash with his parents. They had died and he miraculously survived. After recovering in a hospital for weeks, he was placed in child services and, thankfully, adopted. His adopted parents had been unable to have a child before him, but a few years after they had a daughter; a gleam in her father's eye named Hina. Mamoru loved her very much.

It turned out that the girl—Tsukino Usagi—knew Mamoru's best friend, though he could not remember ever seeing her at the Crown arcade before.

The Furuhata family owned and operated the Crown Arcade and its two equally popular chains: the Crown Parlor, where ice cream, frozen yogurt, and fruit drinks were served, and Crown Karaoke, acclaimed to be one of the best karaoke bars in Tokyo. Almost since he had been able to walk, Furuhata Motoki had been donning a white apron and working for his parents.

Despite the differences between their families, Mamoru and Motoki had met while attending the same school as children. They, and their fiery partner in crime Reika, had been inseparable ever since.

When they walked inside the arcade, there was a blond as equally bouncy as Usagi behind the counter. His hair may have been four feet shorter, but Motoki was still an incredibly cheerful person. Today, Mamoru thought he spotted an aged Ninja Turtles t-shirt beneath his customary apron.

Motoki smiled in delight when he saw them. "Welcome!"

There were not many patrons in the parlor, which usually had a large after school crowd, and Mamoru's favorite booth was open. He sat down there with Usagi.

Motoki left the counter, coming up to them with his notepad. "A date, Mamo?" he teased. "I know Usagi-chan is a bit young for you."

Mamoru gave one of his half-smiles. "You think I would break poor Reika's heart like that?" he teased right back. Reika, they both knew, was the one who went after younger girls.

Usagi shook her head, pigtails flying again and her cheeks red. "No no no! It's not a date!"

"It's alright, Usagi-chan," Motoki soothed with a wink. "We always tease each other."

She smiled shyly, relieved. (Mamoru wondered if he should be insulted.) "Oh. No, we just met."

"Really? You're both in here all the time though, you must have met before."

Usagi looked at Mamoru thoughtfully. "No, never. But... It's strange, but it's almost like we have met before." She giggled. "That sounds weird, doesn't it?"

"Not so much actually." Not when he was feeling the same. But how could she tell? "Toki, can we have a chocolate coffee and whatever Usagi-chan wants?"

Usagi chimed in with "Chocolate shake!" and Motoki, chuckling, retreated to the back to get their order.

Mamoru waited until his friend was gone before reaching out with his limited non-tactile abilities, brushing the edges of Usagi's power. His psychometry, which had tormented him in his childhood, was now a useful talent. He could sense things, mostly through touch but sometimes just from proximity.

Her inner light was bright yet gentle; not the harsh glare of the sun, but the gentle beams of the moon. She was very powerful, but untapped, and her mental shields were thin and frail. The girl shivered and he backed off immediately.

Usagi was too powerful to be so defenseless, and felt like she may break apart any second. What was going on here? How was this girl even still alive? What kept her from falling apart at the seams?

She smiled. "It got cold all of a sudden."

"Must be a draft," he murmured absently, knowing she would brush the incident aside. The girl's senses were too unpolished in order to have been able to tell it was him.

"Must be!"

She sipped her shake happily when Motoki brought their order, and then the blond boy stayed, getting into an easy conversation with Usagi. The test—the wad of paper—came up soon into it.

Usagi groaned. "Mama isn't going to be happy with me…"

Motoki was smoothing out the crumpled test with care. "Do you get these kinds of grades often?"

She nodded. "Anymore, it seems that way. And mama locks me out of the house."

"I assume you've tried studying more," Mamoru commented, knowing that if she kept saying that, he might do something drastic. It didn't matter that they had just met. He really felt for this childish, beautiful girl.

"Yeah! Well, I try to, but then I get distracted. It's like I can't focus on anything but sleeping, eating, video games, and comics..."

Mamoru frowned and looked at Motoki. "Don't they test for learning disorders anymore?"

Motoki frowned right back, and he knew his friend was following his thoughts. " Maybe not. Schools have been getting tougher and more competitive."

Usagi was cutely confused. "Learning disorder?"

"Yes. Usagi-chan, were you never tested when you were younger? Did any of your teachers mention the possibility of you having a learning disorder?"

She shook her head. "Nope."

"It could be why you have trouble concentrating."

Usagi's large eyes glistened with unshed tears. "So, something's wrong with me?"

Motoki shifted closer to her immediately. "Aw sweetie, it's nothing bad. It's just something that should be mentioned to you so you can get extra help. Then you won't get such low grades. It's alright. Mamo and I can help."

Mamoru was sure that the offer was given instinctively. Motoki was just like that, willing to help anyone that he was able to. It was just one of the things he loved about his friend. He seemed simple, but there were uncharted depths to the young man that most people didn't bother seeing. Motoki seemed so open, but he kept his secrets carefully hidden with a smile.

Usagi sniffled and Motoki continued to comfort her, reacting much as he would with Hina, Mamoru couldn't help but noticing also, and smiled faintly.

He wasn't too surprised when a pair of slender arms wrapped around him from behind. "Who's the cutie?"

Reika. Mamoru continued to smile. "Usagi. She's Motoki's friend."

The vibrant redhead grinned and slid into the booth next to the blonde, who was recovering from her sniffling. "Hey there, sweetheart. I'm Reika."

Usagi smiled timidly. "Hi."

"She's cute. Toki, are you switching teams?"

Motoki rolled his eyes, not at all bothered by the mention of his sexuality. That was how comfortable the three of them were together. "If I did, Usagi-chan would certainly be a consideration, since she's so sweet."

Usagi blushed, her crush on Motoki obvious. Mamoru could sympathize with the feeling. Motoki was easy to crush on.

Reika grinned. "So cute." She winked at Usagi, and Mamoru was amused when this only made the younger girl blush more. She didn't seem at all freaked out that another girl would flirt with her.

"How long have you been friends?" Usagi asked shyly.

"Oh, forever, sweetheart."

Motoki snickered. "Yes. Primary school, wasn't it? I know we were small. And Reika and Mamo saved me from bullies."

Mamoru nodded. "It was only the second day and you were already getting into trouble."

"But why?" Usagi asked curiously.

Motoki blushed prettily. "They made fun of my turtle backpack."

"Aw! Turtles are cute."

Mamoru grinned. "Toki certainly thinks so."

"He still likes turtles," Reika added. "He keeps one as a pet."

Motoki sniffed, mock-affronted. "Kamekichi is an excellent pet."

This, of course, brought Mamoru's errant cat into the conversation, since the feline was at least partly owned by all three of them, in one sense or another.

One day, on the way home from school, a little black kitten with white feet followed him home, stubbornly, and had clung to Mamoru's leg until he'd had no choice but to take him inside. Apart from being a little too skinny and having bloodied paws from living on the streets, the kitten was in good health (apart from a case of ear mites, which went away with medication eventually). He gained weight quickly and the paws healed. "Stalker" had come naturally as a name.

Mamoru sighed as all three laughed at the story. "You only think it's funny 'cause it wasn't you."

"Aw, I'm sorry, Mamo." Motoki leaned across the table to kiss his cheek.

"Mm-hm, meanie." Mamoru ignored the way his heart rate sped up.

Usagi blushed and Reika emitted a wolf-whistle that got the attention of the other customers. Only then did Motoki blush.

"Does Reika-chan need a kiss too?" he tried to deflect.

"No, I need you two to agree to Jello wrestle in your underwear."

Motoki flushed harder. "And with that, I think I should be getting back to work." The blond quickly retreated back to the counter to hide.

Mamoru almost wished he could do the same, but then Usagi would be in Reika's evil clutches. "What is it with you and Jello?"

"It is jiggly and fruity deliciousness."

"It's made of boiled down animal parts and seaweed."

"Filthy lies."

"Why won't you believe the med major?"

"Because the med major has an unfair bias against my favorite snack," the redhead answered.

"I'm biased because it's disgusting, not because you like it."

She pouted. "Toki, come back me up!"

Their friend was wiping down the fruit mixer. "I've told you, I'm not taking sides. I'm Switzerland."

"Switzerland isn't always neutral you know." Flipping her hair, Reika looked back at Mamoru. "And you like the sun way too much for a med major. It's like you never even heard of skin cancer."

This comment naturally triggered Motoki's mother hen impulse. "Mamo, you remember to use the suntan lotion I bought you, right?"

Mamoru rolled his eyes fondly. "Yes, Toki. I promise. Besides, sunlight is good for you. It helps your body produce vitamin D."

Reika jumped on that. "Yeah, and vitamin D also helps you produce vitamin D."

"And then people give themselves vitamin D toxicity because they're idiots."

Reika sighed, frustrated, and let Mamoru win the debate.

Usagi had to go home soon after, having been expected by her mother immediately after school. Mamoru smiled and wished her luck in talking to her parents, which she promised to do. She rushed out, pigtails flying.

Mamoru was still smirking over his debate victory, until Reika asked which of them would be making Motoki take off after his shift.

Motoki was earning money for their expensive school, it was true, but he tended to overwork himself to the extent where he would collapse. It had happened before, and neither of his friends wanted a repeat performance of that incident.

They played Jan-ken to decide, and Reika won.

Mamoru sighed. "Best two out of three?"

"After the Jello comment? Hell no."

"Do you know what they make pepperoni out of?"

Reika covers her ears. "Not listening!"

Mamoru smirked. "Yes you are."

Reika stood and made her way quickly to do the door. "Not listening, not listening, not listening - Bye Toki! - not listening..."

Mamoru chuckled. Despite herself, Reika could be so easy to tease.

"Fighting over who's making me go home tonight?" the blond in question asked when she was gone.

"Would we do that?" Mamoru asked, keeping his expression serious.

Motoki gave him a level stare, not fooled. "Yes. You do it almost every day." Then he smiled, his features softening. He never scowled often, but when he did it never lasted for long. (Mamoru thought he might actually stress less if he vented a little more, however.) "Actually, I need to study anyway. Cram session?"

"As long as it isn't for chemistry." If he had to do anymore chemistry today he'd hit something. Or use his abilities for things even less noble than robbing jewelry stores, like doing things to Motoki to distract him from work. As wicked as it was, Mamoru had to repress a shiver of arousal at the idea. (And it was there in his head now, stubbornly not going away.)

"Nope. English."


Motoki smiled. "Great. Okay, Unazuki should be here soon so I'll go ahead and get ready."

Mamoru approved, even though it took studying to get Motoki away from work. But unfortunately, Motoki suffered from the anxiety of not excelling that afflicted many other Japanese young people. The blond was smart, but believed he had to push himself and stress to the point of breaking just to keep up with "everyone else." Mamoru wished his friend would realize that just being himself was enough.

Unazuki, Motoki's little sister, breezed in with a rush of her usual girlish enthusiasm, and took over for Motoki. "You two don't do anything I wouldn't do," she teased with a mad gleam in her eye.

Mamoru had suspected before that Unazuki was very much aware of his feelings for her brother. This was only one case of many, since she had gotten old enough to notice such things, but she never said anything blatant. Mamoru contented himself with the thought that she didn't seem to mind.

"So nothing is off limits then?" he shot back.


Motoki flushed brightly, tugging him out of the parlor by his elbow. "Mamo, that's my sister."

"Which basically makes her my sister."

"Yes. So no comments about her being a slut."

"I didn't say she was a slut."

"It was implied." Motoki's blush increased. "And she probably thinks you really will take advantage of me. Or, you know. Vice versa."

So he'd noticed. "She should no better by now. Unless making out because of Reika's obsessions counts."

Motoki blushed. "That's not so bad. You do kiss well."

Motoki made it very hard to resist him sometimes. "I'm still never playing truth or dare with her again. She cheats."

"Oh yeah." His friend mock shivered.

"We did get her back though."

"Mm-hm. Embarrassing her in front of that girl she was hitting on. Good times."

Mamoru grinned at the memory. Then Motoki pressed close once they were off the street and Mamoru softened, enjoying the warmth and intimacy that came with Motoki's touch.

The three of them had mock-flirted regularly since they'd hit puberty. Reika had started it, possibly because she worried so for Motoki, who despite his family's conservativeness just couldn't be with a woman. But as far as Mamoru was aware, Motoki thought of him only as a friend and brother. The flirting was play, though still affectionate. It was still hard sometimes to hold back with his own feelings, especially given that Motoki's love life hadn't been exactly successful thus far. Motoki blamed himself; as far as Mamoru was concerned, all the exes had been jerks.

Motoki always said "I'm a different person when I'm upset at a lover," and claimed that he would say terrible things, but Mamoru never believed him. He had seen Motoki at his worst and it didn't matter. His feelings for his best friend remained strong.

Motoki let him go so that he could open the door to his apartment. "Has Stalker missed me?"

"See for yourself."

At the sound of his voice, the large black and white cat jerked up and ran for the door.

Motoki laughed as Stalker clung to his leg.

"Yup," he said with a smile, despite how the cat's claws must have been digging into his skin through the pant leg. "He missed me."

Motoki reached down and gently pried Stalker off. Mamoru envied the ease with which he handled the cat. Stalker rarely let himself be handled without a fuss.

Motoki cooed over Stalker, switching to "Mommy" and "Daddy" pronouns, and speaking to the cat as old ladies did to babies. Since adopting the cat, Motoki had decided they would both be its parents. Mamoru decided not to think about it too much.

"You missed Mommy, didn't you?"

Stalker mewled and reached up to paw at Motoki's face. Mamoru tensed, but the cat's claws remained sheathed.

Motoki kissed his nose. "Aw, baby. Isn't he adorable, Daddy?"

"No." Those wide blue eyes were lies, in more ways than one.

"So mean, Daddy." Motoki smacked him lightly on the butt on his way to the kitchen.

He resisted a blush, or get retribution. "Hey! Just being truthful." Then he watched as Motoki gave the cat fresh water and continued cooing over him. "You spoil him."

"He's our baby," Motoki replied simply.

"He's a menace." He had the torn shirts to prove it.

Motoki cooed at Stalker. "You're an angel. Daddy loves you, don't listen to anything he says."

Mamoru's lips twitched in amusement. "You see, this is why he never listens to me."

"Aw, I'm sorry." The blond leaved over to kiss him lightly on the lips.

It didn't mean anything, it didn't mean anything- "Not." Mamoru stepped out of Motoki's range after only the merest brushes of their lips.

"Should I keep kissing you until you believe me?" His eyes were sparkling with mischief, relaxed and at play.

"I cannot be bought with sex, you harlot." Mamoru poked his chest, letting him know he was about to cross a line.

Motoki pouted adorably. "You don't think I'd want more than just sex?"

"But buying me off isn't about what you want. It's about me."

Motoki surprised him by suddenly looking serious. "What do you want?" he asked, as if he really wanted to know what Mamoru wanted out of life or something.

He raised an eyebrow. "Other than world peace?"

"Yeah, other than. What do you want that I can give you?"

"Well that's severely limiting." Mamoru ignored the flash of hurt on Motoki's face. Best not try to interpret that. "Chocolate?"

Motoki smiled and instantly relaxed. "Hot chocolate coming up."

"Chocolate is always good." While Motoki worked over the stove, Mamoru turned away and dug through one of his cabinets for cookies, taking a moment to collect his wits.

Sometimes, very occasionally, did Motoki's flirting seem real. It was hard being around him in those moments.

But he had learned to content himself with what he had. He still knew Motoki better than another man, a lover, ever would. He had a bond with his friend that no interloper could ever appreciate. Maybe it was slightly obsessive, but it was the truth.

And though there hadn't been a boyfriend in awhile, another would come, and Mamoru wouldn't stand in the way. He wanted Motoki to be happy; even if it was the kind of happiness he was perfectly capable of providing himself. It just wouldn't happen that way.

"What do you want for dinner?" he asked once he felt better, finding the cookies he was looking for and returning to Motoki's side.

Motoki stole from the Oreo package in his hand. "You know I would conquer whole countries for your pasta."

Mamoru laughed. "Alright, pasta it is. Cookie thief."

"Do you want it back?"

"No, now it has Motoki cooties all over it."

"I'm offended and hurt."

"That you have cooties? I'm offended too. You really should do something about that."

The blond laughed too loud for such a bad joke. He must have been very stressed that day. "You goof."

"I am not. I'm the mature one, remember?"

"Uh huh." Motoki hunted down a mug for his hot chocolate, poured, and carefully handed it over. "Here you go. Sprinkled with cinnamon, the way you like it."

He sipped slowly, savoring the warm taste. "Mm, yummy."

"I'm glad I please you, my liege."

"Good, servant."

"I live to please you, master."

"I live to serve you, master."

Mamoru blinked. Well that was weird. Something about being called "master" gave him a strange sense of déjà vu. "Hm."

Motoki didn't notice his mood shift. They ate dinner at the table and afterwards set up in the sitting room for their study session, two glasses of lemonade sitting in front of them. The TV was on, muted, Stalker was napping near them, and English textbooks were open in their laps. Mamoru also had his collected Shakespearean book nearby too, where he could glance at it and have Motoki translate certain phrases.

"What do they have you reading now?" the blond asked as they began.

"The Tempest. You'd like it."

"I don't remember what that one's about."

"Crazy wizard, stranded on a deserted island with his beautiful daughter, decides to take revenge. It's funny."

Motoki smiled. "Sounds funny."

Mamoru nodded. "Hell is empty, and all the devils are here," he recited in perfect English.

"Uh..." Motoki translated the sentence awkwardly into their native Japanese.

Mamoru smiled approvingly. "Close. You want something like 'youma' rather than 'akuma.'"

His friend was mildly embarrassed by the mistake, always too hard on himself. "Oh, right."

Mamoru patted his knee encouragingly. "Try this one: 'I do begin to have bloody thoughts.'"

Motoki took this one with a little more confidence, for it wasn't as complicated.

They kept going for awhile longer, Motoki improving slowly and answering with growing self-assurance. English had never been his strong point. Sometimes he just needed a refresher.

After Mamoru commented on his improvement, Motoki smiled. "So I'm not terrible then." He paused to yawn widely.


"A little. I haven't been sleeping well. Really strange dreams."

Mamoru tensed slightly at the mention of dreams, thinking of his own. "Oh?"

Motoki didn't notice. "Yeah. About... a shrine? With ruins around it, and a lot of water."

The sound of gently running water. The shrine priestesses lighting incense under the statue of the sun god. A beautiful place they thought would last forever… Mamoru shivered, the imagery fleeting. He forced his mind to focus on their conversation.

This was the real world. His psychometry just kept picking up strange things. That was all.

Motok looked troubled, but didn't seem to notice Mamoru's condition. "I can't remember anything else, but I always jerk awake, my heart pounding."

"Maybe they're just nightmares?"

Motoki smiled wryly. "Maybe. Too many midnight snacks, huh?"

"Maybe." Mamoru hesitated, but decided he had to do something. "Perhaps a change of scenery would help?"

"Like where?"

Mamoru motioned around them.

"Oh!" Motoki smiled as he caught on. "If you don't mind."

"I wouldn't offer if I did."

"Then I'd love to."

"Want to stop?"

Motoki emitted another yawn, smothering it with his hand. "Yeah. The English is starting to go double. Not the best way to read."

"Bed then. We can study some other time."

"Okay." Motoki paused momentarily to pet Stalker as he came over for a nuzzle.

Mamoru stood and together they pulled out the fold-out couch. He brought a blanket and pillows for his friend, making it comfortable, and watched as Motoki lay down. Stalker immediately jumped into it with him, purring loudly, which Motoki completely fell for.

Clearly, the cat was evil and had a direct line to all of Motoki's soft spots.

"Suck up," Mamoru grumbled, but he was ignored. "Want some warm milk?"

Motoki gave him a dreamy smile. "Sure."

Nodding, Mamoru brought him a cup of warmed milk, which Motoki was thankful for. He drank it readily and was almost immediately asleep.

Mamoru retreated to the kitchen to wash dishes. It wasn't long before he felt a familiar little body rub against his leg, getting hair all over his pants.

He frowned down into big blue eyes. "I just washed those you know." He knew that the cat knew, somehow. Maybe all cats appeared to know the secrets of the world and fool their owners, but Mamoru had a strong feeling his cat was different. Fundamentally different.

Stalker only purred, rubbing more.

"Of course that would please you." Sighing, Mamoru finished the dishes and stepped over Stalker to put them away. When he finished, he turned off the lights and went to bed.

Stalker followed along on soft feet, jumping into bed with him as Mamoru changed and climbed under the covers.

The human sighed dramatically. "Brat," he accused, but without heat.

It was hard to hold anything against Stalker for long, and for all the clawing and biting, all he had were fond memories of taking care of him with Motoki. He remembered that tiny ball of fuzz that had seemed to cling to the nearest human, constantly, that his friend had fallen in love with so utterly. Maybe Mamoru had too, just a little. More than he wanted to admit to himself, anyway.

Stalker curled up on his chest, his preferred spot, and licked his pajama shirt, almost in answer.

Mamoru huffed a laugh and settled down for sleep.

He had no dreams that night, and neither did Motoki.


This is a work in progress and likely to change (again). All changes made recently are superficial. Edited chapter two will be uploaded soon.