After my accident my therapists told me it might be helpful if I started a journal.

But...being 8, that wasn't high on my list of priorities. At that time I still kind of thought my legs would magically work again one day. I thought my friends would welcome me back with open arms when I finally got to go back to school, even if I was in a wheelchair. I thought that my life wouldn't change too much.

When you're 8 you don't think about the future, because you're too busy living in the present. When I was 8, my present was hell, and I would have given anything to escape it. Of course, that's not how life works. Around the time I turned 10 I realized that we have to live in the present if we want to get to the future. Does that even make sense?

Anyway...back to why I've started this journal.

Now that I've reached the ripe old age of 17, I thought maybe I should give it a try.

After can't hurt, can it? It's just a book to write in. Maybe it'll be helpful.

Hey...maybe one day, when I'm famous, this journal will be published as part of my memoirs.

A guy can dream...right?

A/N: Something you want me to write about? Let me know!

Obviously I don't own Glee.