Disclaimer: I don't own Glee! but I wish I did =)

AN: Puck never slept with Quinn- the baby is Finn's. I suppose it very out of character but I hope you like it anyway. I don't live in America, let alone Ohio so I have taken some creative license with the details. I'm also not Jewish, so I bent the customs I know to fit the story.

Chapter One:

Lima is not a big town. But being a Jewish student in such as small town was an even bigger isolation. Sure Puck had managed fine once reaching junior high and Rachel, Well, She was going to succeed no matter what she chose to do. There was no doubt about that.

But the pair hadn't always been at William McKinley High. In fact they had both attended the same Jewish college in a nearby town. There had been 10 kids from Lima who would make the 40minute bus ride into Pilton every day for school and they were a pretty tight group. The ringleaders of the group were no other than Noah Puckerman and Rachel Berry. They were pretty much joined at the hip from the time they were toddlers. That was, up until Noah left Pilton Jewish College to move to a school closer to home. They stayed good friends but when Rachel moved to McKinley, Noah (or Puck as he was now known) had become part of the football team and had an image to uphold, something that Rachel wasn't exactly comfortable with. They had come to an agreement that they would remain friends out of school but during school they would remain in their own social circles. Unfortunately for Rachel, that often meant putting up with slushie showers that Noah would always apologize for later on.

Their friendship wasn't the only secret the pair shared either. And the second one was MUCH bigger. For many years they had avoided their 'little issue' as Noah had referred to it. But now, their time had run out, and at their parents and Noah's grandmothers request, they were going to have to face the facts sooner rather than later. It wasn't like they didn't have any say in the matter, they did, but in a town like Lima, their options were severely limited. They were Jewish and although their families hadn't always followed certain tradition, This one had been planned since before they could walk.

Puck and Rachel had a chat over the weekend to decide how they were going to handle it and both agreed that the first step would be telling their friends in Glee the whole story. Not leaving out anything. Currently that resulted in Noah pacing backwards and forwards nervously in the Choir room whilst everyone, including Mr. Shue, sat waiting. When Noah had continued the pacing in silence for another few minutes Rachel finally caved.

"Noah!" She said a little more forcefully than she would have liked, but it worked, he finally stood still. The others in Glee watched the little scene playing out before them with interest and curiosity. They knew it had to be something big if Puck was so nervous and were they imagining it or had Rachel just called Puck, Noah?

"Sorry," Puck said seriously his eyes locking on Rachel's, "I don't know where to start," he finished truthfully. Rachel smiled and got up to stand next to her friend. It wasn't just his responsibility to do this.

"Okay," she said addressing the Glee members and Mr. Schue, "So you all know that Puck and I came to this school from other schools, but what you don't know is that we both came from Pilton Jewish College. We have known each other since we were toddlers and have been best friends for just as long," she explained calmly.

"but you guys don't act like friends around here, let alone best friends," Quinn said rather shocked by this information, not sure whether to believe the girl standing in front of them.

Noah decided to take the lead on this one.

"Rachel came here after me, by the time she got here I was already part of the football team, it was a completely different atmosphere from PJC. Rachel didn't want to be involved in that scene and I didn't want to give it up so we came up with a compromise," Puck explained to his friends.

"Getting slushied on a daily basis is one hell of a compromise. Why are you telling us this now?" Finn asked curiously, "I mean what's changed?"

Rachel and Noah shared a look.

"Believe it or not that's not our only secret," Rachel informed them pausing for a second, "This one is big."

"We're Jewish, and whilst our families may not be very traditional anymore, there are certain parts of our culture we are supposed to uphold," Puck sighed looking over at Rachel, she gave him an encouraging smile. "My grandmother is very ill, she probably won't be around next year, she is traditional and wants to see me follow in the same traditions she did," He continued beating around the bush. He could see the others getting confused but didn't have the guts to say what needed to be said. Rachel once again saved the day.

"We have an arranged marriage," She said quickly before she too lost the nerve to say it. Hoping the quick and straight to the point method would calm their nerves. The pair watched as jaws dropped around the room.

"It's been planned since we were toddlers, it wasn't set to happen until after we had left high school but…" Puck started to explain, "With my Gran being ill and both our parents' permission, it will all be finalized soon."

"We need you to understand that this isn't something that is completely forced upon us, although it is planned for us, we both have the option of saying no to a potential match, however, Lima is not a big place and the Jewish community within it is even smaller," Rachel said trying to explain how it all worked to the stunned mob in front of her. This time Noah came to her rescue.

"What Rachel is trying to say is that, we have talked about this… a lot, and finally decided we are going to go ahead with this, we know it's going to be really really hard, but we do not have too many options that will keep both our families happy," he explained, "if we say no, we could do a lot worse."

The group sat in silence for a while. Puck and Rachel were starting to fidget as they got more and more nervous, when Mr. Schue finally spoke up.

"I can't say I'm not completely shocked, but I am also very proud of the two of you," he began, "It can't have been an easy decision to make, congratulations guys!"

There were murmurs of congratulations coming from all over the room as their friends shock started to slip away.

Kurt was the first to walk up to the pair, he held out his hand for Puck to shake, "Congratulations," he said sincerely before pulling Rachel into a hug, "now let me see your engagement ring!" He said excitedly. Rachel chuckled and pulled her necklace out from inside her shirt. Her simple white gold ring was hanging off it. Noah had taken her to a jeweler to buy it on the weekend. He had insisted that if they were going to do this, she needed something to prove it. He was going to be broke for a while.

All the girls gasped and came up for a closer look.

"It's stunning!" Tina said smiling up at Rachel, all the girls agreed.

Mr. Shue clapped his hands together, "well, I can see we aren't going to get any work done today, so let's call practice to a close until tomorrow."

"Ah one thing guys," Rachel said before anyone left the room, "we would really appreciate if you kept this to yourselves for a while."

Everyone nodded their agreement before the girls went back to admiring Rachel's ring.

Puck could see Rachel being bombarded with questions. He walked over and picked up his and Rachel's bags, "Come on Rach, let's go home," He said flashing her a smile.

Rachel looked at Noah and then back at the girls before saying, "I'll answer your questions at lunch tomorrow, we have to go see Noah's grandmother tonight." The pair quickly left the room and climbed into Noah's truck.

There you have it, the first chapter of 'Our little Arrangement'. I have written quite a few chapters ahead of this story so I hope you like it! I have sucky internet connection out where I am but I will try to update asap.

Reviews would be magical!

Elle xox