Disclaimer – I don't own bleach, if I did Ichigo and Rukia would have kissed a loooong time ago.

this is my first fan fiction ever. pleas r/r tell me what you guys thought was wrong with it. I do make a lot of mistakes and would like to know about them. and don't be afraid to be harsh on me, really i want to know the truth.

anyways on with the story...

Rukia sat against a sakura tree looking up at the night sky; she loved the moon and stars. They were all so beautiful. She closed her eyes and listed to the crackle of a near by brook. She sat there for only a few minuets before she herd something else far off. A few seconds later she herd it again this time louder and closer. The third time she could make out what it was.

"Ruuuukiiiiaaaaa!" she herd someone calling her. "RUUUUKIIIIIAAAAA!" the voice was louder and sounded more impatient.

"What do you want Renji?" she asked quietly to herself.

"Rukia" she herd a relived sigh "where have you been? Everyone has been looking for you for the past hour."

"Leave me alone Renji… I don't want to talk to anyone right now"

"Rukia…" Renji said, and she turned her head to look at him with an annoyed/bored look in her eyes. "What is wrong with you lately? You have never been this depressed before."

Rukia sighed; she knew that he wouldn't give up easily. He had been bugging her about this same thing for weeks now and she knew that it was time to tell him what was on her mind or she would never hear the end of it.

"Renji?" she asked and he looked at her with questioning eyes. "Have you ever wanted something so badly that you can almost taste it but right before you get there it is taken from you?"

"What?" he asked.

She sighed "I thought that I would be so happy living here with Biakuya-sama… but I don't know if it was the right thing to do anymore.

"I don't want this arranged marriage Renji" she said flatly.

Renji stared at her for a few minuets before sitting down next to her and sighing. "You know" he said hoping to cheer her up "you don't even know who this guy is. He might not be so bad." She looked away from him. She didn't want to look at him; she knew that he wouldn't understand how she felt. She had already thought about that herself and maybe he was a good person, but, that was not what she was worried about. She didn't want to be forced into love; she wanted to fall in love for herself.

"Rukia… how can I help you?" he asked. Rukia looked at him suddenly with surprise. "W-what?" she stuttered. "I hate seeing you in this state. Tell me what you want me to do and I will do it." He said with a determined look in his eyes.

She just stared at him in shock for a few minuets. How did he know that I was planning something she asked herself no I don't think that he knew, he was just guessing. Then again he is really observant. She sat there thinking for a minuet then finally said "Okay."

Renji looked at her waiting for her to go on. "I was planning to do this on my own but…" she looked at him with a look of hope and trust in her eyes.

"Renji… I am going to run away." She said.

so what did you think of the first chapter? i bet you all think that it is really cheesy and lame.

haha well i thought that it was pretty good for my first try but like i said at the top tell me what you think is wrong with it because the writer always thinks that it is good until they get the feedback and realize what is wrong. ;) well pleas r&r. i will not upload the next chapter until i get at least 3 reviews.