Chapter 1

I threw myself against the metal door of my cell. It didn't budge.

"Let me out!" I screamed but as usual there was no answer. In the two years I had been locked away there had never been a reply. Bruised and defeated I sunk to the cold cement floor and wedged myself into a corner. Wrapping my arms around my legs and resting my head on my knees I forced back tears. It wasn't fair. I wasn't some animal to be caged.

But it was no use. To Providence I was just some weapon. Something to lock away from the world until needed.

Freak. Doesn't belong with normal people. Take her away. That's what they'd said. What was normal anymore anyway? How did you define something like that?

"Rex we shouldn't be here." warned a voice from the other side of my cell door. I froze. Someone was out there, what did they want this time?

"Relax Noah. You can't seriously tell me you've never wondered what's in here before." another voice.

"I'm just telling you, this isn't a good idea. Do you know what will happen if we get caught?"

"No. Do I care? No." the footsteps were getting closer and closer. I heard an exasperated sigh. Then all went silent. " I mean come on, don't you wanna know what they're hiding down here?" said the second voice. A shadow passed over the tiny window in the door and a face appeared blocking out what little ray of light was being let in.

"It just looks like a bunch of empty cells." the first voice said gruffly. Clearly irritated.

I got up slowly and inched along the wall sticking to the darkest shadows, then raced to the door and slammed my fist onto it. Leaving a big dent. The person on the other side jumped back and I heard a yelp of surprise. I heard a third person laughing. A deep raspy sound. Blinking I stepped into the little stream of light once again peeking through my tiny window. A blonde haired boy was helping his friend to his feet.

"What was that?" asked the dark haired boy, dusting off his red jacket. They all looked over, meeting my gaze, and I glared back.

"A…girl." said the blonde boy before he and the third member of their party, who I couldn't see, began laughing. "You jumped ten feet in the air because of a girl?" they mocked. Mr. Red Jacket just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah laugh it up." he mumbled and came closer. He stared at me for a minute then asked, "Who are you?"

"Kaycee." I growled. What did he care?

"Hold on a sec. Soundproof glass. Can't hear you." an instant later my door was pulled free of its hinges.

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Rex? There's probably a reason she's down here." said the blonde haired boy who I figured must be Noah.

"She's a girl. How much harm can she-" I grabbed him by his shirt collar and lifted him off the ground.

"Wanna try that again?" I hissed.

"I told you." said Noah in a panicked voice.

"Alright easy girly." said the third person. I looked down to see a monkey staring back at me, holding guns and wearing an eye patch. You have got to be kidding me. I thought.

"Look I think we got off on the wrong foot here." Rex began. "I'm sorry about what I said. Can you just put me down?…please?" he looked at the monkey. "A little help here Bobo." I sighed and dropped him.

"You here to harass me too?" I spat.

"Harass you? We didn't even know anything was down here." said Noah.

"Yeah this place has been closed off for years." explained Bobo.

"Who else is down here?" Asked Rex, getting to his feet.

"No one. They moved everything else to a different sector. Claimed I was too much of a threat." I don't know why I was explaining this to these intruders but anymore I didn't care. "Solitude is nice but only for so long."

"Wait a minute you're the reason they closed it off?" asked Bobo a hint of shock in his voice.

I nodded. "What else do you do with a weapon when its not needed?"

"Wait a minute. Weapon?" Rex jumped in.

"A little on the slow side isn't he?" I said sarcastically to the monkey.

"They locked you away so-" Noah started but I finished.

"Yeah, I'm the disposable freak."

"And you thought you had it bad." he turned to Rex.

"I don't get it. What's so threatening about you? You look pretty normal to me." It took a minute for those words to process. No one had ever said that to me before.

"I can control people." and I can get inside your mind. And when I'm done with you, you'll die. I said to all of them. "Understand now?"

"Whoa, ok that was weird. How did you do that?" Noah looked freaked out. The normal reaction to my powers.

"It's a curse. One I was born with." I stepped closer to Noah. Who instinctively back away. "Hmm. You're normal but something is off about you." I pointed to Rex. Then smiled at the irony. "You are one too." his gaze darkened for a brief second before red lights started flashing and alarms went off.