Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Fake or Any of Its Characters

Strings in A Knot

By: Nova Starlight

Part 1: Relationship Evolves

JJ rushed from work, practically dragging his friend and fellow detective, Ryo Maclean behind him. "Is there really any need to run like this?" Ryo asked impatiently.

"Yes!" he insisted. "The party for Drake is tonight and I have not picked out a gift for him yet. So, let's hurry up so you can help me pick something out." Tonight was Drake's 35th birthday and they planned to celebrate with the four of them at their new favorite bar. JJ had already picked out and purchased a cake, that Ryo was picking up later, he just needed to get a gift. He could only hope that Drake would be happy about the surprise party.

Ryo was silent as they continued walking and when JJ looked back, he was blushing. "You are not buying him anything…personal? Are you?" he asked shyly.

JJ let out his musical laugh and patted Ryo on the back. "You have been with Dee how many years and you are still able to blush like that? I think that says something." The crimson color in his face did not diminish at that statement, if anything it intensified. What exactly had JJ meant by that? He did not consider it for long when he heard JJ speaking, "But, to answer your question, No I don't plan on buying Drake anything like that. I think Drake would be as embarrassed as you are."

"So, why did you want me to come with you for this?" Ryo asked. He had to admit he had been more surprised than maybe he should have been when JJ had asked him to accompany him on this shopping trip. In the months since he had confronted him about his relationship with Drake, his own relationship with JJ had changed from merely friendly to true friendship. Despite this fact, it still surprised him when JJ asked him for advice or confided in him.

"Well, to be honest. I don't really have any other friends to do this kind of stuff with. Besides, you and Dee are the only ones at work who know about us. So, you are the only one I can ask for an opinion on a nice, romantic, gift for Drake."

Ryo smiled back though there was a hint of sadness in his expression. "You know, even though everyone knows about me and Dee. I feel the same way you do sometimes."

JJ was smiling back brilliantly and Ryo had to admit that he could understand why Drake had once commented that JJ's smile had won him over. They had a few hours to shop before meeting their partners, significant others, at Woody's. Woody's had become their new favorite bar when the two couples had begun spending time together in public. It was a gay bar, but much like any other sports bar; with TVs, pool tables, dart boards, and draft beer. They could relax and be themselves without worrying about running into anyone from work, at least no one that would tell their secret.

Of course, JJ thought back to the first time he and Drake had joined Dee and Ryo there. Dee had suggested the place to go out to celebrate the end of Drake's suspension. Drake had looked extremely nervous as they had walked in but with a few beers and a round of pool, he had managed to relax. For the rest of the evening, JJ had floated on a cloud of happiness as Drake had wrapped his arms around him, kissed him in front of everyone, and even danced with him.

With a sigh, he remembered that happiness. It had been a few months since they had become a couple, but Drake was still skittish about their relationship outside of places like Woody's or in front of anyone other than Ryo & Dee. He had told himself back then that he was satisfied with the way things were, but now he knew that he would not be able to remain this way much longer. He was so in love that he wanted to shout it from the rooftops. It was not that he did not understand Drake's concerns, he did, but their precinct was unlike any other. Surely, it would not be that big a deal for the others to know about them. He shook it off and tried to focus on the task at hand, finding Drake the perfect present.

At that moment, Drake was out with Dee awaiting his "surprise" party later that evening. From the minute he had told JJ his birthday he had seen the gleam in his eyes that he was planning something. Then when the day finally arrives he says that he has "errands" to run. He loved JJ, but subtle and smooth he was not. Not that Dee was doing much to keep the whole thing secret, constantly reminding him of his birthday and his age. He knew he should probably have some feelings about officially reaching his mid 30's but he was apathetic about the whole thing. It was probably due to his own contentment with his life right now. He was in love, in a great relationship, and everything was going great at work. It was the first time he would ever blow out the candles on his birthday cake and not have a clue what to wish for.

Dee noticed that Drake seemed very quiet as they sat inside the cop bar, close to the precinct. It was not that he seemed unhappy; in fact he seemed happier than ever, but he was just so quiet. "A beer for your thoughts?" he commented with a smile, as he gestured to the bartender to bring another round.

"Do you want JJ to kill me?" Drake asked. "He'll have both our heads if we show up to that party smashed."

"What party?" Dee asked, feigning innocence. All it took was one hard look from Drake before he shrugged his shoulders and took the last swig of his beer. "Oh well,…I figured you knew anyway."

"Uh huh," He concurred with a small sip of his own beer. He had been nursing his beer slowly for the hour they had already been sitting there.

"So, I have to ask…out of my own curiosity," Dee began, breaking the silence. "What's it like with JJ?"

He nearly choked on his beer in surprise. As Dee patted him on the back and he regained his composure. When he got his breathing under control, he swung to face Dee and demanded, "Why the FUCK would you ask me that?"

"Oh come on, we are both guys. Aren't we supposed to brag about our conquests?" Dee asserted. "I'll give you details about me and Ryo," he offered.

"No thanks," he shot back. "And, I am certainly not giving you details about me and JJ's sex life." He brought the bottle to his lips prepared to take another sip when Dee spoke again.

"If you are that embarrassed, that must mean that JJ is seme," he claimed with a laugh.

Drake was not able to stop himself as he quickly countered. "Of course not!" He blushed a little as he realized what he had revealed in a burst of indignation. "Look, I have no interest in broadcasting my sex life to anyone, not even you."

"You're no fun," Dee commented with a pout. "You were never like this with girls."

"That's because he is more important to me," Drake answered without thinking. "Damn, I have got to stop letting Dee get the best of me," he thought to himself.

"Well…will you at least answer my questions?" Dee suggested.

"I'll consider it," he consented.

Dee's eyes scanned the room, it appeared as if he were looking to see if anyone was watching them. Drake thought that he probably should have done that before beginning this whole strange conversation but he did not say that aloud. "How often do you two have sex?"

Drake wondered just what really prompted Dee's curiosity. He knew that as a single man, one could live vicariously through the stories of others, but Dee had Ryo right? He wanted to ask some questions of his own, but instead he just sighed and resigned to answering Dee's. "I don't really count, but I guess probably seven or eight times a week." The bug eyed look of shock on Dee's face told him that the number he had given was more than Dee had been expecting. "What?" was his response to that look.

"I guess I just did not know you had it in you," he remarked. "Or maybe that JJ had it in him." He laughed at his own joke and Drake could not help but shake his head. For all of his talk of questions, Dee seemed strangely silent now. He glanced at the clock above the bar and wondered what JJ was doing at that moment.

When he and Dee walked into the bar he prepared himself to fake surprise. The first thing he saw was a blur as JJ rushed to him and latched on to him tight. "Happy Birthday Baby!" JJ shouted with happiness before pulling him in by his shirt for a kiss. It did not take long for the other patrons to take notice of them and begin cheering appreciatively. He should be embarrassed, and truthfully he was a little embarrassed, but his focus was more on how good it felt to have JJ in his arms. When they finally pulled away, he noticed the booth that had been set up for them in the back by the pool table. "You knew you had a party," JJ observed.

"Yeah," he admitted. "But, that kiss was one Hell of a surprise." JJ just smiled back and grabbed him by his tie to lead him to the table.

The evening was a blast, hanging out with JJ, Dee, & Ryo, shooting pool. He noticed that Dee seemed a little quiet but he did not give it too much thought. His attention was focused on JJ, watching him as he moved around the bar. More importantly, watching the way everyone else's eyes seemed to follow him. As he went to get them another round of beers, one of the men at the bar began to talk to him. The macho side of him wanted to go over and punch the guy and ask questions later, but he managed to tamp down the urge and just watch the interaction play out. JJ simply shook his head and then he turned to look back and their eyes met. "Looks like he just gave the guy his answer," he thought to himself. Dee drew his attention by barking that it was his turn to shoot, and when he looked back he saw that the guy apparently did not take the hint. He could not make out what he was saying, but whatever it was, JJ just shrugged in response and walked away.

"What was that all about?" he asked as he approached them.

"Oh, he was just attempting to be charming," JJ commented offhandedly. Then he put down the pitcher of beer at the booth where Ryo was sitting. "Are you two almost done?" he asked; attempting to change the subject. "You promised to give me some pointers."

Before he could say no, Dee piped up, "Go ahead, his head's not in the game anyway." Then he walked back over to the booth with Ryo.

"Well, since he does not seem to mind, grab a cue and I'll show you how to shoot pool."

A few minutes later, Drake was beginning to think that JJ asking for help was all an attempt to seduce him. He had been useless until Drake had come up behind him and moved his body into position to take the shot. As he had leaned forward, it had moved that full little behind right into his crotch and set his blood boiling. Of course, JJ had just turned to face him with a mischievous little smile before moving his hips, just enough to make him groan a little in his throat.

JJ had a way of seducing him in the most casual way. The smallest little movements and gestures could get his desire pumping and have him out of his mind with the need to have him. Never before, had he felt this sex crazed over anyone. He was just about to grab hold of him and take him into the bathroom when he heard a splash and the bar went silent. He scanned the area and learned immediately what the sound had been. Ryo had apparently been pissed off at something Dee had said, because he dumped the entire pitcher of beer over his head. With every eye in the bar fixed on them, Ryo grabbed his jacket and stormed out.

Once the door slammed, the attention was back on Dee. Drake knew that he was simply waiting for Dee to go running out after him, but he just sat there; stiff and still as a statue. "I should go after him," JJ remarked.

"Why, should you go after him?" Drake asked impatiently.

"Because obviously the dumb oaf is not going to, and he is my friend now," he stated.

Drake sighed and cursed the stiffening in his groin that JJ had caused. "You're right," he agreed. "Just call me and let me know when you are coming home."

"Really? I hate to do this on your birthday," He said with a sad look on his face.

"I'll be fine," Drake insisted. Then he gave him a swift little smack on his behind and said, "I still expect my present tonight, and I'll be waiting up for it."

After JJ walked out the door, he turned back to where Dee had been sitting to see the seat empty. Now, where the hell did he run off to?

Hours later, JJ was bone weary as he returned to Drake's apartment. He felt sorry for Ryo, but was unsure of how to help him. It was his lover's birthday, he should be showering him with affection, and he intended to do just that. He used the key that Drake had given him and entered the apartment to find it quiet. The only light was the small lamp on the bedside table. Drake was sleeping soundly, naked, with the sheet hanging around his hips. He should let him sleep, but the sight of him there was affecting him. He began unbuttoning his clothes and casting them aside.

He slowly moved the sheets and then moved his body into the bed. He was happy to hear Drake give a contented sigh and reach out for him as he awoke. "I'm glad you're back," he murmured sleepily.

"Me too," JJ assured, his hands were already moving over Drake's body hungrily.

Though his desire was already intense, Drake had every intention of going slow and making this last. He would join their lips together and then slowly pull them apart, licking or nibbling at JJ's lips. The moans that he elicited from that sweet mouth were fanning the fires of his desire. His hands were already wrapping around JJ's waist and slipping down to cup his firm backside.

"I opened your present," he commented between kisses. "Thank you for the record."

"Aww," he pouted. "I wanted to see you open it. You have been looking for that one for a while right?"

"Yeah, but I want this more," he insisted. He increased the pressure of his hands and took a firm hold, maneuvering him against his own stiffening groin. JJ practically mewled with anticipation at the touch. Drake smiled at the sound. He had to admit that he loved having this effect on JJ. Obviously, any man would want to be considered a good lover by their partner, but the feeling was intensified by the fact that JJ was a man. Because he had never been with another man, he used to obsess over whether he was any good, or was he being too rough. Those little noises that JJ made for him were all the reassurance he needed.

"Don't tease me," JJ pleaded softly.

At hearing those words, he could no longer hold back. He laid JJ back on the bed, while he reached for the lubricant in the nightstand drawer. JJ clung to him tightly as he gently inserted the first finger. When he moved on to the second finger, he could barely contain his own urgency. Knowing just how wonderful the hot, tight, slide into JJ would be, he just wanted to push his way in. He held back until JJ's hands were fisted in the sheets and he was panting.

"Oh JJ, you look so beautiful like this," he blurted out without thinking. Then he raised JJ's legs up onto his shoulders. As he thrust in to that tight heat, JJ leaned his body forward to join their lips in a passionate kiss. Drake could barely handle the sensation of being joined with JJ, and the dueling of their tongues as they kissed. "So much for making this last," he thought to himself. His pace increased, every thrust coming faster and faster, yet still thorough as he withdrew almost completely before pushing back into him. Within moments, he had reached his peek. They hung onto each other as their orgasms seemed to resound through their bodies.

Afterwards, they continued to hold each other feeling sweaty and exhausted. JJ pulled Drake into an embrace, placing his head upon his chest. As JJ's heart beat once again settled into its natural rhythm he could feel and hear Drake's even breathing. He smiled as he thought of his lover sleeping on him like this. There should be no bounds to his happiness right now, but he could not stop thinking about their current situation as he remembered that he would have to return home in the morning to change before work. He was not really sure what the ideal solution to all of this would be, there was a part of him that was scared of pushing Drake for too much too quickly. He could only hope that given some time, Drake and he would work things out on their own.

The next morning, JJ was bundled in a thick overcoat to fight off the late autumn chill in the air. He had awoken early and rushed back to his apartment to change. The temperature had caught him a little by surprise. A sudden shift in the wind, had him pulling the collar up and shoving his hands into his pocket.

As he entered the office, he was surprised to see that Drake was already there and chatting away on his phone.

"Yeah Mom, I just found out today," he overheard Drake saying, as he was hanging up his coat. He was talking to his mother; he guessed she had probably called to wish him a happy birthday. "Yes, I will be there." Drake's eyes met his as he sat down in his chair. "Oh by the way. I will be bringing a guest with me….Anyway, listen, I can't talk right now….I love you too Mom….Bye!"

"What was all that about?" he asked Drake once he had hung up the phone.

"The Chief just told me that you and I are going to be one of the few lucky ones with Thanksgiving off," Drake began, with a bright smile plastered on his face. "So, I told my Mom we would come out to her place."

To Be Continued…

Author's Notes: Want to know why Ryo dumped beer on Dee? Or what JJ said to Ryo when he finds him? All will be revealed in my one shot companion fic "Never Enough"to be posted soon.

Also, I would like to thank everyone who reviewed and/or favorited Strings Attached for giving me the support and motivation to continued to write for Drake & JJ.

Thanks & Love to…








Mena Madvin





Angel of The Mirror

Hope All Of You Will Read This Story & Enjoy It As Much As You Did The Other!

Also, I have begun my companion fic "Never Enough" that will be a One-Shot

Dee & Ryo pairing.